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Everything posted by PoisonFrog

  1. I used to have that happen to me back when I had the oxygen pipes along the outside covered up with microblocks; I'd have to smash and replace the pipes every time. As soon as I got rid of all the microblocks (and replaced the sealable oxygen pipes through the wall with oxygen storage thingies) this stopped happening, working perfectly now.
  2. A couple screenies of my underground bunker. The upper courtyard is pretty empty, I know; I had a couple buildings up there, but I tore most of them down the other day once I was done moving my stuff underground. Got a few plans in my head for what to put up there instead. Got a couple more sublevels that aren't shown; they've basically got the same theme with the colored wool and colored lamps, just different colors (orange, cyan and green, respectively). They don't have anything in them yet, though. Soon! The base used to be in a very lush biome with tons of tall grass etc, but I decided to show mother nature who's boss by turning it into a lifeless wasteland. Sand everywhere, sponged up all the nearby rivers, and so on. Tomorrow I'll find some animals to pour oil on, I think. Maybe pour some poison into the ocean, too. Anyway, screenies here: http://imgur.com/a/uZx8o?
  3. Is this still something that needs to be done manually, or have the default config file thingie been updated since? Been a couple months and all.
  4. It seemed appropriate. All the hardware stores around where I live IRL also seem to sell cookies and the like. I guess construction workers need something for their coffee breaks.
  5. It's a hardware store, for the most part. Energy conduits, impulse itemducts, fluiducts, energy cells, enchanted books, resonant strongboxes, openblocks tanks, chocolate donuts... that kind of thing.
  6. It took a while to set up, but it sure does work nicely. I plugged it into the laser drill on my spaceship (via 4 different tesseract frequencies, one for each precharger), put a resonant strongbox on the drill, and went on vacation for a week and a half. When I got back the strongbox was FULL, and so were my power cells. It had made a slight dent in my LXP reserves, but not much of one. King Slimes produce a LOT of LXP. EDIT: On a slightly less depressing note, here are a few pictures of my shop at the market.
  7. Oh, he's already offered one. I'll tell you what I told him: I don't care about the world. I don't care about the house. I care about the COMMUNITY, and I can't download the other players. Playing single-player does not interest me. I don't mind having to start over and replace all my stuff with a wooden pickaxe, I just want to have a server to play on and other people to play WITH.
  8. Since Loader asked me so nicely, I guess I'll share my current home too. It's not entirely finished yet, mind. External view of my farmhouse: The 'attic' is mostly storage; lots and lots of resonant strongboxes and deep storage units, some crafting tables, a sync shell storage, that's about it. Middle floor is just empty; I've made a ton of furniture, but I haven't placed any of it out yet. Ground floor is almost as empty, but I've started to convert part of it into a crafting area; 8 pulverizers, 8 redstone furnaces, fun with pipes and chests for automation, etc. Sub-basement 1: Sub-basement 2: I have another sub-basement under that, but it's really just stuffed full of a ton of different kinds of plants to boost my altar power. Got about 16k at this point. I've also been working on a spaceship, but it's nowhere NEAR finished: Then there's my actual workshop, where I started out before I built the farmhouse Witch grinder: King slime grinder (doesn't use MFR grinders, uses looting III cleaver in autonomous activator + LXP collector thingies; the small building on the left houses my portal) Giant LXP tank: Aerial view (top right thing is my TConstruct smeltery building; the middle thing is supposed to be a rocket, not quite done yet): Workshop interior: Sadly I'm not sure I'll ever get the chance to finish it all; the server owner has gotten all depressed over the declining popularity of the modpack and the EULA stuff making it harder to actually fund the server; so far the PayPal fees for donations has exceeded the actual donations, apparently. Makes me sad since the server has been running PERFECTLY, but it sure isn't free to run, so he's debating either switching to a different modpack, or just turning it into a DayZ server instead. Bleh.
  9. Unlike the many, many people who try to just log on straight away, some of them with vanilla clients. Those people are silly. Don't be like those people.
  10. I did. It didn't help. Even with some four or five warning signs around the laser drill array, I still kept finding graves next to it. Kept happening right until someone stole the drill. (Apparently the protection plugin that server used didn't prevent people from wrenching things on other people's land. Oh well.)
  11. I was planning on putting one on my space station, once I actually get around to building it. Well, more of a spaceship really. The idea in my head was something like 'giant wooden steampunky stingray-looking thing', but I've yet to actually get started. Other reason: lasers look cool. There are some drawbacks, of course. Last time around I made the mistake of putting mine outdoors; I had to keep breaking graves on my land after people wandered by and got killed by the precharger beams.
  12. I did the math: Out of 52 energy cells... ...40 are connected to 4 dynamos each: 160 dynamos. ...8 (the ones next to corners) are connected to 3 dynamos each: 24 dynamos. ...4 (the actual corners) are connected to 2 dynamos each: 8 dynamos. Total: 192 compression dynamos. Towards the end, I was getting VERY tired of mining for tin.
  13. The plan is to have one tesseract in each corner, I think. Should be able to pull out plenty of power that way.
  14. The tesseract in the corner of the next-to-last picture sends the power off to a couple other tesseracts here and there, hooked up to the various things I need power for. Not running anything massively demanding yet, really. Tweaking it as I go along.
  15. While we're on the topic of power generation, I figured I may as well take the opportunity to show off my current power setup; I know Loader likes to look at the pretty pictures anyway. Having recently moved over to a new server, I found myself needing a new power setup. Last time around I'd used a ton of solar panels in space to make lava for magmatic dynamos, but I felt like mixing it up a bit. I started out with this: The bottom compartment holds six vanilla mob spawners (4 witch, 1 skeleton, 1 zombie) that I'd moved there with Block Teleporters. No light whatsoever, of course. At floor level there's the frame of an Enhanced Portal hooked up to a timer; every couple of seconds it pulses briefly, portalling everything in the room to the glass compartment up top; small enough to be handled by a single MFR grinder (initially powered by inferior, temporary means, but not anymore). The mob essence I was making with that was just the first step, though. It mainly goes to this: Bottom compartment holds an autospawner with a King Slime, 'exact copy' is set to 'yes'. Mob essence from the first grinder is being used to fuel this. Similar to the first grinder, the King Slimes get ported up to the chamber above; I'm not using MFR grinders for this one, though. As the King Slimes would always get ported to the exact same spot, I put an Autonomous Activator in the floor there, pointed upwards, and placed a TConstruct Cleaver inside. Looting III, a Flux upgrade for easy recharging, and enough damage to one-shot the King Slimes (not hard). Since it only takes a single hit to kill the King Slime, a fully charged cleaver lasts for AGES. Slime channels help draw whatever drops out towards the corners, where it gets collected by Vacuum Hoppers. Strategically placed Ember Moss in the corners helps to kill off anything else that might decide to spawn in there. XP Showers pour the XP orbs out onto LXP Collectors; the LXP and various item drops get tesseracted away. Some of the LXP gets converted to Mob Essence (via a hidden Unifier) to help fuel the Autospawner even when the vanilla spawners are inactive due to nobody being near them; the vast majority goes HERE: The main "body" of the tank is a solid 9x9x9 cube of OpenBlocks tanks, with a bit more up top to make it look less boring. It fills up surprisingly quickly; King Slimes drop a LOT of XP, I guess. Meanwhile, at my other base a few thousand blocks away, the LXP gets tesseracted to my actual power generation system: 52 Resonant Energy Cells (though I started out with Redstone ones until I could get enough Enderium) in a 14x14 square, with as many Compression Dynamos as I could fit in; they're being fed with LXP and water, the water stored in two tanks fed by two Aqueous Accumulators each. Each energy cell feeds into the one clockwise of it; the idea is that the power should go around and around, making sure none of the dynamos stop working until ALL the energy cells are full. The positioning of the square is such that all the energy cells and all the dynamos are inside the same chunk, so I only need one poppet shelf to keep it all loaded. Got a tesseract in one corner sending the generated power off to wherever I might need it; might add some to the other corners for symmetry, but that might just be my OCD acting up again. (That was a joke. I don't actually have OCD.) The King Slime brings in plenty of neat drops, too. All the slime tools just get shunted into a Nullifier, but I've set up Deep Storage Units to hold Miniature Red Hearts (current count: 2425), Miniature Yellow Hearts (current count: 11435) and Gelatinous Slime (current count: 70063). Everything else gets dumped into two double chests; if those should happen to be completely full, excess stuff gets Nullified to prevent jams. The drops from the vanilla grinders comes through here, too.
  16. The 53 people that tried to connect overnight might need to look up what exactly 'whitelisted' means... XD
  17. A few more screenies, this time of the SMP version. Solar array: (Before anyone asks how long it took to mine all that quartz: it isn't quartz. It's paved whitestone. Much easier to get tons of, and it looks almost exactly the same.) Aerial shot of the main tank spiral thing (told you it was symmetrical!): And from below: So yeah. Gonna do a bit of decoration with celestial crystal strips, possibly swap out the concrete under the tank with some chiseled obsidian to make it more ominous, then it's mining time.
  18. The spiral itself only took a couple of minutes, it's fairly simplistic. It's completely symmetrical, though it might be hard to tell from that angle. Making the spherical tank itself, maybe half an hour. Pillar didn't take long either. Mind you, as I'd built the entire thing before in CSP, I knew exactly what to put where. The main timesink was of course getting all the materials for it. 20 stacks of OpenBlocks tanks plus the obsidian for the spiral and pillar, plus the materials for the solar panels etc (I have SO MUCH MUTTON now) took a while. The obsidian wasn't that much of a chore, thankfully; I'd finished the solar plant on the space station the night before, and the last thing I did before bed was to hook it up via tesseract to my igneous extruder set to obsidian, and hook that up to a Deep Storage Unit. It made roughly 2500 obsidian while I slept.
  19. I am somewhat excessively fond of space-station solar panels -> lava fabricator -> tesseract stuff, as Loader has probably realized by now. The server I play on got wiped about a week ago (there were corrupted chunks everywhere that had gotten regenerated with a different world seed, so it looked awful), so I wound up having to start over. I toyed around in creative singleplayer for a while as I waited for the server wipe to finish, and came up with a design I felt was fun. Actually recreating it without creative mode proved to take a little longer. Note: I was not going for 'practical' or 'efficient'. I didn't want the reaction from people to be 'oh that's neat', but 'is she out of her goddamn mind?!'. In space, I packed as many advanced solar panels as I could into a single chunk (my witch friend had only made me two poppet shelves at this point), with heavy alum wires connecting them to lava fabricators, and from there fluiducts. I don't quite remember the exact number (at work right now, will check when I get home); I made 31 before going to space, but I remember I couldn't quite fit all of them into one chunk. Back down on the Overworld, I used the OpenBlocks Building Guide thingie to help me construct a large spherical tank for the lava; actually building the tank used up something along the lines of 20ish full stacks of OpenBlocks tanks, I think. It looks kind of like this: Note: that's the one I built in Creative singleplayer. The one I built in survival multiplayer looks virtually identical at this point, give or take a block or two in terms of height, though I haven't had time to add the celestial crystal microblock strips just yet. There's a hidden Tesseract right at the top of the tank, receiving lava from space; underneath the tank is a single fluiduct pumping lava into another Tesseract, or at least it will once I have somewhere to pump it into. The plan is to do something like this (again, screenshot from Creative): 52 resonant energy cells in a 14x14 square, all within the same chunk. Each one feeds into the one clockwise of it, so that the power goes around and around, ensuring that the (hidden) magmatic dynamos can all work at once until ALL the energy cells are full. Most of the cells have 3 dynamos each, with a little less in the corners. Today, when I get home from work, me and my silk touch pick are going to head out and mine every last bit of redstone and ferrous ore I can possibly find. Won't that be FUN? XD
  20. Since when was this modpack ever about doing things the simple way?
  21. Most means of setting things on fire have been disabled for anti-grief reasons; you can light a nether portal if you put your flint and steel inside a Dispenser first.
  22. Well, us moderators just got a reasonably significant power upgrade, at least. Maybe that will help. (BTW, Rasta - *anyone* can check who owns a protected area, moderator or not. All you need is a piece of string to click things with.)
  23. The thing is, that's 1) boring, and 2) not going to work next patch. As for what's in those chunks on the overworld... I'll have to get back to you on that once the server is back up. It just crashed HARD, and doesn't seem to want to come back up again. Argh.
  24. No, wait, one of those two prior times the chunk did have a MFR Grinder hooked up to a TE power cell before getting sliced out, now that I think about it. Only once, though. It got cut out twice.
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