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Everything posted by HeatHunter

  1. I have a pretty stable random generated world (night time is possible, but nothing is perfect ^^) for resonant ender I think I was lucky but I generated a stable fuel ocean with just adding lightning and ethernal rain
  2. also enabling the console might help to track down errors... (you can do that in the same menu where you can set your ram mine is active, so you see "Hide Console" in the screenshot.)
  3. you could also use mystcraft to generate an ocean of resonant ender and pump it into a tank or tesseract (thats what I did )
  4. ok, It took me a moment to google it, but as it looks to me, this is an addon for php. This has to be installed on the machine and the commands you got are for the server administrator to run them in the command shell... (as I understand it) so without accass to the command shell of your WebServer you are doomed... :/
  5. but you can upload files to your webserver... so create a textfile with the following content: <?php php artisan migrate:install /?> not sure if this works, because this looks more like a command line for me and I'm not really in php (doing asp.net most of the times)
  6. what kind of conduit are you using? had a similar problem in early game when I tried to power a pulverizer, furnace and induction smelter on the same leadstone conduit. (as they are only able to transfer 80 RF/t switched to Hardened then 400 RF/t and everything worked fine again.)
  7. I had to puffer the steam through portable tanks, otherwise my reaction in the fusion reactor broke down :/
  8. if you're talking about an item you wanna fill with a fluid, did you try the fluid transposer from the TE-Mod?
  9. you can configure the ram in the launcher options: btw: if you HAVE a crash-log, actually posting it might help us
  10. don't really know, I just built a treefarm using MFR Harvester and Planter and later I built an ME network to automatically burn the wood to characoal. At this point I didn't bother any more about the steam dynamos eating my characoal tip: you can fill the steam dynamos using an ME-Network (the AE Mod is really excellent when it comes to storage systems, you can also integrate your Deep Storage Units using Storage buses) Edit: When it comes to connecting a quarry I use such a setup:
  11. are you also experiencing these problem when you start a local server? (SSP) maybe a crashlog could help in this case... How much ram did you allocate for tekkit?
  12. the steam turbines of the MFR-mod are working fine for me (didn't test what produces more RF/t, 9 steam turbines, or a big turbine of AS)
  13. if you have access to your router it's normally easier to get yourself a dynip and simply route the port to the internal ip of your server.
  14. ok, here's what I did... (my Webserver is bit slow, so pictures might need a bit to load) First, the Overviews Top: bottom: energy is supplied from the back. (I think it's actually the side of the machines) the supplier pipe at the top is configured as followed (I had to pick the 32 stack out of the machine and insert it back in to get the machine initially start working) I configured the Import bus to fetch items on low signal and the Level Emitter to send a redstone signal if a specified amount of items is in stock this should be scalable... Didn't test what happens if the machines run full and you take out a stack, but I think the machine starts producing again when the import bus starts importing the second stack of items...
  15. sure, if you use the conduits to connect the power, they convert the energy on the fly (from RF to MJ) tip: you can also connect a couple of dynamos to the same cable (I suggest you switch to the hardened cables as soon as possible, as the transport 400 RF/t (you can upgrade your existing leadstone cables) don't built too many hardened cables, as you can't upgrade them to the highest tier (as far as I know)
  16. I managed it to fully automate the refilling of oxygen tanks using the ME network and Fuzzy Import/Export busses. Also had some luck with the electric compressors using a combination of ME and logistic pipes... Used logistic pipes for filling the resources (e.g. a stack iron and another half stack) and precision import + the redstone signal thing (missing the correct name atm) to get the final product out. maybe someone has an idea, how to tell the logistic pipes to not send items when a redstone signal is applied... (in that case you won't have to operate the import buses on that signal. I managed to craft all compressed stuff that way. Did not try any other GC machines yet...
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