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Everything posted by Loader

  1. Awesome, glad you got it Sometimes people ask for help but then just ignore us, I was hoping that wasn't the case and you'd just missed it. I'm sorry I was blunt but that seems to be the quickest way to identify who's actually worth continuing to spend time trying to help. Welcome to the forums!
  2. You're correct: the recipes do not go into the mod folder, that's what Kalbintion said in >this post, and it's what Melfice was referring to in >this post. I know you're excited and in a bit of a hurry to get it working, but it's hard for people to help you if you're not paying attention to them. I get that you might have simply missed it, so please look at that post again.
  3. Ah right, I missed that bit somehow.
  4. Haha And you gave me crap about my drill edit - now you understand! I'm not running into a hard cap using leadstone in my testing - a single conduit running through the centre of 25 dynamos going out to 5 energy cells (connecting to each one 5 times) doesn't seem to be limited in any way, even though the meter has been showing 100% saturation since the third dynamo. I'm definitely not getting a limit like you are on just 3 dynamos when using it. EDIT: The TE saturation meter seems to be giving me funny readings - it's reading correctly now (96% if I remove a dynamo). Here was the setup; EDIT 2: Looks like saturation is being reported on the connections themselves (inputs to the network vs. outputs to the network). I think the oddity I was getting was from putting the inputs down first, putting the outputs down first or removing the inputs after it's set up gave me the expected results (that makes complete sense if it's by connection and not by throughput though).
  5. /cofh killall item Item, not skull. The dropped spinning skulls are still "item".
  6. I was literally about to say that! My Union Jack (though I'm in NZ now) is a good 400 years newer, even the French flag is a similar deal ~200 yearsish. I guess that whole 'the Dutch came out of nowhere and slapped everyone around in the 17th century somehow' thing we just figured was down to your flag colours
  7. I think so, you need to start with blood from the mob not from you, and I'm not sure if the crystal would work on non-players, but it's possible to make villagers you can shear and milk, yes. Edit: Note you'll need to use machines to get the milk out - you can get the wool by shift-right-clicking I think but milk I think I couldn't do by hand, just opened the interface or didn't work.
  8. Project|Red has an RS-Latch redstone device, and the PRC has an RS-Latch option those would be easiest.
  9. Hey, I remember this thread! Why does that feel so long ago? What are you wanting to know, exactly?
  10. You know, they'd probably function fine as sealer doors. That's a somewhat cheaper way to make a sealable environment that doesn't require you to already be on the moon to get prepared. Melfice, is there a reason you went with advanced drawbridges over normal ones?
  11. Go a bit bigger, 10x10 should do it, to allow king slimes to spawn (I'm not sure how much space they'll need, but it'll be more than 5x5. I also expect that you'll need an air gap between each layer, I doubt they'd spawn into the soul glass. Feel free to give it a go, though, and please let me know the results if you do
  12. Ah, no - the redstone blocks create a signal - they can't be turned off. They won't work for that (the fans would always be on).
  13. Actually the way Kalbintion put it is pretty much spot on - it's like a switch or lever: Push it from one side and it goes that way if it can, but it can't go any further or do anything else. Push it from the other side though, and it goes back.
  14. Hm... One villager, with the ender healing gene and an ender crystal nearby, suffering in the bottom of a smeltery forever?
  15. Not problem, I'm sure it wasn't intentional. Kalbintion is only providing information, not chastising you. If you have trouble finding a log for posting on the tracker there's a guide to that in my signature. Welcome to the B-Team forums
  16. Did you try the design my post just above, Kalbintion? If it's not working I'd love to take a look some time and see if we can figure it out - oddities are always interesting I don't think TE is opensourced, is it? Daniel, unless you have over 125 dynamos you don't even need to worry about this if you have a resonant cell and redstone conduits - if you have a redstone energy cell then you won't be limited until you have over 25 dynamos, with hardened you can take 5 max and with leadstone you'll be limited to just 1 per connection.
  17. Updated. Do people want an example second-timer setup? I'm a little worried I'm going too far already for absolute beginner stuff.
  18. Sure, even chat about vanilla in this part of forum if you want. If it installs on the technic launcher I really doubt there'd be any problem (unless it was pretty blatant spammy advertising), even talk about modpacks from things like FtB I don't think would matter if it had context. Remember though, we're all here because we play technic packs, so if it's unrelated to those in any way at all it might not be the best place for it, it's not explicitly against the rules or anything but there's probably not a lot of point when you could use the FtB forums if you wanted to talk about FtB.
  19. You don't need parallel lines, just multiple connections - it won't bottleneck on the actual throughput even on leadstone so far as I've tested. Just build it with one and split it at the end later if you need to (or to begin with so you can build around it).
  20. An RS latch is just a switch that if you press a button on one side - no matter how many times, it turns on. If you press a button on the other side, it turns off. Nothing too fancy technically speaking, just a scary sounding name
  21. The blocks next to a redstone block get power, so if you just sat the fans on redstone blocks they'd all get power, yes.
  22. It's part of the T-Flipflop demo on the PRC - showing what that does and how small that system is (even with 6 doors, the PRC really only comes into its own for most people when you need to change things a lot or if space is an issue, an upgraded one can handle so many simultaneous operations it's crazy). The cost of the PRC is so very negligible in the B-Team I barely if ever use the P|R logic stuff unless it's something super simple. If it was maybe 1 door or 2 doors and I wanted a toggle that I knew would never move then I may use them, but anything else or any doubt and I'll usually build a PRC so I can use it to control something else later - the size savings (in all but the simplest tasks) and the ability to later completely change its purpose is great.
  23. You're limited in that picture by the one connection to the creative cell - it has a max output of 10K RF, so both cells will get that. Add a couple more so it matches the resonant cell you're sending to. Like this;
  24. Sure, PM me with what you're thinking - I was going to go over passthrough, inverter and flipflop in the first bit, and a simple 1-second-based timer circuit for the second one. I wasn't planning on going over OR, AND or any of that, but it's all simple and useful, there's heaps more we could go over. I'm a programmer not an engineer though, so PLCs aren't my area of expertise, fair warning (you should see the horrors I can create with computercraft!). Good You should've said something earlier though, you're not one of the people who brought it up to me and got amalgamated in my virtual person
  25. I love that, Melfice I'll use it to demo some rednet stuff for people if you don't mind? (so people can see how they'd have buttons to control the bridges - I've already built an example to play with it, but I'll make another if you don't want me using this for that. I'm stealing it for my base in game whatever you say though, not negotiable )
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