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[3.1.2]♅Ethereal Gaming♅Friendly Community|Multiverse|Economy|LWC


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... Something appears to be wrong with the server, related to CB++, as far as I can see...

EDIT: Has one of the persons with FTP access recently messed around with the IC2 config?

ID values for several of the explosives is set to 0, not sure how long this has been the case, but it might be what's causing the error in CBPP

I did it. In other configs it removes the item from the game and I assumed it would do that for ic2 as well but I guess not.. I just fixed it though. sorry

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Well recently a bunch of mods and admins quit. So, I just wanted to say something real quick.

From what I could tell (which may be innacurate since I missed half the things they said since I was focusing on fixing the issues rather than complaining about them) they quit because they had to ban and rollback people and because the server is no longer whitelisted and because they didn't have that much time to play the game. Yes, these may be inconvenient or annoying but that basically describes being a mod or admin, banning people, rolling them back, helping people, fixing stuff, and in doing that you don't have much time to play the game. If these are annoying ask to be demoted and your problems will be gone. The one thing I do agree with was it was a bit nicer with the whitelist because only people who took the time to fill out an app and wait for it to be accepted to play would apply which meant you had more people that played for more than 2 or 3 days and you got to know more people. They were also criticizing cmuff about not being on much, the reason you're there is because he can't be, if he was able to play on the server 24/7 he wouldn't need moderators, but he can't and what's wrong with him not being there 2 or 3 hours a day anyway?

I'm not trying to be mean or insult anybody but I just wanted to point that out.


Well I would still be playing but borderlands 2 kinda took me away :P

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IGN: raging_llama

Age: 18

Suggestion for the server: make a wall or something that lists the useful commands. /help only does so much. Multiple resource portals (spread us out a bit more)? Make the rules easier to read, seriously that trippy rainbow tunnel with glass infront of signs is distracting.

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IGN: Squarz

Age: 16

Suggestions for the server: I think it needs a shorter amount of time in between each reset of the resource world, not have the islands near the spawn so far away or just have it as one big island and a free build area for arenas. :P


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As some of you know, I've recently been working on a project I call the Cleanroom challenge (omenofstorms is currently testing :))

More information about it can be found here.

yerkid and yellow_enderman are also trying it now :)

You can reach the area by taking the shuttle at spawn to my ship, and from there taking another shuttle to "Cleanrooms" :D

Ask me for permissions :)

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IGN: raging_llama

Age: 18

Suggestion for the server: make a wall or something that lists the useful commands. /help only does so much. Multiple resource portals (spread us out a bit more)? Make the rules easier to read, seriously that trippy rainbow tunnel with glass infront of signs is distracting.

I do have to agree with the thing about the rules and etc. behind the glass. The rainbow tunnel is cool and all but it's very hard to read the signs.

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Suggestion for the server:

A cleaner looking chat. I have absolutely no idea how this would be achieved, but the chat is kind of hard to navigate. Half of the first line is taken up by the player's name and status. A simple "lol" or "hello" turns into a screen blocking mess. Just my two cents, though.

I like what I see so far, though! Keep up the good work!

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Suggestion for the server:

A cleaner looking chat. I have absolutely no idea how this would be achieved, but the chat is kind of hard to navigate. Half of the first line is taken up by the player's name and status. A simple "lol" or "hello" turns into a screen blocking mess. Just my two cents, though.

I like what I see so far, though! Keep up the good work!


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