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Everything posted by Loader

  1. Same issue, it's a BoP thing (as much as they say it isn't and it kinda isn't, it kinda is, too) so until they update it on their end it'll stay that way. Unfortunately, they've moved on to a newer version of Minecraft as their priority so it's possible we'll never see it fixed.
  2. What kind of Familiar do you have? Is it currently summoned?
  3. Yeah, this fixes the 'rare village generation' (it does happen, you just had bad luck) but unfixes the 'exploring can generate corrupted chunks and stop you from being able to play until you fix it'. Just be aware that for the moment it's one or the other of those options - I'd suggest turning that stuff back to false once you've got some villages you're happy with (otherwise please at least mention you did this when you show up on the tracker with your world not starting, it'll save everyone time).
  4. I'm actually using essentials for this, here's an example from the Essentials YAML; Note that it's far from complete, but it's fine for a whitelist server. I would strongly recommend a lot more logging or outright banned items on a public server. The alert: section simply puts a note in the logs that a player used an item at a position in the world at a time, so that's all the info you usually need to confirm griefing after the fact (I prefer to do it that way round as people can usually find a way to be disruptive if they so desire, this just gives them some easy ropes to hang themselves with so I can fix up their damage, identify them and warn/ban them later). The blacklist: section actually disables those items from being usable. (again, this is 'banned items', usually preferable on a public server where you can't take the time to talk to everyone who acts like a dick) Worldguard's version is pretty similar to this, I think it calls it "Log" rather than "Alert" though. None of this is built into the B-Team, though, you'll need to start with what I suggested; Install Cauldron on your server. Problems/difficulties with that should probably go to their forums/tracker. Install some plugin to Cauldron that'll do what you want - Essentials, WorldGuard, Towny? (does towny do items? I know it can handle restricting them in certain areas so it probably can do 'worldwide' versions). Problems/difficulties with those typically go on their forums. Configure the plugin with what items you'd like to log or Ban (slightly different depending on what you got in the previous step, though it's always pretty similar, some kind of XML file somewhere). This part you might want to be back on these forums for advice on what items cause problems commonly, and why people ban/log their use.
  5. Typically people install something like MCPC+/Cauldron and a plugin like Worldguard, then it's a matter of entering the itemIDs into the Worldguard config (log item use or stop item from being usable).
  6. Senurom, please post up on the tracker after reading the tracker guidelines (they're in my sig, along with a link to the tracker). Browser, if you still have the old player file you can get the player to log in repeatedly and mash shift to get off the airship - it'll eventually work and you'll get it back. It must have some block it's trying to store but can't (like a carpenters block).
  7. Browser is quite right about the upload rate being surprising for minecraft - Vanilla (last I checked, it's admittedly been a while) could sustain 1Mbps for 3 players exploring, and big modpacks (like this one) could be that much each player. VDSL2 is better but it's more intended for throughput, not designed much about latency concerns, so it's never going to be a great experience. 3 players may experience similar lag to 10. SDSL is a similar problem to VDSL2 (but much rarer). Fibre/Cable is fine... depending on your local area. It's heavily influenced by the users around you locally when compared with the other technologies. In spite of all that though, the fact that you as the host aren't getting a full indicator for your own connection implies to me that it's the server overloaded - just too much to handle. Check your server settings (launch.bat) and make sure it's got a few gig assigned that it can work with (4+).
  8. Of course! I don't think you'd find anyone here who'd say no to that!
  9. http://www.minecraft.net/haspaid.jsp?user= for checking Minecraft premium status. Don't forget!
    1. Kalbintion


      Indeed, though I prefer to trust people unless they give me reason otherwise.

  10. #################### # general #################### general { B:BrachiosaurBreaksBlocks=true B:DinosaursGrow=true B:DinosaursHunger=true B:SpawnAcademy=true B:SpawnAnu=true B:SpawnShipwrekcs=true B:SpawnWeaponShop=true B:TRexBreaksBlocks=true } Hmmm... B:SpawnAnu=true by default? I've played a few versions with him, he may just spawn in the nether with that on or you might need to have the 'ancient' equipment on you for him to spawn, you might need the ancient equipment to hurt him at all, or he might not spawn at all (BoP's list might override it). He spawns only once on a server and in a place that a zombie pigman can spawn (so pretty much anywhere). If you kill him in the nether he's supposed to respawn, but I'm not sure if that ever worked (Dead is dead for good, I think), you were supposed to have to lure him through the nether portal and fight him in the overworld where he was stronger (again I don't think that 'stronger' bit was finished, though he does turn the environment netherish - sand becomes soulsand, stone becomes netherrack and water becomes lava). I've never seen him in the B-Team but he's pretty blatant when he shows himself, demanding you kneel and such in the chat. You won't have missed him if he's spawned.
  11. Can we get the Carpenters blocks IDs added to Archimedes Ships' forbidden block exceptions, please? It prevents players who makes ships with the blocks from crashing the server and provides a nice convenient way to make docks out of something other than dirt or AS docking blocks. Here's my bit of the config with the current itemIDs; The extra stairs/rope ladders and things can also be added in one of those files if you like but I don't think that's anywhere near as important (I didn't bother with this version and I'm not sure anyone noticed, there is a file which handles rotation of things like ladders which you can put most things in, although, unfortunately, not drawbridges).
  12. If they're left in a position where they can't retaliate, that's griefing in my opinion. It kind of escapes the point of playing multiplayer for me (if you make sure the other players are no challenge when you defeat them, why bother having other players at all?), Different servers have different rules on what's allowed with raiding, but strongboxes are usually restricted precisely because of the fact they keep the items inside safe. This lets players have a chance of bouncing back and retaliating without having to have a backup base and equipment if someone decides to full-loot them.
  13. Try here: http://forums.technicpack.net/forum/75-attack-of-the-b-team-servers/ Welcome to the forums
  14. The bit which simulates a faulty voltage inverter made me laugh
  15. Adding a sanity check like that would require admitting that the bug might not be fixed, a practical impossibility Not a stab specifically at Lapito, they seem fine, I just would never expect a minecraft modder to be capable of that step unless they specifically demonstrate it.
  16. I think the witchery bosses are flagged as bosses now for MFR like the ender dragon and wither, so you probably won't be able to put them in a net anymore (baba yaga, the huntsman and the demon all were capturable in the past so please let me know if I'm wrong).
  17. That one he's using is, yeah - the current version of this bug relies on multiple inputs to the same wire and doesn't generate power nearly so fast so it should be less likely to cause problems. That said, it is exactly the same bug that has done anything from destroying chunks to destroying worlds in the past, so it seems like a hell of a risk for a little extra power. Make sure that wire is draining off somewhere like a laser drill that can use up any excess and it shouldn't be able to reach those impossible numbers like it used to anymore. Just because I haven't seen it since this patch of galacticraft doesn't mean its fixed (stopping it breaking the world if it can generate infinite power is impossible, the infinite power bug must be stopped). Remember this general rule of thumb: If you put in conduits instead of GC wires and the system doesn't generate power, you've hit on the GC infinite power bug. Stop using that system or take precautions to make sure those wires can never have a ridiculous amount of power left in them if your batteries fill up. With all of the TE pipes (fluiducts and itemducts are more iportant than conduits) it's advisable to keep the whole relevant section loaded to avoid problems. I've had more trouble with fluiducts than itemducts, but I've had a few problems with all of them at one time or another, keeping them loaded avoids the issue completely.
  18. ..! Really? The amount of needless tunnel/leafy-tree setup systems I've made - you can do it all underground now?
  19. Honestly a lot of witchery's stuff can be dangerous, and a lot of stuff in general can be dangerous - if you want a 'hands off' no server op version of B-team there's a lot of stuff you need to disable. You're best of in my opinion just logging every use of 'items of dubious potential' using worldguard and then just ban people who you catch abusing via complaints and the logs (you get a complaint that someones base is missing bits, you look up the logs and find someone else using a witchery wand to open doors in that area around that time and then using a golden circle sigil you've pretty much got your culprit even if you can't tell exactly what happened). It kind of reminds me of tekkit lite in that regard, in that it benefits a lot from some trust between players and an active OP or two. That said, I'd forgotten about the explosive dubstep gun You should defnitely ban that one too
  20. That bug? No wonder it didn't occur to me Is that the one you were talking about MrStamper, or is there something else?
  21. Witchery's wand allows players to open each others doors and placement of water at a range, which is why it usually gets banned. The block replacing wand thing has some dupe bugs with its inventory.
  22. Or mark it as output, but don't turn it on (that usually works best for me if machines are supposed to feed into those pipes). Your second image link isn't working. EDIT: Just noticed it's because your chest is full - double chests need to be filled in both segments to access all the space, that's why the bottom half of the chest inventory is full (that's the half the pipe connects to). Use a single reinforced chest/DSU/reinforced locker instead and it'll be fine. Move the obsidian from the bottom to the top of that chest and you'll be able to see this in action if you want to test it.
  23. With a little more info it's a lot more likely that someone will help; What mars lag? What code needs changing in the dungeon gen? How does dungeon gen code cause lag on a world that's not being generated?
  24. I find Imgur is easiest for images - that setup looks ok, but remember that a village can have only 1 villager per 3 doors - sometimes the village generates with a higher number of villagers than should've been able to be there and you need to add a lot of doors/housing in before it starts to increase in population nicely.
  25. No reason not to make your own thread for this, but I guess the titles ambiguous enough that it fits kinda? Anyway, you make something called a 'weapons box' which you can then use to make the guns themselves (it'll say in the box interface what materials you need for a weapon, once you have those in your inventory you can make it at the weapon box). Welcome to the forums, don't be afraid to make your own threads
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