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Everything posted by Kommunističeskiĭ

  1. Thaumcraft is not included in this version of Tekkit. Which mods are you missing, exactly? IndustrialCraft and RedPower aren't included either.
  2. Tyrope - Approved. Hmm. I will investigate. I could still refund your old one if you tell me which upgrades it had.
  3. I had the exact same problem. The issue is due to the fact that BukkitForge follows vanilla convention of putting all worlds in one folder, whereas MCPC+ follows Bukkit convention of putting each world in a separate folder. So with BF, I had every world including overworld, nether, MystCraft ages, and pocket dimensions inside the same folder. When I installed MCPC+ it moved all the worlds except MystCraft ages and pocket dims into separate folders (world_myst and world_pocketprovider respectively) which I had to move manually after finding out all worlds had apparently been "reset". What I had to do to fix homes was go into each player's file (if you're using Essentials for homes, these files are located in Essentials/userdata) and change the world name under the home category. I had to do the same for WorldGuard regions and Grief Prevention protections, both of which conveniently save data in text files. LWC uses SQLite databases so you need this tool to edit the database and change the world name for all protections.
  4. Are you saying you just started playing Minecraft? If so then I strongly recommend you play a good deal of vanilla first, then move onto advanced stuff like Tekkit. I say this for many reasons. Also, is this server yours or are you just joining the server? If it's yours then yes, you have to install plugins yourself. Otherwise no, clients don't need to install Bukkit plugins.
  5. You could also have used WorldEdit's //distr command to check mineral distribution. That's how I did it once to calculate the prices of ores for the server bank.
  6. Server is down for maintenance as of 11:40AM CST. I am moving it to a more stable, dedicated, Linux-based machine with more RAM. Done! Enjoy the new system, gentlemen.
  7. numskull2580 - Approved. Refunded. Look for a chest with your name at spawn. Did you have any upgrades in your powersuit? If so, please let me know which ones, and leave it in the chest so I can add the upgrades back for you.
  8. @Havocphantom and @zombielols - I will issue your refunds immediately, check spawn for labeled chests in a few minutes. @justvb - Please make a list of estimated losses, including what upgrades you had on your power armor. @Everyone - From now on, massive amounts of cobble will be refunded as diamonds. One diamond per 8,192 cobble as per minium stone math.
  9. Glad I was helpful. Read Pewx's warnings as well: As far as being able to change or access machines or containers, you have to edit the configuration file and add all Tekkit items. Here's mine. It works for everything I've tried it on such as ME chests, access terminals, TE machines, energy cells, engines, etc. As for destructive blocks like the quarry, turtles, and minium stones, I don't think there's a known fix for those, so if you have a public server then either get staff to enforce the law manually or ban the recipes. That's why I run a whitelisted server. As for exploding engines, that is a big problem. I had that happen to me once and the only way I could contain it was with WorldGuard's /stoplag command, but it killed all farm animals in loaded chunks in the process.
  10. I had to delete a few player files that kept crashing the server on login. That is an excellent idea. I type save-all manually every now and then but I didn't think of using command blocks. Thanks! Fair enough. I'll be refunding this when the server stops crashing.
  11. +1 for NFOServers. Excellent service.
  12. Grief Prevention works just fine with Tekkit, since the author is mod-friendly: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-mods/grief-prevention/ Remember that you also need MCPC+ to run Bukkit plugins with Tekkit. Do NOT get BukkitForge for this purpose. I don't know why people even recommend it since most plugins don't work or work half-assedly. MCPC+ can be found at: http://ci.md-5.net/job/MCPC-Plus/
  13. Server down due to power outage as of 1:30PM CST. It will possibly happen again soon, I'll turn it back on later when the risk is gone to avoid more damage. It's back up now. Note that you probably lost items and time. I will stand by here for a few minutes if anyone posts items for refund.
  14. That explanation makes a lot of sense. Thanks! Huh? Why did I not think of that? I must be getting old.
  15. Another like for MAtmos. I missed it the second I noticed it gone. To me, MAtmos is part of the Tekkit experience. It was there when I first got into playing mods, when I first got into Tekkit. As much as I liked IC2, I have to agree with it shadowing over the rest of the pack. Either put IC2 in, or everything else. People who want to get set up as quickly as possible, specially people in competitive servers, take the fastest route which is always accumulating solar panels and IC2 machines. I never touched MineFactory or Thermal Expansion, at all, during my short time playing Tekkit Lite. However after playing the new Tekkit without IC2, I've learned to enjoy those mods as well. Not to mention oil is now useful. Oil was something I always wanted to work with, but never got much of a chance until after I got five HVSA's and started playing with it for leisure. As far as RP2, I think they should add it back. It wasn't only about item sorting. I know having AE makes a lot of RP2 machines useless the same way IC2 makes BC (and its derivatives) useless even though it is much more expensive to get started with than IC2, but RP2 has a lot of things that can't be replaced, such as frames and colored cables which are a big help for ComputerCraft maniacs like myself.
  16. zombielolz and Ragatokk - Your items have been refunded. Apologies for the delay. Look for the chests at spawn, each with a sign with your name. They are protected, of course. It isn't, actually. You must be confused. Either way, I highly recommend the new Tekkit. If you haven't tried it, that is.
  17. "If I ever start up another modded server in the future (such as the promising new Tekkit Lite or FTB) I will post it in this thread." ~ Myself, five months ago As promised, here is my new server for Tekkit 1.0.6: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/1-0-6-tekkiet-tekkion-pvp-pve-10-whitelist-nothing-disabled.45038/
  18. 66jarjar66 - Approved. No, it's not Tekkit Classic nor Tekkit Lite. It's just called Tekkit. The one with the NASA themed logo.
  19. Chanku - Approved. zombielolz and Ragatokk - You have long lists of items. I will refund those myself when I get a chance and put private chests for you at spawn. I will let you know.
  20. Server is back up and no longer crashing. Turns out the ticks-per.autosave option in bukkit.yml is a bad idea for Tekkit servers. LEOcab has been authorized to issue in-game refunds of the listed items to: Ragatokk justvb I will apply those changes ASAP. They will be made ffective as of the next restart. Thank you.
  21. @Ragatokk and @Havocphantom - you guys can settle this after the server stops being broken. In the mean time please don't grief each other. You will be refunded as soon as we fix these problems.
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