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Everything posted by TonyVS

  1. The trick is using the right version of bukkitforge I used http://ci.md-5.net/job/MCPC-Plus-Legacy/ for tekkit
  2. well according to my tekkit that solar panel can only be used in the tinker table for the modular power suit, so I doubt it will be of much use to you outside of it
  3. which solar panels talking about? if you are talking about solar generators they are not part of tekkit, however if you connect everything with universal electricity cables you wont have any issues
  4. this is my startup bat change the -Xmx4G to what ever the max memory you want to throw at it and your good to go START "MINECRAFT-TEKKIT" /ABOVENORMAL /B java -server -Xincgc -Xmx4G -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseNUMA -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:+UseAdaptiveGCBoundary -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -XX:+UseBiasedLocking -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=15 -XX:UseSSE=3 -XX:+UseLargePages -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods -XX:+UseStringCache -XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+OptimizeStringConcat -XX:+AggressiveOpts -jar Tekkit.jar nogui
  5. build more power, think one guy said I was generating 4100ish Mj/ a tick, with unlimited power who cares buhahahahahaha, just an idea, although intesting I honestly didnt know they still drew power. never been an issue
  6. was the world created before or after you went to tekkit? the main world on my server was created back when I ran a bukkit only server, so it had no special tekkit ores what so ever. I ended up picking up the town in mcedit regereneating the map with tekkit running and they it got all the ores and I dropped the town back in its original location
  7. The station I can not take credit for, it was a template I modded for my own purpose,(I am the server admin and fix all issues, I figured I was allowed a hollow shell give-me) I am not a very Creative in Architecture. I am more the engineer type. I am good at is all the stuff in it, I have a logistic system unlike anything I have ever seen before, I can auto craft almost everything I want right from the bare resources. I have a mining system that takes it straight from ores to blocks without any interaction from me. I have 2 particle accelerators that run 24/7, I am solo generating more power then the server could ever use
  8. run both tekkit and bukkit, you can have all the fun of tekkit but the antigreifing of bukkit it is awsome tekkit server with essentials is a must
  9. for me multiplay is the only way to fly, I mean what is the point of building something awesome if you cant show it off to people
  10. logistic pipes, once I discovered them I never looked back
  11. I know the advanced solar generators can charge them http://voltzwiki.com/wiki/Advanced_Solar_Generator I just use the energetic infuser x 5 to charge my suit and I just made 2 suits and switch them out when I need charged peices
  12. This is a picture of my spacestation, I mean seriously anything cooler then this?
  13. put the hamatchi ip in the server ip= line, I have been playing with bungee and the minecraft server only seem to work with the pc default internet ip address unless you fill in that line
  14. optifine is not compatable with the powersuit, if your icons are all messed you need to go into the powersuit config file change custom fonts to NO and reload tekkit
  15. I just use a bukkit server mod called craftbook. it can made a retractiong bridge/door out of almost any block and only requires a sign to work, if you use it with wirelessredstone as well you can put the switch/lever/button to open it anywhere you want http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/craftbook/
  16. I live in a spacestation, for many reasons. 1. adds alittle more difficulty to survival mode as you have to watch for air too. 2 monsters cant spawn there, so no worries of a creeper blowing up your stuff and 3. it is a small area and since nothing can spawn there on larger servers it keep the tps high 4, people cant get there without your permission (if you have issues with that)
  17. The energetic infuser that is an interesting way to do it I will try that, thanks, it should be easier when the next thermal expansion come out they have larger restone energy cells
  18. chunk loader, pump and 2 tesseracts, one for energy and one for liquid, pump it to where ever you need it
  19. what exactly are you asking? I have quite a exstensive logistics autocrafting setup, and the tables only request resources for as many items as you ask for. can you explain your issue in more detail
  20. with the conduit it only tells you saturation of the cable, it is at 100% which means it is at full capacity. not very helpful beyond that, unless you know of a different meter?
  21. Thank you for that, tried it and found out logistics pipes where using 1600% more memory then the next closest mod. hehe found the issue thanks
  22. It is 13 x15 at the moment (ran out of coal for steel ingots) the original post said one of those could power 45 large turbines which for this setup could be 225 large turbines. I have 195 and it looks like there is steam to spare. Yea the math is fine, I just like seeing the output, easier to tweak that way, trying little things here, little things there to see improvement. I am just surprised no one has wanted to see this bad enough that no one wrote a block in a mod for it. The antimatter is awesome, it runs 24/7 only have to deal with explosions when the server lags for too long, I get some strange matter then. I have not figured out a way to fully automate strange matter yet but working on it
  23. The tesseracts are only to put power out to the public,the redstone conduit is connecting to my array of redstone energycells then they output from 10 or so tesseracts to my private channels
  24. I just wanted to say this is a awesome thread, I have learned so much. I have built a flood type reactor fully automated (picture below) and it turned out way better then I could have hoped, my questions though is there anyway to measure the power output?
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