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Everything posted by freakachu

  1. since the cat's out of the bag, pretty much this. the technic launcher doesn't contain any viruses, your "friend" is just a complete idiot and payed some script kiddie in russia or whatever $200 for no reason. tell him to burn his computer and never replace it.
  2. I'm going to answer your question before I lock this thread, because I am having a Mr. T moment. here are some tips for getting it working: 1) actually run the launcher. this is very important and it won't work if you don't execute the program. this step is key. 2) click on a pack you enjoy. this is also very important and you must do this if you want to play anything through the launcher. 2a) if you don't like any of the packs listed, feel free to browse the technic platform site for a pack that is to your liking, maybe feed the beast is up on there who knows? 3) type in your login details and click "launch". if you went to step 2a, do step 3a before this one. 3a) if you used the platform, click "add modpack" and paste the platform URL here. click add and then follow step 3. 4) congrats, you are playing modded minecraft through the technic launcher ~thank you for ignoring our rules; why is there a semicolon there?<3
  3. another interesting tidbit from this reddit thread: http://www.reddit.com/r/SimCity/comments/19y8ro/simcity_api_servers_more/ it seems the reason for the removal of cheetah speed is most likely due to this telemetry API they are using. according to this post it sends 34 separate messages to the server just loading up a city. the faster the game goes, the more of these messages are going to get sent in a given time span. all the API usage was probably causing them server issues, thus the lowering of the speed. it's also interesting to note the fact that all of their servers are amazon EC2 instances. all of them. they didn't setup their own data centers or servers for this, they are renting them all. despite all of that, the servers still choke and die, which is also fascinating because amazon cloud servers can expand their computational resources to meet demand. basically, it's not a server hardware problem unless they have some upper limits set or something, I have not used EC2 personally. even if there are some lowball upper limits, the fact that they are hitting those limits so hard points back to the same thing: the game is programmed like ass. nobody stopped to think about efficiency or optimization of network traffic. hell, even the simulation in the game itself is so derpy that it's a complete joke. I think it's pretty safe to say that a decent number of people were way out of their depth and/or had no idea what they were doing. hell, all the communication it does with the servers is in plain text and over an http protocol, even the parts that are SSL encrypted.
  4. according to a response a dude on reddit got from the office of EA's CEO, the devs wanted the online only component. now, the source is somewhat suspect but I don't think you can place all the blame on "corporate fat cat suits" or whatever. the devs thought this was going to be a good idea, they went out and talked about how awesome it'll be and whatnot. not EA CEOs, maxis devs. I've watched multiple interviews, seen multiple articles and posts by maxis people and they all talk about how great the online component is going to be, how much they love it, how cool it is, how infallible it is, etc.. this is not simply a case of "oh EA fucked over these naive game devs and shoved their dirty online DRM down their throats against their will while shareholders laughed and counted money". a bunch of people at maxis, much like a ton of other people in the IT field, bought the idea that The Cloud is super amazing. they were wrong. they made the choice to go always-on, they built the entire region concept around their server infrastructure, they failed to do anything close to properly testing the game on real people. they themselves apparently play their own game in a way that I suspect is wholly alien to the vast majority of their customers. there is a video where ocean quigly (the creative director, however his name is spelled) is talking to apparently will wright about playing the game. they discuss how they spend upwards of 40 minutes following sims around for every 20 minutes or so of actual city building that they do. I don't know what version of the game they were playing, but if I spent 40 minutes just following some idiot sim around my entire town would burn down by the time I was done. additionally, their reason for the problems in the fist place is basically, "people wouldn't stop playing". apparently they honestly expected people to log on, spend 10-15 minutes dorking off and then be like, "welp I'm satisfied for the week." and log off. this is not a CEO problem, this is a "the entire hardware and infrastructure team is spending all day doing crack with the technical design team" problem. some things can be blamed on upper management, I don't think this is one of those things.
  5. welp, let's pack it up guys. it's game over for technic. B1ACKxPaNDa revealed us for the assholes we are and totally just invalidated the pack's existence. go on home, people.
  6. either make a new thread on the subject, as this one is very old, or find a recent one that actually deals with the new launcher and having this problem. in either case, be sure to include any error logs or relevant error messages, and some basic system specs like in the bug report form.
  7. I am down for making a region. I will warn you though, I am not the greatest player of this game. apparently I am terrible at traffic management. edit: as far as servers go, they are terrible for this game so far. launch night was a fiasco and a half. however, if you're getting the queue in the launcher, it is a completely arbitrary wait time. if you go to select server and simply select the same one, it will retry the login. keep doing this until it works, you'll save hours of time.
  8. I really like the one where a mod is totally trying to get some dude to start a communist revolution on the forums. man, that moderator must be a really handsome and cool guy, am I right?
  9. probably because the previous parts could be compressed to one line or otherwise handled properly despite incorrect line breaks, but that line can't for whatever reason. if you're writing a bash script, why are you writing it in widows? I assume you have access to a linux machine that you plan to run this on, yes? create the script there. also, you do know your script does basically nothing as it stands, right?
  10. this doesn't look like the error gregtech throws. it's redpower causing the problems. look into the mod called RP tweaks or some such, it's a modification to redpower to fix a bunch of the known bugs in pr6.
  11. to the launcher? I don't know, what is the error it gives you? that's probably the reason.
  12. this is probably the best advice you can get, given the information you've provided. I would suggest taking it.
  13. to echo niavami, you don't need to sign up for anything if you just want to play the game (outside of buying minecraft and getting an account with mojang, obviously). the technic platform account is only needed if you want to either a) create your own modpack and list it on the platform or vote on packs listed on the platform. if you don't care about either of those things you can play with any listed pack without signing up for anything.
  14. minecraft.jar was never needed for custom zips. anything that would normally go into minecraft.jar goes into modpack.jar instead. modpack.jar is simply a file that contains everything to be merged into minecraft.jar after it's downloaded from mojang. it's how technic avoids distributing the actual game with its packs
  15. that link still goes to a page to download the file, not the file itself directly. edit: filesize is better though.
  16. the structure looks fine, though I'd get rid of the temp directory as it is not needed and you really don't want to have every person download a 100+ meg file. you'll run out of bandwidth pretty fast so anything you can do to bring that down is good. also, minecraft.jar is in there, which is a bad thing.
  17. your first problem was trying to upload mud.
  18. maybe she's born with it, maybe it's technic platform.
  19. basically OP, just give tekkit lite a whirl in SSP. you'll have a great time.
  20. that's fine up until the point where it's explained to you and you keep arguing anyway. which you did/are doing. you seem to be under the impression that the platform is like the pirate bay of minecraft when it is not. modpacks and mods are nothing like music/commercial programs/movies. if you're looking for someone "official" to start lambasting mod authors because that is how you've been told technic is, you won't get it. we like modders, we like the mods they make. even if we don't agree with some of them on many things, their mods are still pretty cool regardless. that reason is not good enough to prevent me from banning you for being a toolbox. sorry, please get bent at your earliest convenience and take your agenda with you. thanks.
  21. well, older versions of technic aren't broken, they're just not as new. as for optifine, blocker is correct about that as well as the fact that it isn't always as effective as some would like depending on your hardware setup. you can add it back in yourself if you're so inclined
  22. basically, the merging of singleplayer and multiplayer in the vanilla game made the existence of technic obsolete, since everything is now SMP compatible.
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