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Posts posted by TheBytemaster

  1. May I point out that all textures on the top of all blocks follow the same cardinal drawing direction?

    That's what I meant, and while I know that I could do what you suggested, it would be nice to have something slightly more legit. Plus I believe it would make a nice little trinket addition for those who never thought of that. Up to immibis, (Immibis? immibis? am I supposed to capitalize that or not?), on what he wants to do, I suppose.

    Travling people-pods.

    That sounds interesting. And it also sounds like a place where pneumatics/hydraulics would be very well suited to use.

  2. Suprisingly, (or maybe I'm just a biased fanboy), both of my favorite games this year came from the dutch game company, Vlambeer.

    Mobile; Rediculous fishing. (Best story I've ever seen in a mobile game. EVER. I almost cried. This game proves that you can do a good story in a mobile game. Got it from the humble bundle.)


    Favorite non-vlambeer games of the year; (Most of these weren't released this year, but I started playing them this year), Imscared, Uplink, Moonbase Commander, MOABD, Mirror's Edge, and League-o-Legends.

  3. Redstone control modules - when powered, items will prefer to avoid them:

    Oh heck yes. I've felt the need for that exact thing many times. Thank you.

    Acceleration and deceleration modules. Power not implemented. The base speed of items still depends on the pipe material, but they can go faster after they go through an accelerator:

    Gold pipe speed is reduced to compensate - to 3 blocks/second, from 8. Boosted items in gold pipe go up to 10 blocks/s.

    Speed of accelerated items - maybe too high?

    Cobblestone pipe - items cannot be accelerated.

    Wooden pipe - items go up to 3 blocks/s (instead of 1), lasts for 25 blocks.

    Iron pipe - items go up to 6 blocks/s (instead of 2), lasts for 80 blocks.

    Gold pipe - items go up to 10 blocks/s (instead of 3), lasts for 175 blocks.

    Those speeds sound about right to me. I just now realized how cool it is that you have unified item and power transport lines.

    NOTE: (I'd never heard of rotarycraft before you mentioned it yesterday. But it looks kind of cool, I'll have to play with it and see what I think about the lube thing you mentioned.)

    And a somewhat selfish small request; I'm sure someone, somewhere has made this, but I've never seen it, and can't find it. Could you include a block with a texture on the top that acts as a simple NSEW compass?

    As in, the texture points/renders to the in-world NSEW? I've always wanted something like this, just to orient myself without having to rely on a minimap, but the closest thing I could find was atomicstryker's compass mod, which isn't really what I was looking for.

  4. So you want ideas for pipes...

    Energy in the form of items' inertia? Item accelerators and turbines? Smooth (read: expensive) items and pipes lose less energy? Item cannons?

    I second this idea. I've always found the most effective/fun concepts and mod things are ones you can see; the ones that take place in the "physical" minecraft world, not in an inventory somewhere. Sending power around via item inertia would be awesome. I suddenly have the desire to power things with fast-moving streams of cobblestone.

    But see, cobble or dirt would be cheap, sure, but it would also cause a lot of friction. Stone would be slightly better, but not much. The more items you use, the more friction they cause, a-la IC2 packet size/transmission rates.

    Specialized kinetic energy holding items could be made. Heavier/smoother/more expensive things work better.

    Maybe some kind of lube is needed?

    Maybe some things can't handle huge amounts of kinetic energy, and it has to be siphoned off by a long line of blocks that each slow an item down a bit. Or maybe they can't go around corners above a certain velocity without exploding/emitting a fast-moving ballistic projectile.

    Entity compressor/decompressor block- Do you think you could swing shifting the players viewpoint (like Morph does to a small creature), disabling their clipping (so they don't suffocate), and locking their movement to that of an item traveling through the pipes?

    Yeah it's a bit wacky, but pipe roller coaster transport through a base would be awesome.

    Oh. Yes please. The applications are endless for that. What if we accelerated a player, (at full size), to high speeds and used the decelerator to slow them down without killing them? Could that be used to transmit power?

    What if all of the energy was simply mechanical? Storage could be in flywheels, various tiers could hold more/go faster without having problems? What about giant multi-block flywheels for powering railgun-teir acceleration?

    So many crazy ideas...

  5. Does no one know how to fix this?

    Did you try/troubleshoot/ask about/google all of the things Torezu listed? Because those cover 99.99% of these complaints.

    From what you describe, it sounds like your network or firewall is killing your connection.

    (If you're trying to play at a school, the network likely blocks the connection to the Mojang servers.

    IE; you are hosed unless you can use another network.)

  6. Everyone except the forums moderators who will have several times more headache and work. Doubling the amount of server sections is not only double the territory Mods have to partrol, it's also much more confusion when it comes to approving server requests and making sure they're all in the correct sections. You're kidding yourselves if you think people will pick the right one when there's that many. We already have to deal with piles of missplaced threads. I wouldn't wish this solution on my moderation team. I won't wish it on people I don't even like.

    So I don't feel that it's going to be a reasonable solution.

    Annnnnd I feel stupid now for forgetting how much work you guys put in to keep this place running.

  7. How about something similar to the bug reports, only instead of using a form to post, only allow the OP (+ mods and admins) to reply to the topic so the topic only gets used for status updates and people can't reply with their whitelist apps, forcing them to use PMs

    That'd be good if it worked, but I have a feeling that'd probably just cause mass confusion and whining. And it prevents feedback being posted publicly, like Disconsented said.

    I'm thinking that a separate section for whitelist/no whitelist would be the best option here too. Better sorting for people to find what they want, no unfairness in order for servers, easy to set up, and easy to understand. Fairer, more direct competition sorts out the quality of the servers, and also encourages them to improve in an effort to compete. Everyone wins.

  8. and if not, post on the pack's discussion board and hope the author of the pack sees it.

    Or you could give us the following, (ALL of the following!);

    Operating system, (Pc or Mac?)

    Java version

    Graphics card model

    Modpack you are using

    And a screenshot of what the glitch looks like.

  9. but i have other mod packs with alot more then this one and they also work fine its only this one

    Update 'em anyways.

    If that doesn't work, then you should file a bug report for the pack you are using, if it's an official pack.

  10. I just found this out, so sorry if you can't get your copy in time, but Left 4 Dead 2 is free!

    if you get your copy before 10AM PST, you get to keep it for free!

    don't wait, as you may have no/very little time left! (edit: the link insert is being a jerk, so just put this in your URL bar: steam://run/550 )

    (link only works if you have steam)

    I'll put this in the KJ. Thanks for the heads up!

  11. every time i play on this mod pack when i see some thing move on my screen it freaks out and i can only see normally though the minimap and its not the mod pack because i know only people who had this problem on other mod pack, also i have the same mod pack on another computer and it works fine. i dont know how to fix it

    First I'd try updating your graphics drivers. (Assuming you're using windows!)

  12. A tile entity is additional data that Minecraft stores with certain blocks. Blocks have 4 bits of metadata (enough for 16 different values, such as wool colours) but that isn't enough information to store, for example, the contents of a chest or furnace, so that is stored in tile entities.

    Ah, I see. Thanks!

    If I get the time today, I'll mock up some of the ideas in here to see how they look.

  13. I'm not sure about this, but I would imagine that each arm would have a "base" that it retracts into. I'd imagine them to be a block in size. (Maybe it has a small invintory too? Along with upgrade slots?)

    The bases would be the only thing allowed to move; the arms would have to retract into their bases before moving. Poof, no weird collisions with terrain, and no huge moving entities to worry about.

    Now, while I'm here, maybe I can ask a technical question.

    What is a tile entity exactly? And how does it differ from a regular entity/a block? I keep hearing people refer to them but I don't really understand what they are.

  14. Exactly. The controller should be a magic block, because the idea is that it's a computer. The arm would be programmable. Also, I think the ability to place blocks would take the gantry from a more complicated quarry to a truly flexible and powerful tool.

    Also, I think a preloaded quarry and builder programs (at least primitive ones) would make it much more accessible.

    Multiple heads sounds reasonable, although I would suggest only a few general-purpose types. Modules sounds much better than more than one arm, remember immibis has to will probably be the one to, (if he wants to), code this stuff because he is awesome and we have to program it! How would collisions be handled?

    They just...collide and declare that movement invalid or something? Maybe some sort of junction track ? I don't know. That was just a brainstorm idea anyways, it would certainly look cool to have multiple arms zipping around in a factory.

  15. That would be cool. Like a BC quarry, but you have to program the arm? (And perhaps the frame has to entirely surround the area)

    That's kind of what I meant by "stationary" mining mech. RiM and Redpower frames aren't what I meant, but I suppose they sort of apply apply. You could have an extendable crane "arm" that zips around on a multiblock rail system, reaching down to do stuff.

    But giving it more flexibility would be really cool, and give it a much more unique role. You could even use it like a 3D printer.

    If that is done though, I'd like to put in a vote for a system like the IC2 miner, where the pipes to reach down weren't free, you had to craft them.

    Interesting idea; how about different progressive types of heads for the crane thing instead of one omni-head? You could have multiple arms zipping around on shared tracks or something. Or maybe modules for heads. I dunno.

  16. I had an idea for that. You have to craft and build 2 parallel rails, and once they have been built in a permitted configuration and they are powered the arm will spawn and move back and forth.

    Like this:


    I think that would be neat, and more hands on certainly more plausible than the quarry.

    See, that's kind of along what I had in mind. Building a big multi-block quarry with rails, motors, and such would be a ton of fun if done right, in my opinion. And far more balanced/interesting than the any-size-is-free BC quarries.

    Programming it or some kind of industrial control machine for it would be fun too, and it would encourage learning a bit of programming in a more focused/incentive-led way than the blank slate that is computercraft. An extension to FORTH could be used, maybe?

    Some kind of industrial control block for the various motors/pneumatics and such? Maybe it would have an API for both Computercraft and forth?

    Pneumatics as computer/industrial control block controlled pistons with up-gradable lengths/properties? That could be a fun way to manage the movement of the quarry.

    Ooh, pneumatic pistons with embedded pipes in their arms. Maybe even with inventory manager things on the end.

    Imagine it, a frame with pistons in the edges, all working together to push a downward facing piston with an embedded tube in it around, which then pushes down a drill. All managed via computer. Glorious.

    I don't really know about feasibility or the scale of this project at this point, just throwing out random ideas/wouldn't-it-be-amazing-if for now.

  17. Ooh! Shiny! This looks like it has a great deal of potential! I think I'll be following this closely.

    I like buildcraft, but it feels kind of bloated/old to me.

    I like AE, but it feels kind of cheaty/OP to me. I like my items to have a physical location, not be stored in some ethereal magic techno-ether somewhere.

    I have wanted to figure out logistic pipes, but the learning curve, (or at least, apparent learning curve), turned me off. (Or maybe I was just lazy at the time.)

    This feels like it could be something quite interesting, perhaps a smattering of all of these flavors, but more refined and focused, as well as a taste of the redpower tubes I loved so much. Do you already have an idea of what direction you're going to take this in?

    One of the few ideas I have for the moment would be to perhaps implement some kind of FORTH dictionary/starting guide via either book or terminal into the game, for those of us who never bothered to learn it before. With a few extra/more complex script examples, like a basic string sorting program or something.

    The other idea I have for now would be some sort of auto-mining mechanism that isn't quite as cheaty/ham-handed/simple as BC's almighty quarry.

    Maybe some sort of multi-block mining mech/crane type thing you have to design and build/program yourself? That could be an interesting way to improve on buildcraft. I've never quite come across a mod that did in-place auto-mining in a very interesting way. More power compatibility for it, (BC, EU, TE, etc,), would be nice too.

    Question, do you have plans to re-implement/re-use any of the buildcraft power functions? Or is this more of a tubes-only thing?

  18. necro-ing?

    Necro-ing or Necroing. Pronounced Nee-crow-ing. Verb. The act of performing a "necro". The term is derived from "Necromancer"/"Necromancy" as far as I am aware.

    The hyphen is optional, but I personally prefer to use it. Being mainly an internet-use term, it does not have a centrally authoritative figure to define its spelling.

    Usage: You necro'd/necroed this thread. Necro-ing things without being on topic is bad.

    A "necro" is when you bring an old thread with no recent replies "back to life" by posting in it, much like a Necromancer would do to a dead body. (Esp. when done without a very good reason, like a solution to a problem that was being discussed.) It is frowned upon almost universally on the internet. Many forums have rules against the act, some even automatically lock any threads/topics that are not replied to within a set amount of time.

    While necro-ing in and of itself is not technically against the rules here, it is usually somewhat disliked by moderators, and many people have been issued warning points by moderators for doing so without a good reason or being on topic.

  19. because it seems noone checks those threads

    Your argument there is completely invalid. "They", (whatever you mean by that, I assume you mean threads suggesting updates to packs), may not be super popular, but they tend to get far more attention than dead threads like this one.

    Do you see anyone other than me checking/replying to this thread? That should tell you about how effective your plan was. Go make a thread in the appropriate location.

    Also, I doubt the maintainers of the packs have much inclination to listen to someone necro-ing an old thread/making a thread in the wrong place to make his/her point anyways.

  20. allow me to be more specific

    1. galaticraft has recived a major update adding the planet Mars, as well as a new dungeon and boss, and 2 new types of rockets

    2.there are new mods that can/should be added such as resonance induction, wich adds new ways to transport power and goods

    Then why not start a thread in the appropriate location to discuss such matters instead of necro-ing a marginally related thread?

  21. On top of that, as long as it's a private pack, everyone won't care. ( Thaumcraft is a prime example; Azanor does care if it's public, but you can get away with it if it's ptrivate.)

    Less like "getting away with it" and more like, "he gave permission". Still, the shaky legal grounds mods technically rest upon anyways pretty mean that anything anyone says about modpacks means bugger-all as far as "legality" goes.

    Server Packs:

    Private server packs are granted permission to include past and the current client versions of Thaumcraft in a mod pack tailored exclusively for that Minecraft server. The pack must be distributed in a way that ensures that only players currently active on that server can download it. Private server packs are only mod packs intended for use by a closed membership Minecraft server and distributed only to those members.

  22. I prefer the title moderator, not spam filter.

    Er.. I meant the automatic one in the forum software. Unless that doesn't exist/really work, in which case I tip my hat to you moderators. Well, I do that anyways. I'll have to start wearing two hats everywhere.

    Sadly this link is actually on topic. It's an internet petition trying to gather 10,000 signatures and somehow force some guy to give the other guy control of a pack currently tied with 8 other packs for the 287th spot in the platform rankings.

    Oh. Okay. Somehow I'm disappointed.

  23. It's... It's like the red button man. I know I shouldn't press it, but it is so tempting.

    I'm surprised the spam filters didn't automatically reject it.


    There are spam filters here, right? Shouldn't it catch people who post links on their first post right after creating their account?

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