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Everything posted by Maxis010

  1. If the slug name matches your modpack slug on solder you can link it without issue
  2. You would need to repack your pack into the solder style (from 1 zip to 1 per mod) once you have done that then you have updated to solder
  3. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/bans-will-be-handed-out-for-posting-modpack-bugs-here-from-now-on.30664/
  4. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/patch-for-creative-hack.45814/#post-416448
  5. Here, have a 100% non-productive response to your cry for help, satisfied? If not then how about you wait for someone who can actually help to respond to you, we aren't just sitting here with all the answers to your problems Also, PC is not an OS, Windows and Linux can both run on a Personal Computer and they both have multiple versions And there is no Java 1.0.5, there was a 1.0.2 but then your java would be about 17 years old
  6. Please reread my statement DISABLE Solder Create the pack RE-ENABLE Solder Do you see what I did there? I asked you to turn Solder off, then you add the pack, then turn it back on again If you edit a pack with Solder enabled it will check for a matching Slug and allow you to link Solder
  7. Disable the Solder Link, create the pack, Re-enable the link
  8. What you are seeing is Thaumcraft friendly plugins stating they can't Thaumcraft Thaumcraft is not part of this modpack
  9. Does this link work? http://build.technicpack.net/job/TechnicLauncher/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/target/launcher-2.0.0-253.jar
  10. Ctrl+F -> Unwatch Thread -> Left Click Works on all topics
  11. https://github.com/TechnicPack/TechnicLauncher http://build.technicpack.net/job/TechnicLauncher/ No commits in the last 2 months, but that doesn't mean much, just that Ollith hasn't pushed any updates to the Hub
  12. Equivalent Exchange 2 was removed, Last Version was 1.2.5 compatible Equivalent Exchange 3 is in the pack, which has the alchemical chest you are seeing
  13. OK, so you don't have the condenser, there are several other storage methods you can use that aren't THAT expensive (DSU's anyone) for processing later
  14. Indeed, Private packs can only be found by direct link, and you can't advertise on the forums So, it's Friend 2 Win Wait, isn't that the facebook way?
  15. Confused, instead of going around reviving many a topic, look at the common problems and solutions
  16. Delete the file from the mods directory of Hexxit That shouldn't affect the launcher
  17. Indeed, if you don't have a legitimate minecraft account you can't login to the Launcher
  18. Dude, take a step back and chill Have you tried running a new world? This is a ticking entity failure, so it's likely specific to that block You could also try removing that chest and seeing if the crash persists Or you can stay here, keep attacking the developer because you are having an issue and us because we are telling you you haven't done any research, you have just seen an NPE and immediately blamed the devs
  19. I see a distinct lack of Bug reports Some NPEs aren't the fault of the mod, but rather the set-up Either provide bug reports (all 20 if you want, IN CODE TAGS) or leave, this topic is not productive as is
  20. Instead of making demands I suggest you go look at the Technic GitHub, you will find all of the files you need to reassemble the pack
  21. Or just go for 1 heat gen as a jumper and 1 pump, 4 seperators and 4 hydro gens in a 3 by 3 ALL THE POWER!!!
  22. Until EPlus goes to 1.6 you should (in theory) be able to downgrade it
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