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1: http://www.minecraft...y13-forge-spmp/

2: http://www.minecraft...0000-downloads/

3: http://www.minecraft...164smp-statues/


4: Morph mod http://www.minecraft...almost-any-mob/

5: Flan's mod: http://flansmod.com

-With extensions: 

6: BOII/MW3 

7: Simple parts

8: Civil package

9: -Dimensional doors: http://www.minecraft...nal-doors-v222/

10: -Tinker's construct: http://www.minecraft...kers-construct/

11: -Wireless redstone: http://www.minecraft...-redstone-v161/

12: -Soul cage http://www.minecraft...updated-112014/

13: Nei, or TMI whichever works best. 





THESE MODS, Fairly simple,I need to be strung together in whatever's closest to a 1.6.4 version, and made for easy download and play.(meaning all anyone should have to do is type in the code and go) 


I can not do it myself, not because I can't make a pack, but I simply can NOT get any running with my cruddy mac. computer with security that makes about as much sense as snake-pants. 


It's name should be: Waffe-craft 


As well servers are also going to be an issue because they're going to be needed, so the easiest way to make one of them is preferred, but let's focus on the map right now. 


This pack is being made for another forum: CODZ, there it's going to be used to help improve future cod zombies map ideas 10-fold.


 We would be ever grateful, and whomever makes this pack should see it grow in popularity.



Just a recap: 

-Weeping angels-

Morph mod


Flans mod (multi-part)

Dimensional doors

Tinker's construct

Wireless redstone

Soul cage


and I prefer, but it's not needed, for there to be a form of NEI or TMI

around 13 or 14 mods, should be quite simple 




If anyone's actually willing to help me, I can give you the info for a dummy account, the dummy account can hold/host the pack and I'll take it from there once you're done. Or if you want to keep hold of it that's fine, just make it public. 



I have tried, many times to make this pack, and every time I keep running into the same issues I CAN'T find answers for… PLEASE I'm begging here for help



  • Discord Moderator

Our previous effort to make your pack got interrupted when the thread was locked. I still had the stuff laying around so I have re-uploaded this after adding the new stuff you listed. I have things mostly balanced (at least a first run at it, the rest you'll have to massage as you use it) and the Flan's weapon packs deconflicted (that is always a pain).


Pack: https://copy.com/NelsvsaHvShO


As I stated during our last effort, you'll need to host this yourself. Just use your copy.com account, upload it, share it and put "?download=1" (without quotes) on the end of the public share URL.


I notice a lot of bugs actually:


-Nei doesn't always work if you start off without cheats enabled. 

-Flans mod jets crash the game ( I can see why, I'll just suggest banning them from any servers)

-DD runs fine

-Tinker's construct works like a charm

-haven't explored the termal expansion but I'm sure it will work fine. 

-Soul shards 2 is almost completely useless if you're ever in creative mode. But If you're in creative mode you can just use a normal cage. 

-Statues are great, but the showcases are a bit useless… As their items aren't really shown properly.

-2 sets of redstone transmuters and remotes, no biggy. 

-Guns sometimes crash server 

-Chat bubbles I have yet to use too… 

-Morph mod working better then usual (come paired to attack of the B team) 

-Galacticraft is good, causing no issues. 



Yeah, the only issues seem to be with the flans mod. and soul shards, constantly crashing the game... I'm thinking of removing them and putting in another mod or two later on. How would I go about doing that without breaking everything? I don't know the exact mods yet, but it will need to be a replacement guns mod. I'm thinking of using a micro-worlds mod and maybe the gravity/starcraft mod as well. But I need to know how hard it would be to do something like that first. 

  • Discord Moderator

As far as adding mods go, all you can do is try adding them one at a time and testing as you go. Resolving any issues that come up and hopping back here if you need more assistance.


Not all mods work well together if used in the same pack. The farther afield you go from the "cornerstone" mods and those that are well written/maintained the more likely you are to have interaction problems with other mods.

  • Discord Moderator


  1. Use my BareBonesPack as a test platform. Simply install that pack and run it once then unzip your modpack archive into the barebonespack folder. From there you can drop new mods into that mods folder as you work on the new pack.
  2. Drop new mods into your pack folder and keep track of the changes in mods and config before copying out and building a new pack version.
Posted (edited)

Guess I'll go with the direct approach, I got a back up anyways ;)


I have successfully removed the glitchy flans mod, and the soul shards mod. 


I found the hanglider mod recently, but when I added that it kept crashing the game.




Alright, now the game keeps loading a mod-less version. Could this be due to the re-configuration? 

Edited by Stop mocking me0
  • 1 month later...

hey you two I dont know if you can help me out but me and a friend have been trying to set up a pack for a good while now, for the moment its a smaller version of Attack of the B-Team but it wont load, its got all the components i believe it should have and its currently up for download. Only problem is it wont load the mods. It loads MC version 1.6.4 as a plain version and we dont know what to do. please help us and if you can credit goes to you guys in the descriptions. its called power outage and like i said it should be done right its got the download files and all that correct from dropbox (i've seen it work) but it doesnt work. please take a look


  • Discord Moderator

Don't hijack a thread, especially an extremely old one like this, with a new problem. Start a new thread, provide links to your Technic pack page or API URL and try to clearly state your problems.


I'm not trying to hi-jack its just it seems his problem is almost exactly like mine from what i've seen and as i've been trying to do this for about a year waiting a couple months or more to maybe get a helpful responce at this point is ridiculous, besides this is two months old

  • Discord Moderator
  1. Two months = extremely old.
  2. Speaking from experience, it is almost never "exactly the same issue".
  3. Always, always start your own thread. If you think you are having a similar issue as someone else then put a link to that thread in your own post. Tacking on the end of a post that is LONG resolved or discarded doesn't help you, and it makes it a lot harder to provide consistent support.
  4. Without the links I mentioned (in your own thread) we are still unable to help.

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