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Everything posted by TokiWartooth

  1. second spawner has to be set to exact copy but yes it does work.
  2. actually digdug, you can have the interface on a smelter with only one ingredient and an export bus for the more common ingredient eg sand, slag, silver, copper etc, and have the interface have a recipie that only inputs the rarer of the two ingredients and it works perfectly.
  3. dude, check the date of the last post, seriously.
  4. actually the pull 100 mj/t output they can actually take in ~120 per side input and have 100 output I think I would need to see your setup to really help, oh and just because it requests a value doesen't mean thats how much it can actually use or needs to max out, (see fusion reactors requesting 200mj runs fine on 50.)
  5. A few pages back I explain how I have a rednet controller setup that controls a timered input of only 4 cells every 10 minutes or so.
  6. Don't expect railcraft to come back, the people in charge are aware of its existence and will add it if they feel like it, I do think open blocks is more likely to happen though. Also, steel tanks are twice as good as iron.
  7. yea they are kind of annoying and inconsistent, I mean if it is buildcraft why do they seem to mess up quarries?
  8. I think it was nerfed due to an exploit with EE3, crafting wood then transmuting it then crafting it again giving you essentially unlimited of anyhting you could get with EE3 and a minium stone. however in the early game if playing something like survival island getting that sawdust can be very very important.
  9. A well designed fusion core produces in excess of 1.6k MJ/t and only consumes 4 tin an hour.
  10. no. Edit; if you look at the thread on AS fuel life you will find plenty of info to set up a fusion reactor, fulmination generators are a science project, not intended to be used as a real power source, and included with things like ICBM which adds more explosives to make it slightly more relevant.
  11. It is possible however unlikely. if you didn't change the file settings its under users/<yourname>/appdata/Roaming/.technic/tekkitmain/screenshots appdata is a hidden folder by default, and just use imgur. really if you want expedient help thats the only way to go, I think f2 is the screenshot button.
  12. I just get some form of flight open the map on a flat mystcraft world and go, they are hard to miss usually go a couple thousand units in each direction before just making a new world.
  13. actually you do have a way of knowing its called math. THEMOREYOUKNOW.
  14. Actually you get flight about the same time you would if you focused power suits really, in terms of time invested, you can do it with lower resources but depending on how fast you find diamonds the power suit is faster, in many ways the powersuits are better as well, better protection and stuff but I understand that it is kinda OP but meh its also really fun, the wrench is awesome but i would never trust it on a pub server, to easy to break stuff. And compared to autospawners, vanilla spawners are terrible, like really really pain in the ass. yeah the unlimited recursive chests are OP but also hilarious. Phazon, we pretty much covered that in the three pages preceding this.
  15. I would do combustion, but I'm running with dartcraft, milk + Force engine =10mj/t per engine, I have two sets of them, about 60 a set that do basic power for all my systems including a 250x250 quarriesplus quarry. Fusion is for science projects like my mining drill setup.
  16. Sorry to tell you but tin is renewable. MFR laser drill, also infinite land in mystcraft ages, all ore are as good as infinite, I have something on the order of 20k tin right now not counting my storage of blocks which is probably 2k, why would you ever fear running out using 4 tin an HOUR. EDIT: liquid deuterium would be cool but way harder to manage, I would have to basically use buckets to manage the input as fluidly(ha ha!) as i do now.
  17. you have insufficent steam me thinks or at least insufficent throughput, My turbines run about 50-60 I think. with about 30 larges im near 1600 or so. EDIT damn forgot im running slightly higher output than default, default didn't feel like nuclear energy, felt like thawing ice with a magnifying glass.
  18. Ive stopped using pumps, energy production too high, making oil with fab, (also since not using oil much), only other liquids that need pumping is lava, and the Enderthermic pump from extra utilities (which I highly reccomend for anyone not on a server or small server) is amazing, it self chunkloads, pumps faster, pumps a larger area, and replaces lava with stone so it doesn't create lag. Disclaimer (unless you config it to work differently it ONLY works in the nether, no mystcraft usage).
  19. personally i count my cobble as extra materials because of minium stone and processing, i mean what if i want to make a 5 million block glass monumenton the spur of the moment? you never know.
  20. you may want to re-install the server side files. sounds like you may be running the minecraft.jar rather than the tekkit .jar, alternatively try to launch it from the bat file if you can.
  21. Weir I think that's an interesting problem that only occurs when two sides of a tesseract are outputing to the same conduit pieces of conduit, As I can slap a tesseract between two laser drill prechargers and get the same 100 mj/t to both of them, and when I set my power systems I put a tess in the corner and each branch seems to get 100mj/t in each direction, now when i hook up multiple sides with the same conduit i get the weird outcome you described.
  22. also for future reference since for once these guys didn't say it, redstone engines don't produce any measurable power, they only work on wooden pipes.
  23. I get them in my spoils bags from dartcraft as well, really sucks because it can bugger my ME intake, the import bus won't pull it or anything past in the Ender chest so it is a real pain if I forget to check the chest after i dump my bags.
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