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Everything posted by Dewfire

  1. Oh that does look cool, thanks. And yea, just picking on Apple's because it's fun!
  2. Well, since that's your area, I'm sure it was a running joke for you guys. But for those of us without Engineering degrees. I received my major in Information Tech and Apple's were and still are our running jokes.
  3. http://www.arduino.cc/ Discovered this while reading through this months Popular Science. I know a lot of us enjoy Tekkit because we can build all sorts of machines and toys to do cool things. When I saw this, I immediately thought about making all sorts of cool things like we do for OpenCC and Computer Craft.
  4. I know someone was telling me some biom's have different mineral mixes. So perhaps try mining in another biom?
  5. Ravine and cave formations have always benn my best spots.
  6. I didn't have to place mine there? I captured a wither skeleton, and placed it in my spawner and just went AFK and had 25ish wither skulls. Was in my base in the Overworld the entire time. I even had it spawning Ghasts because I was always needing a Ghast Tear for something random.
  7. Or do what I did, kill a couple Withers and make a PortaSpawner and move a few spawners into a farm room. I have Blazes, Spiders and Skeleton spawners cranking out baddies for my Grinders. As an added bonus, I have endless spider silk, eyes, blaze rods and bone!
  8. I do not, drop them in and see what happens! Just save your world before ;)
  9. Have you looked at this thread? http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/sphax-texture-pack-for-latest-ver-1-5-2-of-tekkit-does-it-exist.51211/
  10. Use a filler, and you can add other mods into the Mods folder.
  11. What I've seen is the lava flow causes lag on the server from it being pumped.
  12. Biggest issue with piping in lava from the nether, is if you're on a server it can cause issues. And I just have 1 spot per tree, and with the fertilizer it grows instantly. All the stuff goes into my ME network, into DSU's and I use Export Bus's on my Planters and Fertilizers. I actually have 3 harvesters on that one section and the trees still grow faster then they harvest them.
  13. One word, BioFuel. Havesters and Planters. This tree farm provides me with more saplings then I can ever use, just add Fertilizers from a Sewer under 10-15 cows.
  14. At this point I don't want to see it added in honestly.
  15. Press 'L' to modify the color of the power suit.
  16. Yea, when we did the moon trip on my server we were ready with linking books. We even took an unlinked one and linked it on the moon and just set up a portal to the moon.
  17. Aus? Not sure what this is?
  18. You guys are wasting your time replying, the OP hasn't been back to the forums since he posted this...
  19. Sounds more like protection on the laptop to keep you from loading nonschool stuff on it.
  20. Since you're on a Mac, I know you can't use Java 7, you have to use Java 6.
  21. None by default. Most of us using MCPC+ to manage Bukkit plugins.
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