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  • Discord Moderator
  • You have too much stuff in the bin folder. Remove everything but "modpack.jar".
  • You have an outdated version of Forge for your modpack.jar. Get the latest build (965).
  • The "config" folder in your modpack archive is named "conifg" (note the misspelling).
  • You have some severely outdated versions of some mods (Backpacks, Biomes O' Plenty, etc.).
  • Discord Moderator

If you are making a modpack you should ONLY be obtaining your mods directly from each mod author's preferred distribution channels. What that means is that you should NOT be copying mods from other packs, getting them from "installers" or from random sites around the internet. Here are a few points:

  • You should know the names of the author and/or the maintainer of every mod in your pack. This will help you make sure that you are getting the mod from the right place, that you have the correct installation procedures and that you have the most up to date version available. For instance. The Mekanism mod is maintained by Aidan C. Brady. If you do a google search for "mekanism mod" the first link is to a post on minecraftforum.com (MCF). The vast majority of mods have posts on MCF by the author or maintainer of the mod. You might be redirected to another site but it is a very place to start. If you follow the link from the previous search you will see that the original poster in that MCF thread is aidancbrady and contains very relevant and current information about the mod. You should have browser bookmarks to the relevant pages for every single mod in your pack to make it easier to keep up with the state of things.
  • You should familiarize yourself with some of the problems that other people might have had with the mods you are including. Look through the support posts, issue trackers, etc. for the mod (see first bullet point) to see what kinds of things you might see when there are problems with the mod. This will better prepare you for dealing with odd mod interactions, mod updates and other in-game issues/challenges you might run into.
  • Familiarize yourself with the history of the mods you are including. If you wish to include a mod which hasn't had an update in six months it would be good to know if that is because the mod is simple and stable, or if it is due to the author disappearing. There might be forks (other people taking over a code base or starting from where the original author left off) or continuations which the first thread you find with a google search does not show.
  • BE WARY of sites which claim to have newer versions of your mods than what the original author/maintainer talks about. These are often scams or outright malicious attempts to infect your computer.

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