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Everything posted by BrowserXL

  1. Lets say the diamond is the reference as a vanilla item. Last time I started a new map, I had a stack of them within two mc days. Last time I checked (and I haven't actively mined a long time) I had around 10 stacks of em. Emeralds are usually rare in vanilla. Here I can automate their generation in a villager smelter and produce them out of basicly nothing. so this would render the two rarest and most sought materials basicly worthless and leave them with a price of 1. Same goes for obsidian by the way. I can create them in a machine using only a constant influx of water, energy and lava. What actually is hard to come by are some witching ingredients, like icy needles, creeper hearts, tongue of dog and wool of bat. But all it needs is the raw supply of one bat, wolf or snowbell and I can easily automate their generation using mobspawners. So if your want an economy setup, you would have to take into consideration how skilled your players are and how far their automation processes are. This would result in a constant downfall of prices that will in the midterm leave all items with a price of 1. You should always remember the one thing generikb said in one of his videos: "This pack is not about balance, its about having fun." This pack is not made to have people working for stuff. The only mod in this which really had me doing things in a very intense and dedicated way was the witchery mod so far which I have yet to automate, once I find the final location for the lair, but the rest of the pack is primarily to play around with and have fun with your friends.
  2. Since you are aiming in a very general direction it is hard to come by with something more precise then general advice But basicly things that one should tackle first after having a save hide out and a sufficient food supply are: - Advanced Weaponary (Tinkers Constructs) - Energy Generation (Thermal Expansion) - Body Modification (Advanced Genetics) - An automated Storage System (Project Red Transportation) From there on it pretty much depends on personal tastes. You could go the automation and machinery route ... be creative as hell ... get into witchery or just explore. Depending on your taste a different subset of Mods from the pack will be interesting for you. In general I would have a look at some of the guys from the original server and their series, which are just perfect introductions to various topics. You could also watch my tutorials, but I guess it wouldn't make much sense, since I will be talking german all the time I would recommend: Building (Keralis) -
  3. I have no such list, and I have reasonable doubts that such a lits would exsist. Most of the things in this modpack are easily obtainable and as easy to automate. Since an economy would have to rely on putting a pricetag on things this would be scaled by rarity and complexity to produce things. Our server is now running for four months and I haven't been mining or producing raw materials for at least a month now, since I automated all the basics or have acquired a sizeable stash of materials. I have only started this week with witchery which put me in need to grow some plants and trees, but all the suplemental stuff like metals and so on is available in quantities far beyond my personal needs and I am giving stuff away in handfuls to the people I am playing with effectively destroying each planned economy on the go I would imagine that a server that is bigger as ours (we are only 6) would even faster see its economy crash due to people throwing things on the various markets. There is no real demand for anything, since anything is easy to come by.
  4. You might wanna check the COFH Config for that.
  5. There are two questions I am wonder about currently (2 1/2 in fact *G*), and I hope you Technicguys can share a light on those: 1a. Will 13 become recommended at one point? 1b. Has the cocoa butter issue been solved (I might have missed that point somewhere). 2. Will there be a version 14 (and even more versions) after this one, since the original server crew around the B-Team is one by one abandoning the modpack?
  6. You are using the wrong Javaversion. Downgrade to the latest 1.7 version and things should be fine. 1.8 is not support due to forgeproblems.
  7. Have you guys made sure that the Server Service is able to bypass a local firewall bidrectionally (your problem really like that)? If not you have to make that the server can do so. Otherwise it will never work.
  8. Concerning magic ... Witchery is the big mod of magic in this game. You have nature magic, dream magic, circle magic, conjuring and what not. Basicly everything around magic revolves around witchery. You could count the Necromancy Mod and Minions Mod at least leaning towards magic, but witchery is the place to go. But beware, witchery can be very time consuming. Chimneyswift is probably the expert on that mod and he has over 100 b-team episodes, where the majority of those is revolving around witchery or getting stuff for witchery.
  9. You have to create a router utility first. The pick the card to be upgraded and stuff them into the router utility. Then you add the upgrades desired and click install to upgrade the card. From my experience the only card it makes real sense is the extractor card from your inbox (if you have any). Requesting items usually go so fas that there is no need for that, but getting stuff into the system is usually slow. One of the upgrades (i think L) reduces the time between item pick ups, while the other (most likely R) increases the amount of item being picked up.
  10. I am a big fan of the technical mods like MFR, TE and PR. Working with them and recombining the stuff is really great fun. But I also love the creative mods like the carpenters blocks and the chisel. It boosts your ability to build extremely. That combined with stuff from bibliocraft and mr crayfish makes want to get all wild If you wanna go exploring the unsung hero is biomes o plenty (like chim put it in one of his videos). There is so much to see and explore out there and when you give it the twist and visit the tropics realm or the promised land, be prepared for quite some sights. Or go to the mooon ... or even mars when heading for galacticraft. Great sources for small but nice mods are open blocks and random things. They do not follow a big concept, but deliver tons of cool stuff. For our current server project I dived deeper into food plus. While it is completely unnecessary, since I have my meatplant, its so much fun cooking that stuff in my mr crayfish kitchen and then selling the stuff in my shop in our alps village .... here is a picture by the way In this Tweet I have a picture of that shop: BrowserXL Food, ironwares and slimy things
  11. It depends on intensive you play. Most ressources are rather easy to come by and the minions help there a great deal (letting them dig some mineshafts while you work on your stuff gives you ressourcen on the go. It needs some preparations energywise, but that is upgradeable as well, so you can start small and grow on it. The biggest timekiller will be the preparing of an adaequate project red storage system. My first batch consisted of 64 reinforced copper chests (and I still run on that). These all need interface pipes and respective braodcaster and responder cards. These all need a big bunch of illumars, which was a pain to gather. The glowstone isn't the big problem, but getting all the dye (or saplings) can take ages.
  12. With minefactory reloaded? Currently I am using it for an automated oreprocessing plant, I have an item grinding machine running on it (in combination with darwin mob), I have a meatprocessing plant (again in connection with darwinmobs), an automated wheatfarm and some smaller stuff, to get some things of my hand. Basicly everything that be automated productionwise is the target of this mod. You should watch some videos by generikb (you could also watch my videos, but since they are german they might not be that helpful). He has done quite some interesting stuff with it and used MFR to hook up some different mods. Witchery is (in my eyes at least) most interesting when you have a pvp aspect running on the server, while MFR is more for the production point of view. The nice thing about it, is its interoperability with other mods (Thermal expansion, tinkers and others).
  13. If you are into automation stuff and enjoy machines .... go for Minefactory Reloaded.
  14. Maybe you got it mixed up with tinkers mechworks?
  15. Ah ok. I didn't notice that back when I setup the reactor like Keralis did back then. Currently my "powerplant" consists of 4 reactent dynamos of which 2 burn blaze powder and one each burns sugar and gundpowder. My current maintank of 64 open blocks tanks is permanently filled as is the reserve 32 tanks overflow tank. I have 4 resonant energyy cells which are constanty fully loaded and the machinery so far is running nicely without any problems. I do not think that the energy generation is the big problem, since the components are rather cheap to make once you got past the initial days. Even the acquisition of the various fuels shouldn't give you a headache. I think the real problem that has to be tackled to is to have a sufficient storage system for energy that can build up capacities while not so much energy is requested and cope with additional energy needs caused by RF spikes. I haven't used it so far, but what is the energyconsumption of the laser drill, and what is its yield?
  16. the only way i can think of is the MFR autospawner. if you fuel it with mobessence gathered from a sewer (under your cattlefarm for instance) and give it enough Rastafaries, things should be easy going once you have set up a poppet shelf.
  17. I wouldn't call it a problem. It just requires you to revisit you power plant from time to time, to adjust it to your needs, And with the minions I doubt that you need the drill. I am currently sitting on a stack of over 1K blocks and ingots each of iron alone just through using Minions and having a darwin mob grinder and the other materials are in the upper hundres as well. What is the material that you are after? Since I haven't played any other modpack except for AOTBT I can't say which other pack handles it better. You would probably looking for a pack that has big reactors included. You might want to check out Keralis new modpack series that he just started. I think that has it. Since that modpack is even bigger then AOTBT you might want to check the requirements of the pack. And if you want to stay with AOTBT you could always and another mod that makes your energy generation easier.
  18. The good thing about the mobgrinder ist that you do not have to be around for long. The amount of mobessence is insane and fills up tanks really fast. Combined with blaze powder or even Nether Stars you should be good to go for a longer generation time without standing next to it. The lavagenerator trick only works when you use galacticraft wires, since there is a bug that is creating more energy through the generator then it should. When you use leadstone cabling it won't work. But be advised that this setup can cause chunk corruptions. I have tried it once and it worked nicely and had no problems. Keralis also had it in one of his videos and it worked so far, but depending on how much you like your world, I would take a different route. The fishy reactor is basicly a different setup of the mobgrinder. Bdubs was the first one to come along with it. It tried using it in a 5*5 coral setup and while it looks nice, I had the feeling that the spawnrate of the fishes is too small to be effective. Additionally you have the same problem as in the mobgrinder since the fish won't spawn when you are not around. Getting around the spawning problem would be to use a darwin mob mutation chamber, which would eliminate the need to be in place. All it would need is a poppet shelf or a chunk loader, to keep the machinery running.
  19. That looks really interesting. I have never seen that so far. Now I am curious
  20. Nope you are basicly right. Power generation is THE big issue in this modpack. The dynamos is your best option. All other means of electricity generation will yield less then that per tick. After having set up some mobgrinders I have switched to reactent dynamos which I feed with mob essence on the liquid side and blaze powder, sugar, gunpowder and nether stars on the solid fuel side. The yield of these dynamos (running 4 at the moment) charge up 6 resonant energy cell (50Mio RF capacity each) which then distribute the energy around the base. Since I have a quite compact setup in my base the dynamos basicly run permanently when I am around my basement somewhere, since the chunks are always loaded. This is basicly the most efficient (at least in my eyes) setup without taking up that much space like a tree farm set up, and enjoying the the creaming of dieing mobs. If you have a compact setup you could easily upgrade it with more dynamos. if you needed them. These 4 dynamos are enough to keep my whole machinery running and have 64 tanks of mobessence at the ready as well as all dynamos charged with fuel and have the 6 cells on full power. Granted I have no drill and don't run chunkloaders, but they can be added along with additional dynamos later. I could show you the setup, but since my tutotials are in german I doubt they will be a big help.
  21. Its weird. I just tested it today. Two smoothstone in the craftgrid above each other give me stone rods. Running fine on the current recommended (12)
  22. Hmmm. Seeing your setup would make it easier to understand the scenario. I usually use read alloy wire or rednetcable on my drawbridges and never had an issue with them so far.
  23. Hmmm strange. Normal stone rods use two smoothstone which are aligned like planks for making sticks. Or are we talking stone tool rods here? You will need smooth stone as well. Put the appropriate stencil into the part builder and grab the rod from there. I think the material cost is one, so it shouldn't create shards. If it does you have to remove those as well.
  24. Best way is to head for the tracker and make a post there according to the guidelines posted there. Look in the upper navigation to find it. Here you won't get any help most likely.
  25. Helleo everybody, I sit here and feel totally stupid not being able to figure it our, so maybe you have an idea. I have built a grinder chamber to farm Slime Kings. I have caught one in a reuseable safari net and put it in an auto spawner. A grinder should now kill the King Slime and grab the items. I know I could get more experience from the slime using an autonomous activator and capture the orbs via a vacuum hopper, but the xp is not my concern. My main problem is the item transport from the grinder. I have attached some itemducts to it, in order to transport the loot to some chest somewhere else, where I can sort the stuff. The problem now is that the items get stuck in the grinder and do not come out (the duct is configured to let the items out and a pneumatic servo is installed to have an always on signal). So after the first Slime King is dead the next one just sits there and waits in front of an inactive grinder, because the item got clogged up. I have tried different configs (in means of facings, filters, stacksizes ...) and even added a chest in the back attaching the duct to that instead of directly into the grinder, it didn't work either. The items now sit in the chest and do not get transported away. I have even completely disasembled the whole transport setup, and reasembled it without any success. In the meantime all other mobgrinders work just fine. My solution now was to hook up some project red transportation to the chest next to the grinder and pull out the stuff with an extractor card, and put it into my system from there. This works nicely and is there to stay for now. Yet I do not understand what happened there. The setup was in no way different from the other one I run and yet it still didn't work out. Has anybody else encountered such a problem?
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