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Everything posted by jakalth

  1. aah, might be either a conflict or something not set right in one of the configs then. Probably the BC config, although the one for thermal expansion might need adjusting as well. They probably just don't recognize each other right now.
  2. You do not need to change the settings on the liquiducts when hooked up to a pump. Clicking on them sets them to self pump, this only needs to be done when extracting out of a tank. They also require a redstone signal to self pump.
  3. I ended up with an interesting spawn point. I have a nice flat area to build on not far from a forest, jungle, and a swamp. Prime location. Best and worst part of it is, there is a Large Dimensional door rift field just 40 blocks away... I did not know this right away due to that area being uninteresting when I was setting up my base. Now I have a problem. My house is simply made from cobblestone, for obvious reasons(curse you endermen). But I keep returning from mining expeditions to find my house invaded by groups of endermen that spawned from the rift field. Anyone have suggestions on how to keep the endermen at bay? I need to have the ceiling of the main room at least 3 blocks high for the pipes and equipment so lowering the ceiling is not a viable option... Also, I have already lost 3 cats to the endermen. Been using them to keep the creepers far enough from my door so that I can exit without them blowing up the entrance. But, the endermen seem to hate cats and attack them... ps: the rift field is about 20 x 25 blocks in dimension consisting of at least 9 seperate rifts. Spawns somewhere between 8 and 15 endermen a minute. O_o
  4. Teleport pipes became Phased pipes. It was basically just a rename. But yeah, they are a bit buggy at the moment. Same goes for the rest of the BC pipes. Liquaducts and either Ender tanks or Liquid Tesseracts are the way to go in the newer builds of Tekkit.
  5. Yeah, something is off a bit with the bio generators. They change textures backwards from normal, so maybe do the same with their readout to the multimeter... Yeah, in the little windows, black = producing power, flames = idle. It's easier to just check if they are running by right clicking on them and looking at their internal power meter in the gui.
  6. Vivacity, that all depends on what version of atomic science and/or tekkit you are using... And the steam funnels are to allow you to connect atomic science's reactors to forestry's steam pipes. But forestry is not in here so they are not needed. @Toki, he is asking about Fission, not Fusion. The setup should be simpler, but it seems to not be...
  7. Well, for one, this is NOT the Tekkit Lite forum. Now that that is out of the way... Looks like there is just too much stuff in the pipe, causing it to do that. You might want to have a loop of pipes setup so that everything is going the same direction. Have the pipe go out the other end, after trying to fill the fabricator, down and under the pipe you have already there, then connect back into your feed using an iron pipe to direct it all back towards the fabricator again. BC pipes are buggy when there is a lot of items going through them. That is basically telling you there is too much stuff in that one pipe section. If you count the scrap, you will probably find that with each explosion you might be loosing one piece of scrap.
  8. I believe in 1.1.5 the water height has been changed. So it requires the water be at the same level as the fission reactor, so only surrounding it. Used to be 1 block above the reactor. If you have done this, then do you have the conduits setup correctly with the end touching the turbines clicked to orange?(redstone energy conduits are more reliable then conductive pipes or wires) If that is correct, do you have the temp set right on the thermostat? If that is correct, then I don't know what else to check. My experience with fission reactors is limited. Anyone else have suggestions here if the rest is setup correctly?
  9. it needs to be 9 turbines, using either the Prototype Omni Wrench, or the Thermal exchange wrench to right click them into a single turbine. The angle you are clicking on them does seem to make a difference, shouldn't, but seems to.
  10. I have not had any issues with top/bottom energy output or the same with fuel, for the generators. So that much seems fine. My only other question, do you have anywhere in your power grid where 2 seperate conduit lines can somehow make a loop back? The loop back would need to be through another device other then another conduit or an energy cell. Not sure if tesseracts will do this with multiple inputs, they might. Also, are the tesseracts linked to your main feed line set to output only, or both input/output? Redstone conduits and energy cells are smart enough to know if another conduit is trying to input or output from them. So they will not waste power in the connection. Other devices might not know this and could cause the conduits to bleed off large amounts of power from them trying to send the power backwards through the line. Rather doubt this is the case since the conduits are rather "smart" about power transfer. You could try having an energy cell directly under each bio reactor to act as a buffer/gate to help persuade the bio reactors to output power. But this is a bit costly to do, especially if it does not help. You would want them outputting to conduits since they do not like feeding into each other. *math* 15 bio reactors = about 165 MJ/tick @ 11Mj/tick each. 3 quarries use up to 165 MJ/tick @ 55 Mj/tick each if nothing limits their power draw(energy cell can do this nicely). 12 lasers use up to 48 MJ/tick @ 4 MJ/tick each. Plus the various machines you probably have add their own demands as well. so with this you have: Production = +165 MJ/tick Quarries = -165 MJ/tick Lasers = -48 MJ/tick Misc equipment = -30 MJ/tick(pulverizer/powered furnace/induction furnace/magma crucible/liquid transposer/others) Input/output = 165/243 giving you a loss of 78 +/- 20 So with everything running you lack the power to have them run at full speed. probably only enough for maybe half speed.
  11. Energy cells can be funny at times... But their oddness can usually be to your benefit. Probably a dumb question, but do you have separate input/output conduits on those cells? Also, have you tried running some of the power through parallel conduits(not connected to each other) to lessen the load on them? Not sure if there is a limit to how much power you can push through a conduit. I know there is a limit to the volume of flow in a liquiduct... I do know that you can push at least a total of 2 million Mj of power through an interlinked chain of conduits, with 4 outputs, in about 2 minutes. Have not tried more Mj then that. Oh, have you changed the input/output values of the energy cells themselves? They default to 100Mj/tick out, 50Mj/tick in. So if your power demand is more then 50Mj/tick, and you haven't adjusted this, they will run out of power faster then they are refilled. You might even want to run the energy cells in pairs for the higher demand hookups.
  12. It also only takes one slightly darker corner for a mob to be able to spawn. Nice part is, they can only spawn if the dark spot is below them, on the floor. It does not matter how dark the ceiling may be. Ceiling lighting only matters for aesthetic reasons. As in, it looks nicer.
  13. Multi-world in Tekkit? Try Mystcraft. A bit more time consuming in game, but you can tweek things on the spot. For this case, I'de suggest using NEI in creative mode to get yourself a creative spawned notebook. Use this with the writing desk to write what you want your age to look like. You might have to do this more then once since the generator will add random symbols to the age. Just use the one you like. Note though: having more then 2 or 3 Mystcraft ages available can be death to a server... Bits of each age created will remain in memory choking up the server. But, if the ages you want are created early on during the servers initial setup, then all further age creation is blocked, this trouble can be limited or even removed. Not sure if this would be the perfect way to do this for you to do what you are trying though. But, it is already available in Tekkit. Main limit here is that Mystcraft has no control over what can be used on a per age basis. So if you want to make some of the Tekkit stuff uncraftable in the age, I'm not sure how you'd go about doing that with Mystcraft... Also, the sludge and sewage lakes will be generated in the ages. But this might be preventable if you turn those off in the Minefactory config, After the overworld is generated, but Before you generate any Mystcraft ages. Also, not a perfect solution...
  14. same problem as last post, but... Quarry runs different. Hmmm, something looks odd there though. I don't see anything supplying the engines with the resources needed, only energy conduits? Are you filling them manually? When you change the output on a single segment, conduit, it changes all the connections to that segment. Only exception is if it is connected to another conduit. Using this, you could have 1 input from another conduit and up to 5 outputs on just 1 segment, technically. Same goes for input. Also note. Even if the conduit is set for output, it will still accept a little input. 5% is what I have heard. So it will still let the machine run, only slowly and rather inefficiently. Another note: the redstone energy conduit acts like a battery. It has its own internal energy storage. Each segment has its own storage so a length of conduits will soak up a bit of power, when nothing is hooked up to them, and release that power into the device when it is hooked up again. Kind of like a power boost. It is even possible to use a large cluster of conduits as a makeshift battery, albeit not a very cost effective or space saving one.
  15. If your running 64 bit, 2 gb seems to be the sweet spot. on a 32 bit system, 1gb usually is. But this is not true for all systems as each computer seems to manage resources slightly different. Also, if you are running a 64 bit system, make sure you have the 64 bit Java. Default is only the 32 bit version. That might make a difference as well.
  16. You need to use two redstone conduits. And you need to tap(right click) the end of the conduit that is touching the engine so that it turns orange. Orange = input, blue = output. Seems like more work this way, but having input/output settings on the conduits reduces the energy buildup issues that Build craft conductuve pipes have.
  17. The power setting of the laptop does make a difference as well. Having it on at least the medium setting makes a difference over having it on say, power save mode. Unless power for the laptop is limited as well...
  18. 4 Ender pearls are needed per tesseract. 40 redstone per redstone energy cube. If you can get it to output the ender pearl/redstone, in those amounts, into the crucible, and a frame into the transposer, then extract the filled frames, it should be doable with just 1 pair of cricibles/transposers. The pattern for the magma crucible should have an input of those numbers into the crucible, but no output into the AE system. The output would be from the transposer instead, as a filled frame.
  19. Simple low tech option. pipe going to your planter. Last pipe connecting to it is either a diamond pipe or an insertion transport pipe. Connect another pipe too the side of the diamond/insertion pipe and route this to a chest. For the diamond pipe, place what you want to go into the planter, in the color slot of the pipe that is connected to your planter, AND place something silly, like another diamond pipe or a dirt block into the color slot that the seeds are entering the diamond pipe from. This way it will always try to put them into the planter first. If they won't fit, it will route them back out. And since the pipe they first entered through is blocked by a spacific sorting requirement, they will go out the other pipe to the chest. Insertion pipes are smarter. They automatically do everything for you. The seeds/saplings will try to go into the planter first, if that's full, they will go into the other pipe instead.
  20. Hmmm, might be a shot in the dark, but is your anti-virus trying to quarantine Tekkit while it is loading? I have this issue but I have not heard of anyone else having it. The anti-virus sees the mods in tekkit modifying minecraft during load and thinks they are malicious software, so it tries to block it. But the anti-virus can't recognize them as separate software either. So it all goes into a stalemate with the game not loading past the majong screen. If you want to try and see if this is the case for you, place your anti-virus in disabled mode for a few seconds, while you try starting tekkit. Just long enough for the game to load. If this lets you get to the Minecraft main screen, then reactivating the anti-virus at this point is advised, and should not effect the game any longer... This load anyways... If this does not help, then your anti-virus is smarter then mine and is not causing you any issues with minecraft. Hopefully it is nt your anti-virus due to it being a pain having to do this every time the game is started.
  21. eliminating the effects of radiation need to be done on a per block basis. starting with what is causing the radiation. Containing your reactor in a large room, or deep underground will reduce the leakage of radiation blocks. and if radiation blocks start to spawn, manually removing them is your best option. Dig them up and get rid of the blocks. Wearing a Hazmat suit helps with this. keeps you from getting sick. Fusion does not produce radiation, thankfully. But plasma leaks can be even more destructive though.
  22. Ok, I fixed the design a bit as you suggested, replaced the glass with regular electromagnets. Low and behold, I had a 10% increase in power use by the reactor, and without adding any more turbines or water, got a 30% increase in output. Wow. You were not kidding about costing myself efficiency. Reactor efficiency is now at about 6:1 power increase(was just under 5:1) with just 5 deuterium used. A basic reactor is only about 4:1 if you are lucky(or 1:1 if it decides to eat all the power) Got a power output of about 321,000mj while it used about 52,000mj. I added water and turbines to the top of the replaced electromagnets and tried it a second time. Only increased power output by 2,000mj and it used basically the same amount of power to make it.
  23. Cactus also requite no planter or fertilizer actually. only need a harvester and powered furnace to output cactus green. My current setup is melons, pumpkins, and cactus. but the whole thing in inside a tall, enclosed, 15 x 15 tower, to keep out the spiders that kept trampling my melon farm. they are alligned in 3 seperate levels, each level for a different crop, with cactus on the roof and the processing plant in the main floor. Doesn't look like anything when I take a picture of it...
  24. alright, alright. I accept your correction sir.
  25. Link modifier was for creative use and/or had to be spawned in. Now that is done using the ink mixer instead.
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