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Everything posted by Torezu

  1. :suicide:
  2. It's broken. Your forum-posting prowess needs some work. Specifically, you're trying to link straight to your local hard drive as a picture host.
  3. You reported me for accusing you of spamming. I guess you'd rather have a warning for advertising, or something, instead of posting in the wrong section. I could do that, and tack on an extra point for abusing the Report system, which would...*checks*...yup, temp-ban you. Just let it go, and stop posting stupid surveys in the wrong section.
  4. Is this Windows 3.11 you're talking about? I'm not sure Minecraft will run on that...
  5. I did that yesterday.
  6. Actually, this is only maybe the third such thread in the recent past. Actually, I too am grateful for the platform, as I wouldn't have discovered things like Applied Energistics so quickly without it. I love that mod. The coders for the launcher, platform, and web site are doing good work.
  7. Torezu


    Yeah, they fill up to "container" level. If the "container" happens to be the open air/sky, well...
  8. Delete your lastlogin file from the .techniclauncher (or .technic) folder. Then re-enter your login information.
  9. Stickied at the top of the Voltz Discussion section: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/please-use-the-new-voltz-bug-forum-for-bug-reports.33739/
  10. It's that first part. No one looks at bug posts that aren't in the bug board.
  11. The section titles and descriptions are pretty self-explanatory, especially between the discussion and bug reporting sections. No, the Discussion section isn't the same as the Bug Board, because the Bug Board has a report form to fill out so people can much more easily diagnose your problem. Maxis hit on it pretty well.
  12. It might come up.
  13. Clearly our keller penalty isn't severe enough.
  14. It's true. He did. It's pretty easy to find a reason to drop a point on anyone, too (though I usually don't). In his case all I had to do was look at the absolute latest post. He already had 2 points. You actually did. It's just something we usually overlook. It wouldn't be hard to temp-ban you for being overly annoying either. :cop:
  15. Approved. One little typo made me crack up, though. See if you can find it.
  16. You're probably going to need to post more logs/info. I'm moving this to the appropriate section.
  17. Moved. This might prove helpful.
  18. If/when you decide to summarize/list/link/whatever all the mod packs in the first post(s), I will do some more thread cleaning so we don't end up with a monster thread nobody wants to look through. Alternatively, people could start posting them on the platform.
  19. Simple...you typed the new password in wrong, or you typed the username in wrong when you tried to log back in. Hint: Your Technic Forums account and your Technic Platform account are, by necessity, not the same. Also, this: So cut it out, and go back to your other account.
  20. That wasn't a wish. The moderators here are more than capable of dropping a lot of kellers/warnings/bans in a very short period.
  21. Thread locked.
  22. Bad idea. This is the kind of thing you can get fired for.
  23. Torezu

    Spec Help

    Having a dedicated graphics card for even original Minecraft is a good idea; though it will run with integrated, it won't be pretty. I can't necessarily say the same thing for Tekkit Lite/custom packs. A friend of mine uses a computer with an integrated chipset and a custom pack, and it's...bad.
  24. You would be surprised...
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