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Everything posted by Magicthize

  1. Sewage can be converted into industrial fertilizer for using in automated farming (think of it like bone dust) and sludge can be pumped into a sludge boiler to generate clay, sand dirt and soul sand.
  2. Oh I kind of hope so. I like when there's a legitimate reason to dedicate a large swathe of land to farming other than because it looks cool. I really miss flax from IC2 (mainly cuz it saved me from having to farm spiders and spiders webs).
  3. But it lasts quite a while so I could make a whole bunch of them. It's not like there's any other use for minium is there?
  4. Can you automate conversions with the minium stone?
  5. Yeah it's all just automation of existing crops. The only new plant is the Rubber tree which is added in Minefactory reloaded.
  6. I was always a little disappointed that the world wasn't circular... (or rather blockular) and had a limit so you would eventually end up coming back on yourself.
  7. Power Tool with ALLTHETHINGS! Large emtpy Backpack for all the things Fud. I've started carrying an AE wireless access terminal to save me having to run all the way back to my factory, albeit I need to start placing more wifi relays to increase the range.
  8. Not in my experience. I have a bank of 20 running powering everything and I've never yet had one break down. Actually that's quite not true. I had one break down which just happened to be the one powering the pump in the nether and caused the whole system to stop. But I think that was mostly because I had wired it up in a weird way. I think as long as they have something to power then they're fine.
  9. Solar (and nuclear?) might make an appearance some time in the future but it needs to be properly balanced as IMO IC2's Solar generated too much power too simply and too cheaply. The top tier power sources (for the moment) are Magmatic engines (which can most easily be fed with lava from the Nether via phase pipes/ender tanks etc) and BioReactors which uses fuel created in the BioFuel generator. The BioFuel generator in turn uses seeds, food, saplings, etc. If you had an automatic farm it could feed the biofuel generator and create a renewable power source, but it works most efficiently when fed as many different kinds of biomatter as possible. My advice is to start with the Magmatic engines as they can most easily be set up to be autonomous, then work towards getting a biofuel system set up. That's what I'm working toward anyway.
  10. Have you tried salvaging everything and reinstalling one by one? Perhaps also try making another power gauntlet to see if it's just that one that's bugged or the whole mod.
  11. I never even thought of using hoppers though on our server they probably wouldn't be much use as we'd easily fill half a dozen at a time. My current automated system incorporates transport pipe loops so that we can fill it with as much stuff as we like and it'll all get dealt with eventually. It's also alot more compact, though I'm looking forward to making it even more compact with Applied Energistics.
  12. I've got pretty much all of them installed bar a few that I just haven't bothered getting yet or just give me too much grief (namely the kinetic generator). I love the railgun, mainly for being able to pick off ghasts in the nether. They were an annoyance before when I was trying to pick them off with my crossbow. Now I don't even have to think about it. The one I don't think I could live without is the stepping assist. Life is so much better when you can just walk up blocks without having to jump all the damn time!
  13. DO IT! I've always wondered why is there an empty box in the bottom left UI of all the TE machines. Is there a use for it (that I'm not stupid to have found) or is it just not used by any of the Tekkit mods? I always think of it like an upgrade slot the same as the Buildcraft machines only there are no upgrades for them.
  14. I tend to just drain the internal charge and then go about my business. I haven't tested this to make sure I'm not imagining it but it feels like if the infuser is sat unused for a long time and I drop an item into it I'll get a much bigger internal charge transferred into the item than if I let it recharge to 40k and then drain it again. It's like it has alot more of an internal reserve than it suggests.
  15. I have it hooked up to my main grid but charging any items drains the machine's reserves pretty quickly. It only takes maybe 10-15 seconds for it to recharge those reserves. I just find it a bit annoying that it's quicker (or at least feels quicker) to take the item out, let the Infuser recharge and then drop it back in again.
  16. It would be nice if there was something like the IC2 recycler so I would have something to do with alot of the gear I've collected and now no longer have a use for. I'm coming down with Gold Swords from Pigmen but I'm never going to use them. It's actually a same we couldn't melt them down or disassemble them into their component parts (obviously at a loss).
  17. The Energetic Infuser is currently the main way to recharge the power suits though it does have a power storage limit of 40000Mj which I find a little low.
  18. You can add the Transparent Armor cosmetic module to everything other than the power glove and it'll hide the entire suit.
  19. Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

  20. It's definitely 200 for me as well. Made 2 stacks of conduits last night and it needed 4 stacks of redstone. There's still a ton of stuff in this mod that I haven't even touched. I only just discovered (and got ridiculously excited about) Implied Energistics at the weekend and now wish we hadn't wasted so many resources on our old item storage system of chests and pipes. Computercraft is likely my next port of call.
  21. ***|=|=|*** |=|[ X ]|=| (Ignore the ***, they're just there to it's formatted correctly.) This setup worked for me with my feeder (albeit I used stone wall). It's possible for the animals to stand on top of the block but in order to get out or on top of the wall/fence you have to jump.
  22. Anyone else been having this problem since the new 1.0.5 update? It appears to be a client side problem. I've reset the tekkit pack and it solves it til I reconnect. The blocks are still there but are bugged out when you walk over or try to interact with them.
  23. Finally got the problem fixed. Performed a hard reset of all the necessary files and it fixed it. I'm guessing it was a file got corrupted or something odd happened during the upgrade process. Anyways I'm off to have fun with my new (working) toy!
  24. Unfortunately I don't have a log to post, all I get is "Internal Server Error" any time I use a wrench on the redstone conduits. I've also noticed it happens on liquiduct as well. I'm wondering if some of the files on the server weren't properly updated even tho all the mods appear to be the current version.
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