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Everything posted by Nethaufer

  1. Or they say you can play it on a really big screen. And then you say, yeah, I can too. Although truth be told, I heard that plugging your computer into a TV screen gives horrible resolution, but I heard that about two years ago, so maybe it's better now.
  2. Like when an organized group of griefers in good communication hit a server. Stuff be disappearing then. Also, some griefers only focus on people who truly deserve it.
  3. These clients generally have a suite of tools that aid in griefing, like sneak hack, x-ray, fast block break, fly, etc... Team AVo, mentioned in an earlier post, use such clients to wreak havoc on servers. They themselves have added in many things themselves, most notably .retard or Jadevision. I'm pretty sure griefing clients require a proper account, as they launch like normal minecraft does, if I understand correctly. A cracked client is just an account that says that it is official when it really isn't.
  4. True, but that would also hurt everyone else then too, which causes anger in the community, and if it happens too many times, you could lose players. Then again, maybe not, but the risk is always there.
  5. Exactly, and when you do rollback something, the tree will stay and prevent any blocks where the tree is from coming back, leaving a tree inside of your walls, floor, valuable machines, chests, etc... It doesn't matter if you get rid of the tree, the damage is still done. Especially if they plant it right where you have an extremely expensive machine there, or delicate wiring. Like your nuclear reactor, your Mass Generators (or whatever they are called), whatever else is important.
  6. Unless if they also plant trees and bonemeal them. Then it becomes a world entity and not theirs. Hell, AVO already does that to screw up BB. The only real protection is to have an active admin on at all times. AVO has pretty much proven this over and over again, and even then.
  7. Here's the link to a wiki page regarding wireless redstone: http://technicpack.wikia.com/wiki/Wireless_Redstone Give the other suggestions not involving wireless before you try it, it may lead to an easier solution.
  8. Well, you could have it so the wire is going underneath the wall next to the door. Or, you could have the wall three blocks thick, with a space in-between and wire it up to the base like that. Once again, connecting to the block underneath the door. Not all that skilled with how Redstone works myself, but I think that's the surefire way to get it to work. Also, try flipping the doors around, so that they are flush with the outside wall. Maybe that will work. Then again, maybe not.
  9. So Quantum is pretty much god-mode? Nice.
  10. Because it isn't providing power to the door itself. If it works anything like normal redstone, it needs to touch the block on the base of the door. Or something like that.
  11. What about lava? That stuff absolutely reams normal armor and health, so it shouldn't take that long to drain the armor and then kill them. Of course, you would have a possibility of losing all the items, but I'm sure there's a way to get it to work.
  12. And for some reason I'm perfectly fine with that. I still prefer to play Vanilla because it is, in all honesty, a completely different experience than playing it modded with the Technic Pack. Sure, a lot more like living in the stoneage, but a different way to play nonetheless. Not to mention that for some reason both my computers shit the bed when playing with any of the mods available using the Launcher, but hey, technicalities.
  13. Ehhhhh... I don't know. I kinda like having to root through my inventory to look for stuff in creative mode. Call me old fashioned, but I just like it like that. Looks nice though. This in a snapshot or something?
  14. I was going to suggest the 'remove-the-block-in-front-of-the-door-w/-a-piston-so-they-fall-into-lava' trap, but that's not something you need from the mods in Tekkit to do. I don't know exactly what all the stuff in tekkit is, nor what some of the stuff does, but could you make a deployer full of lava dump it on someone who steps on a pressure plate?
  15. Nothing is keeping people from uploading the mod version of enderchests, and who said they weren't working on the API alongside the enderchest?
  16. I completely agree. At least they are taking input from the community and are putting it into the game. I still wish they would finally make the maps copyable like they said they were going to. The multimap tracking thingy they said they were going to do works, they just haven't provided a way to copy it other than sharing map 0, obtainable through creative mode. Don't go saying it's useless yet, because it has only been mentioned, we don't even know exactly what it does yet. Note: I can't actually get to the article at school, so if I say something that contradicts the article, don't blame me, blame my school.
  17. And that's why I always either turn them so they are active on a higher difficulty, or I lower their damage setting.
  18. Well, this has changed from asking for who else is an old person playing Technic, to a tell your age here thread. I have a feeling I may have contributed to that change.
  19. 17, but my mom says I'm mentally an old person. Also, just gonna drop this here: 2112 is a pretty sweet album, and Rush rocks.
  20. First mod was the Yogbox.
  21. ... Are you kidding me? That's... that's just plain pants-on-head-retarded.
  22. I'm 100% sure that selling a mod is illegal according to the, albeit vague, Minecraft TOS. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  23. If you like extremely hard games with puzzles that are pretty unclear and that don't tell you where to go or how to do it, I recommend La Mulana. Hardest game ever. If you don't think so, try playing it, you'll end up agreeing. Or, if you aren't masochistic, watch this guy's playthrough: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL25D2DC18FBD81577&feature=plcp (Link takes you to the entire playlist.)
  24. That's what I thought they did. I've barely played the game. Probably only been an hour total that I've played it.
  25. Children are so annoying. All they do is clutter up the place making it hard to find adults and by sometimes confusing me that they work in a job of similar color. (Partially colorblind to red doesn't really help much.)
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