DanielUSA Posted May 21, 2014 Posted May 21, 2014 (edited) This is a shout out to find a group of people that are good at griefing! I'm on a pvp grief raid server and I need to get even with everyone on the server! Also I want to form a team (yes a team) and I want to be able to chat with everyone on teamspeak/vent/skype. I have all 3. I will also be broadcasting on twitch.tv the whole adventure. But I don't want to have racist comments/curse words every other word type conversations. I also would like the team to be 21 and over but I could deal with 18 and over. So far I only have a little power and tinkers construct smelter. I usually play 2 or 3 hours minimum a day. Feel free to leave me any comments with videos of how to grief someones base or tutorials on it! These guys/girls have so called "grief protection" but all they do is talk about how they know how to bypass the plug in, so if you know how to bypass grief plug-ins that is even better! Let's get even everyone! Edited May 22, 2014 by DanielUSA Quote
DanielUSA Posted May 22, 2014 Author Posted May 22, 2014 Send me a private message if your interested. Quote
Loader Posted May 22, 2014 Posted May 22, 2014 When you say grief you mean raid, right? What kind of server are you talking about? Factions? Worldprotect? I'm not really interested in joining up I'm afraid, but I can offer some advice here if you want to know specific things, I'd rather do it here instead of PMs so players can use the defensive advice if they skim over though and server ops can deal with the protection-breaking items. I only play that kind of server if I'm interested in a challenge, and more better educated people = more challenge Quote
DanielUSA Posted May 22, 2014 Author Posted May 22, 2014 Yes raid. And it is Faction and World Protected. Quote
DanielUSA Posted May 22, 2014 Author Posted May 22, 2014 For example they like to bypass the world protection with witchery mods so even though a normal person can't break their factions stuff they can just use their "methods" to mess peoples bases up without actually starting a faction war. So they can grief you without you knowing because they don't even have to use the faction system. They do this to everyone. Quote
Discord Moderator plowmanplow Posted May 22, 2014 Discord Moderator Posted May 22, 2014 Then that is a server owner not properly controlling access to items that bypass protections. Permitting access by players to items that bypass protections defeats the whole purpose of putting the mechanisms in place to begin with. Raiding is working within the mechanisms/plugins provided to overcome someone's defenses. Griefing is exploiting some game mechanic or using an item which bypasses a protections mechanism to harass other players and should never be permitted or condoned. disconsented, TheDrOfAwesome, Loader and 1 other 4 Quote
Loader Posted May 23, 2014 Posted May 23, 2014 Daniel, plowmanplow makes a good point - griefing has a funny meaning in minecraft PvP - it usually means just a normal raid like you'd expect from PvP, with the difference being that you go out of your way to destroy or remove as much of the equipment and resources from the person you're attacking even if it doesn't mean getting it for yourself. The intention I guess is to weaken them to the point making a counterattack would be difficult. I say it's weird because in most games destroying another persons base doesn't have any implied rules - you just destroy as much as you can - the difference is in minecraft there usually isn't a winner, and there isn't an end, so the more you damage another player the longer it'll take them to recover but that's all. Usually the purpose of playing on that kind of server is the conflict and the challenge, and by going over that line from raiding to griefing you not only take that challenge away from yourself but you also risk losing your opponent altogether - if they have to rebuild from scratch then there's no reason they have to hang around and play there anymore. Traditionally griefing has just meant "to try to make the game not fun for other players", and if you're up against a beginner and you destroy everything then this might be the case. The terminology gets wierd in minecraft because an experienced team would expect this kind of treatment and have secret areas, traps and a secondary base that would allow them to launch a full strength counterattack, but that kind of attack still seems to be called griefing even if that's how people are playing and expecting to be treated. Bypassing protection mods is exploiting or perhaps even cheating (the same way duping items would be), it's something that you should report to the server OPs and it's why you see so many servers with item restrictions to prevent this kind of thing. If they're not interested then there's nothing you can do - you can't protect yourself from someone who's cheating (it's bypassing the rules as is, you can't use the rules to protect yourself) and doing it yourself doesn't really help anything. If they are interested in helping but don't know what items are triggering the problems then that's the kind of thing you can help with if you can find out what the exploit is. Whatever it is, it's probably not witchery (that'll probably be something they've said as a red herring as witchery is one of the less known and more time consuming parts of the modpack, but there's not much in there that I can think of that can be abused in that way). If you can tell me what you've seen them do (the result at least) then I might be able to make a suggestion as to what the exploit is so you can report it and face them on fair terms. Quote
mattymaats Posted May 23, 2014 Posted May 23, 2014 I really don't agree with this thread as it's promoting people to exploit the protection zones and rules but Loader If they're talking about witchery my guess would be 2 main bypasses - The mystic branch and the raise earth circle spell, both a massive pain.. Quote
Loader Posted May 23, 2014 Posted May 23, 2014 If server ops don't know what methods people can use to bypass protections, they can't stop them. If a player is using these exploits and a server owner finds the exploit and stops them, there's nothing to prevent them from going to another server with another op who doesn't know about the exploit yet unless people talk about these things. The raise earth spell I can't see an issue with - you'd need to place down a circle in their base, right? Did you mean the broken earth (crevasse) spell? I'd forgotten about that one and I can see how it could cause problems. I can't see how someone would abuse the branch though.. the fire spell? Isn't it pretty standard to have fire spread disabled? Quote
mattymaats Posted May 23, 2014 Posted May 23, 2014 The move earth is a pain because a lot of people will leave the circles down in their house and anyone can use it so we've had a few cases where someone has raised up parts of bases etc. Also I had forgotten about the broken earth one... ouch aha. It's not the fire spread that's the issue it's the following spells - create water and open door - which both bypass protection plugins. Quote
Loader Posted May 23, 2014 Posted May 23, 2014 Oh of course - if they can walk through the doors to get to the target players own circle... :S Water wouldn't be much more than a nuisance though, right? *sigh* Looks like I'm going over how to track witchery tonight. Quote
DanielUSA Posted May 24, 2014 Author Posted May 24, 2014 The server owner is in co-hoots with these griefers. THEY ARE EXPLOiTING the rules because they put restraints on players like me while they go around and blow up bases; and the main culprit is the witchery mod and the ways it can bypass protection. I want to make a group of people that will grief on this guys server (or educate me/others on how to prevent/initiate countermeasures to griefs) so that he/they/ will stop taking advantage of other people who follow the rules. There are 3 to 4 as well as the Server owner. What I have seen is that buildings get blown up even when the protection plug ins are on. Let's say I go to grief Loader: Loader has a faction set and his buildings are protected by his faction land claim. I hit a block and a message appears that I am not allowed to edit terrain. You have to start fighting a "Faction" to lower it's power. Once their power is at 0 you can then destroy their blocks. That is what I am understanding. Well these guys don't like to go through the trouble of fighting a faction and instead break into bases and eradicate their chests. Quote
Loader Posted May 24, 2014 Posted May 24, 2014 There's no beating a server owner/op if they want to grief you. Leaving the server is your best option in that situation. Countermeasures are usually only effective if put in place by the server op, though there are things (like using piston doors instead of normal doors) which can help protect you from players, nothing can protect you from an OP. Quote
DanielUSA Posted May 24, 2014 Author Posted May 24, 2014 They talk about a potion that explodes like a creeper. If the server was as easy as making traps and stuff then yes that is what I thought the server was going to be like. The problem with that is that you expect your blocks to be impenetrable so you lead them through a maze or something and they fall into lava for example. Well they can just explode your walls and get into your base so all the hard work in preventing their entrance is gone in seconds. This server is usually on the top 3 of "attackofthebteamservers.com" There are people going in an out constantly and I would like to set up a base and a faction. I don't want to take months in preparation and it gets ruined because I am expecting the plug ins to help. For example I make a wall that has pistons, I hide them and you are supposed to walk between them and get squished. Well now supposed that they walk up to your wall and grief it then ruin your build instantly bypassing plug ins. Quote
DanielUSA Posted May 24, 2014 Author Posted May 24, 2014 This isn't the server op being rude to players directly "Like a Dictator server owner" that explicitly punishes you but more like a bunch of jerkss that find it funny to mess with players. Quote
Loader Posted May 24, 2014 Posted May 24, 2014 I think you're missing the point - if the server operator won't make the changes needed to make Factions effective at protecting your base then factions will not be effective at protecting your base, do you see? In that situation it's actually worse than nothing, as claiming land will point base-hunters right to you (it'll show up on the factions map so hiding it would be impossible). Quote
DanielUSA Posted May 24, 2014 Author Posted May 24, 2014 I know but I want to fight fire with fire here. I want to counter them with my own ways of bypassing the protection. And I want a group of people to help me. Quote
IllyiaSvara Posted May 25, 2014 Posted May 25, 2014 Look if your having such a large problem with the server go to another server. Its literally very simple to do that. Rather than resorting to abusing glitches and protection that doesn't work correctly join another server that actually has things set up nicely. disconsented, Targren and Bob Mc Bob 3 Quote
DanielUSA Posted May 27, 2014 Author Posted May 27, 2014 IllyiaSvara if you don't have something constructive to say please don't post her Quote
Loader Posted May 27, 2014 Posted May 27, 2014 It might not have been worded that kindly, but I thought it was constructive - you just cannot beat an OP's favorites in a situation like this, if they're backing someone up while you're losing, can you imagine what they'd be like if you were winning? There's no way you could ever protect your base in that environment - keeping it hidden would be your best hope, and an OP would be able to just say where you were just like that (if they've got almost any logging on at all they'll have no trouble finding you). Whatever you decide, going to another server is good advice - either to move for good or just to see what's banned (and why - many places will tell you in a 'banned items' book or similar) so you can get some ideas of what might work if you're really that hell-bent on revenge. Quote
disconsented Posted May 27, 2014 Posted May 27, 2014 IllyiaSvara if you don't have something constructive to say please don't post her Or you could actually read that again, what was said IS constructive Quote
Targren Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 I know but I want to fight fire with fire here. I want to counter them with my own ways of bypassing the protection. And I want a group of people to help me. And then the server owner just resets the chunk your base is in. You're pi-- whistling into the wind with this whole plan. Quote
Bob Mc Bob Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 And then the server owner just resets the chunk your base is in. Woooow Quote
Targren Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 > And then the server owner just resets the chunk your base is in. Woooow Well, if the owner is the kind of guy who goes around griefing his players for shiggles, would YOU put it past him? Quote
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