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Everything posted by Loader

  1. You'll need a thing called Cauldron which is a loader for both forge mods (like what's in the B-Team) and bukkit plugins (what you're wanting to add). Be aware that you should be careful which plugins you add - gameplay altering plugins rarely work well alongside gameplay altering mods - always make a backup before trying new ones. Here's a link; http://cauldron.minecraftforge.net/
  2. The vanilla setup requires that it all be one village - the trick is that the golems spawn in the 'middle' of the village, but then immediately fall out of the area for 'processing', so the village, now missing its golems, spawns more. The MFR harvester only goes out in front of it on the same level until it hits something, once it hits something the search can go upwards almost indefinitely. I've never tried putting one behind a wall, give it a go if you like! (whenever I've used them the appearance of the area hasn't been a priority for me, I've either been happy with ugly or it's been hidden somewhere anyway like an oreberry farm would be).
  3. There's a forum specifically for this kind of thing, you should probably post there; http://forums.technicpack.net/forum/75-attack-of-the-b-team-servers/
  4. That's an even better solution I had actually deliberately not suggested that due to a mistake on my part - with big displays you can't use that trick, but yours is stretched rather than just big so you can get away with it fine. You would've run into the problem I mean on the middle segment with the 2 long blocks, having to put connections on the back of those parts as well as the sides, but you can get away with it fine when it's 2x1. Funny how the brain works sometimes (or doesn't, in my case here), huh?
  5. If you're talking about who I think you are, you need to understand that 'forgive' is a different thing to what is needed here, for me at least. What would be needed for me would be for the person to prove that they weren't an unprofessional, primadonna dunderhead (not the original word I went with - it rhymed with "chuckletuck"), which unfortunately is much harder to do than it is the other way around. I honestly hold that person in lower esteem than most black hats, at least they're after a challenge or money or something vaguely productive in its own destructive way. It's not a matter of personal, it's not a matter of disliking the person, it's a matter of trusting a persons integrity. If you take a person who's proven their lack of integrity before and then want trust that same integrity later when they offer a sincere apology then that's up to you, but that's risky, I don't blame Technic for avoiding that pack later (I would do the same, it's the only sensible option here). You really should go onto platform pagoda and ask for some advice on how to build a pack using the mods you want, I'm sure that'll be more productive than arguing the point on this thread. Seeing as I'm back in this thread after all this time, I'm going to mention that I'm hopeful that we'll get some section on the new launcher for a link to the server download (even if it's tucked away a bit so players don't hit it accidentally). I know it's super-lazy, but it'd be a huge convenience when trying a lot of packs in fairly rapid succession not having to ferret out the server files every time.
  6. There's not much advantage in using it outside of the mac, you'd need to get HFS+ drivers to see the stuff on there anyway (unless bootcamp is using a 'real' NTFS partition on that same drive). Just use the mac, assuming you're comfortable doing searching and copying on it. What pack are you using? Some are in the .technic folder (.technic/hexxit for example) while others are in the modpacks folder (.technic/modpacks/attack-of-the-bteam for example). Once you've found the mod folder, in there should be a saves folder which contains the worlds. Once you've found it, zip up that whole saves folder and copy it to the mac partition. Later when you want to use it you can unzip it back to the new bootcamp installation and shouldn't have any issues. In future, I'd consider running the standalone server application locally, then connecting to it on that same computer to play single player that way (through the 'multiplayer' option in minecraft). This setup not only splits up the memory into chunks and works better for multithreading than minecraft does on its own (meaning you get more stuff in your world before it starts to lag), but gives you an easy entire folder you can backup from time to time to have a complete working copy of your world (or set it up with a plugin/mod to handle the backup for you if you're really keen).
  7. The server will be running as soon as you use launch.bat, if everything java-wise is configured right and the port is available. That should get it accessible within your network, to get to it from the internet will need some port forwarding/virtual server setup doing... that'll be a matter of finding out how your setup works and using whatever hardware you have to configure it (usually some kind of modem-router web interface). To remove a mod, simply remove a mod from the mod directory. To add a mod is the same (put the mod into that mod directory), although you may have various conflicts which will stop it working (that's why I'm sponging off these guys, they've assembled stuff that works fine without me having to do anything special). I'd strongly suggest you follow melfice's advice and read something like this as setting up technic pack servers aren't a lot different from setting up vanilla servers; http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Tutorials/Setting_up_a_server
  8. Ah no, you misunderstand me - I get the need to stretch the lights further back (that's something I usually forget to do - this video shows it off very well IMO), it's the width of the horizontal segments that make it harder to read than it has to be. Like this; I just think that'd make the numbers a lot more readable on the oblique angle they're on, that's all.
  9. If you don't mind the power draw, a MFR harvester works as well (it's a lot quicker to set up and you can have the farm be a few blocks high with no problems).
  10. Did that fix it?
  11. Very cool I do have a few questions for you, Where you're using the blocks in the lane in part 1 (to pass through the 'on' signal), why don't you swap the colours around (Orange/Green for example) as the hit detection only needs to work when the sign is up, so it can go on the back and work fine, where the on/off signal needs to work when the sign is down, so it can only go on the bottom face of the target. I'm not sure if it'd be better: I think it'd still have a pretty big face behind it, only a rednet cable connection rather than a block of your choice, so I'm not sure if it'd be actually helpful but it seemed worth mentioning as you'd taken the time to make this. Why don't you make the horizontal segments of the display wider? Illumar lamps are one of the rare exceptions that don't pass signal to one another when powered so you should be able to get away with it. Why didn't you include part 3? You should post that up too, it's my favorite part!
  12. No problem Of course, this doesn't help at all with the really scary thing in the Tropics. Hidden because of it's potentially spoilery nature;
  13. The world of dinos config files have the options for which biomes they spawn in, look for this bit; S:dinoBiomeIdList=201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209 Either remove all those numbers (biome IDs) or reduce them to a few where you'd like to see them spawn and it'll be fine. If you remove all the numbers, you can still spawn them the old fashioned way (dino breeding through dna isolation and cultivation).
  14. Or build them yourself using the necromancy mod...
  15. This is exactly what it does if the duct clogs, for the record, you shouldn't rule it out just on that (if the duct clogs it chops one tree, some goes into the duct, then it jams and stops doing anything. The idle timer bounces at the bottom).
  16. Don't use buckets, use the unifier (the bucket just tells the unifier what to convert to) with fluiducts. The two mods do different things LXP Liquid XP is like an 'enchantment xp' which you can use for enchanting, removing enchantments etc. Openblocks Liquid XP is more like a storage system for your own XP. (This is why it's the better option for pulling out of tanks, taking showers in etc.). This is what you wanted when you used the other kind. It's annoying that they've got the same name and look very similar.
  17. The issue is there's openblocks liquid xp and LXP liquid xp in the pack. The openblocks kind you can get back by right-clicking the tank or using the xp shower, but that doesn't work with the LXP kind. Your best bet if you've already got some mob essence is to use a unifier with a mob essence bucket to convert it to mob essence. You can then drink that from a tank with a straw and convert it back when you know you've got the right kind of liquid XP (from the openblocks drain). You can go straight to the other liquid XP, of course, but I find it easier when struggling with stuff like this to just convert it into something where I know exactly what I have.
  18. Usually this kind of thing would go on the Tracker, but not in this case as it's not really to do with the B-Team at all. If you've; Installed MCPC+/Cauldron (and requisite cauldron libraries) Put worldedit in the plugins directory Then that's it. That's all you should need to get it working with the B-Team. If you're having trouble getting MCPC+ installed or having trouble getting MCPC+ to pickup worldedit then those both sound like problems you should be taking to the MCPC+ forums, not here. Good luck
  19. What was it, out of curiousity (it might help future people, too).
  20. No problem Welcome to the forums!
  21. No, it's not that conflict, that conflict is a server crash - I still have this bug without morph installed so I guess it must be EP2.
  22. Yeah, it's a clientside bug so its no harm to the server. I can't remember the cause.
  23. Some part of it (though not all of it) sounds like mouse smoothing, did you hit F8? (That toggles mouse input smoothing mode in minecraft, I think it's intended for videos to make things less jerky) The second thing to check is does it do this even on a new world? (use a name you've never used, like temp so you don't accidentally rebuild an old world)
  24. Here's the deal about how Ent spawning works:
  25. Yeah he would be, just rather than starting with worldgen oil he's got the system making it for power, then he's refining from that (which is better for any long-term automation than what you can do with the worldgen oil bubbles).
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