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Everything posted by Munaus

  1. is this an issue with those packs alone, or does the same happen with Technic packs? Hexxit, Attack of the B-team and Tekkit?
  2. Not an issue with Technic launcher, if other packs worked fine. Take the issue with the developer of the pack
  3. Custom pack issue. Moved to Pagoda
  4. Always get the mods from the site where the dev uploaded it to. Minecraftforum.net or curse.com minecraftore.com is not that place. Also, OP asked this last summer. He will not give two shits about this post today. This was pointless to reply to
  5. Read the Server Guidelines and edit your title with the necessary information.
  6. In the future, post issues with downloading packs on Bug Reports -Technic Launcher. Unless the issue is specifically a custom pack, then it goes to Platform Pagoda or take it with the modpack dev.
  7. can you launch any modpacks? Tekkit, Hexxit or Attack of the B-team?
  8. Custom pack issue, moving this to Pagoda
  9. without a link to these three packs, I can only conclude that these packs were made by amateurs who can't make packs. Problem solved. Try another pack.
  10. Google pastebin. Put your logs there and post the link to it here. You'd get better support from Discord than here. You just need to be patient Edit. Also, moving this to Pagoda. This is not an issue with the Technic launcher
  11. Moving this to Server OP Swap Shop
  12. you have a block or item that uses the same ID as another item/block from a different mod. This is common. Also, this doesn't belong in potluck. Moved
  13. why are you posting a server ad here?
  14. the forums is mostly dead. You'll get more attention on our Discord, as most of our helpers are active there
  15. don't bump.
  16. always always - always - provide a link to the pack. No link, no help from anyone
  17. When I say "provide a pastebin of your log", I really mean that. Not pasting the log directly on the forum post
  18. post in our Discord, we got Top Men to grind out issues like this
  19. a 1.7.10 pack? This is Attack of the B-team server section. Edit. Moved to Custom server zone
  20. Platform-related. Moved to platform pagoda
  21. mines a contradiction to the majority of all packs. It's not a kitchen sink and it has zero tech. It also has liteloader, because I wanted background sounds like bird chirping and waves hitting the beach. Wont work on toasters
  22. there are users, or scum, as I call them, who do it regularly to abuse the trending system. If you don't like the name of your folder and want it changed, the only option is deleting and readding it. So just do it
  23. why is this on Potluck? Moved to Pagoda
  24. always provide a link to the pack so others can see where the issue lies
  25. Flair: Salty heh
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