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Everything posted by Jorcer

  1. This is a great idea May I ask what you are studying?
  2. Ahh in that context OT works. I thought you meant Original Poster (OP_
  3. From my earlier post (Click the link)
  4. It looks like you have the wrong Java bit. Are you using 64 or 32 bit Java? (You should be using 64 if your OS is 64 bit)
  5. Has anyone found any of the minecraft easter eggs yet?
  6. You mean OP and andrew already said that ;)
  7. Didn't notice that... OP: you either made a mistake or you need to update your launcher
  8. I don't see why you shouldn't...
  9. Make sure you are using the correct Java. From the looks of it you probably need 34 bit (x84)
  10. Try deleting the .techniclauncher folder and reinstalling
  11. You might get more help in the Tekkit section. From what I can tell however, it would appear to be you Java. How many bits is you OS? (and does it match your Java?)
  12. Post your own bug report and don't threadjack this one
  13. Not a double post...You were replying to two people...;)
  14. Yerp you fixed it... ... Break it AGAIN !!!!!!! PLEASE :(
  15. Oh I know you can handle yourself, I was more poking fun that sticking up for you. For a blob you are remarkably well informed. Also your pic is broke
  16. Ahh I was wondering about that. Thanks And I agree it should be somewhere (especially on the Java site)
  17. http://www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp Go there and check to see what comes up You could also try this workaround that lets you use Java 6: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/incorrect-java-being-used-update-failed-fix.4112/ EDIT: I've tried everything but I still can't get it to work with my 32 bit OS. Not sure what to tell you. A temporary fix could be to use the .jar instead of the .exe which seems to work for most people. If we manage to isolate a common cause to 32 bit OS issues then we'll update with a real fix.
  18. Go easy on him, English is his second language ;)
  19. I know its a bit late but the mod select button does not work because of a small bug with forge. If you need to remove a mod you need to manually remove it from the .techniclauncher folder (or the modpack.jar which can be a pain)
  20. No there is most definitely a 32 bit download, though I am not sure where it is. Sorry :(
  21. Nice but just so you know, deleting the .minecraft folder will have no effect on that, the solution was (as Torezu said) to delete the .techniclaincher folder. EDIT: And I only asked about the premium account to cover all bases, I wasn't implying anything.
  22. I don't think that is possible. On a side note, this issue doesn't effect all migrated accounts, mine works perfectly. Are you using a "premium" (I hate that term) account?
  23. I just wanted to say thanks for this Jay?. I have been considering getting the game (I loved the first) and this seems like a well thought-out and intelligent post that will go a ways in helping me decide EDIT: Also thought I should mention that there are apparently a slew of Minecraft "cameos" (thatsssssss a nicsssssse game you have there) and such. http://www.fpsgeneral.com/news/borderlands-2/21675-check-out-this-awesome-borderlands-2-easter-egg
  24. Ummm... Well then... Try a medical forum? I don't think you really want to take medical advice from the people on this forum (yes I include myself in this)
  25. This could be an issue with the Mojang servers. I believe there is a site were you can check if they are up or not.
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