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EvilOwl last won the day on July 3 2022

EvilOwl had the most liked content!

About EvilOwl

  • Birthday 06/27/1984

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    : on a tree behind your house

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  1. Don't ask to ask, provide logs right away. Make a new report next time.
  2. One more salty post or one more report about this topic and I start swinging the hammer without looking.
  3. No pixelmon support on this forum
  4. From the author's mod page on CurseForge: Source: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/vics-modern-warfare-mod
  5. @TitanNidoking Read the rules, don't post a wall of text
  6. @Kanexi Why would you post the same thing twice? I'm deleting one of your topics. Try it again and you'll be in trouble.
  7. Sometimes happens if you spam-search in the launcher, the platform checks how many modpacks you tried searching within a certain time.
  8. @swimmerfast @jevan5 you both want your forum accounts deleted?
  9. User reported the issue to the staff. Closing
  10. Sure. Will do.
  11. Go to our discord server, read the #rules and look around, check channel topics so you don't get in trouble. Then upload the latest launcher log from .technic/logs to the #tech-help channel. https://discord.gg/technic
  12. Tell the modpack author to add CCL to the pack. Moving to Platform Pagoda
  13. http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/announcement/7-the-forge-download-server-is-currently-having-issues-please-do-not-post-about-it/
  14. http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/announcement/7-the-forge-download-server-is-currently-having-issues-please-do-not-post-about-it/
  15. http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/announcement/7-the-forge-download-server-is-currently-having-issues-please-do-not-post-about-it/
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