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Everything posted by Kingfisher1112

  1. Hey people, looking for gay men to play tekkit with. Women are overrated, gays are better.
  2. Yeah. You guys don't get enough credit. Also, I once thought that maybe the world was out of stupids to throw at us. Then I remembered I was on the internet. :(
  3. On christwire there is a page about ME3's ending being about orcs raping elves.
  4. I used to make original minecraft jokes, but then I took shitloads of memes to my brain.
  5. Jay? Isn't a good moderator, but the kellers love him (Her?).
  6. Soon this is going to be a board on SA.
  7. Sorry mate. That wont work. You have waterfowl in your computer.
  8. Notch spends more time coding then on Twitter
  9. Brilliant. Change our avatars to Guy Fawkes Masks.
  10. Watch out, they watch our forums so they can whine about it to their lord and Master.
  11. I hope they don't balls it up. If they don't, best F2P thing since Runescape.
  12. This shows absolutely no appeal. 5 lines and a link isn't appealing. Are you funny? Informative? Give us more information.
  13. None of those work. I rang Dell and sent them a picture, but apparently duckling removal costs my soul.
  14. Hello guys, I need help. I have had a family of ducks in my computer for 3 weeks. It causes crashes and blindness. Now, as it turns out Microsoft don't cover ducks in warranty. So, I need a link to a DIY duck removal guide.
  15. Jesus, thank you bob, you made my day
  16. I may be a kid ( 13 ) But I don't whine and try hard to be an intellectual.
  17. Re: Well that was mature... (silly bans) FC is laying it on thick with the bans.
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