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Everything posted by sct

  1. Wow you found smillies grats guys! Now stop making low effort posts before I keller all of you!
  2. "pretty much free"
  3. Have you tried downloading the latest launcher?
  4. Increase your render distance in your video settings.
  5. Or the sum it all up in one rule: 1) Don't be an idiot dickbutt
  6. Download the latest version of the launcher.
  7. Where is the error log? I see no error log!
  8. Hey bud, use code tags for long ass error messages (or pastebin... whatever!)
  9. Make sure when you click edit to go to More Options... which will give you the option to change the thread title. You can't do it in the popup.
  10. I don't know I thought mesmer was pretty great. I still enjoy Necro a ton but at the end of the last stress test I was blown away by how good Engineer was and now I will be spending this BWE playing my charr engineer.
  11. Going to move this to the modding section where you will probably get quicker assistance with this. I have no idea what's causing that sadly. I am sure someone else here will be able to help you though!
  12. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dismiss it bro!
  13. Don't tell me what to do! I'm gonna sticky this bitch. :black101:
  14. Like make a post about it? You can post about your server wherever you want. Why would we stop you from doing that?
  15. I need... what is... I dont understand what you are asking :psyduck:
  16. Ok you should be able to edit your original posts thread tag now. :v:
  17. No. There won't be anything for youtube videos.
  18. Threads with new posts are bold. Stickies are at the top.
  19. Permissions will be set up for that soon. Hold tight!
  20. And here I thought I was genius. Damn. When you say sticky button you mean you press it once and it doesn't pop back out? Because that is weirrrddd.
  21. Your problem is the MFSU is giving off a signal. Presumably because it is full on power. Thank me later.
  22. Oh god what is that... NORMAL redstone? :frogout:
  23. Well then edit your first post so its in the right format.
  24. You know you can scroll up in 1.2.5 now yeah? Get a permissions plugin for permissions (such as PermissionsEX)
  25. Anyone who is using it for commercial purposes. I own a Photoshop CS5 license!
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