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Everything posted by freakachu

  1. if that was seriously what you were looking for, I am flabbergasted. who looks at simple, illustrated instructions for a relatively simple task and says, "you know what this needs? about 5000 more words. I just can't handle not spending the next hour reading superfluous instructions."?
  2. the edit timestamp doesn't show up if you're fast enough =]
  3. I thought maybe it would work better if I used only words he understands edit: although, "together" might be a few too many syllables. I saved it for last though so maybe it'll be ok.
  4. target date is the 15th of NEVER EVER.
  5. here's the new, more detailed set of instructions: 1) make the place to put the things 2) put the things in the place 3) make sure things are in the right place 4) make the other place to put the other things 5) make sure your stuff look like game stuff 6) put all things together.
  6. what part of "specifically" did you not understand? saying "I dunno, here's the tutorial I apparently can't read" doesn't give anyone anything to go on. when someone asks for specific information or questions, they are generally looking for the question you are trying to answer. like, "how do I zip up files?" or "what's a winrar?" or even "how do I walk and chew bubblegum at the same time?" if you have specific questions, those are easily answered. no one is going to simply make your modpack for you though because you can't be bothered to read or understand a very clear and well written set of instructions.
  7. the time gap between the last update of classic and the release of lite has a lot less to do with minecraft updates and a lot more to do with a bunch of background stuff being abandoned. namely forgebukkit, the thing classic uses to have bukkit support and forge mods at the same time, stopped updating. that project has been essentially replaced now and lite exists so, while there still isn't an ETA it should be sooner than next year with any luck. as always, the pack is at the mercy of the mod authors and their rate of updates.
  8. industrial miner should be banned because I said so. also, impersonating the former governor of california. as an aside, I just deleted like... half this thread because it was stupid as hell and not even adhering to the rules setup in the OP. this isn't a "1up the guy who replied to you" contest, we don't need a bunch of "oh yeah? well I'm invincible" "oh yeah? well I can kill invincible people" "too bad I'm SUPER invincible! *thbththbbbhthb*". that stopped being a thing when most people turn 8 or so. anyway, continue.
  9. take 2 of these and never call me again.
  10. unless you're playing with a boatload of terribly coded mods or using a fucking huge texturepack, 1GB should be enough now that the permgen option is available. seriously. if it's the texturepack thing, get a different one or a lower resolution one. minecraft's rendering engine was never made with ridiculously huge texture maps in mind, which is why they fuck it up so hard. there was a really great post by the guy who made optifine a long time ago about minecraft's memory usage. in it, he details just how much memory the game actually uses at any given time. hint: it's <500Mb. you should look it up. more memory can be assigned because java. if you're running into performance issues, using the default texture pack, and have a 32bit CPU, RAM is probably not the issue. if you're getting "out of memory" errors on a 32bit CPU, the most likely cause is actually allocating too much memory, again because java. basically, if you don't understand what a java virtual machine is, or what "garbage collection" means in terms of computer programming, don't fuck with your memory allocation.
  11. I'm going to be nice and give you a single chance here to not be simply laughed at. you get one reply to actually convey what parts of creating a pack you are confused about. "all of it" or "everything" is not a valid answer. be specific and you might get an answer instead of a locked thread. no one has the time to play 20 questions to find out what your issue actually is if you're not gonna state it yourself.
  12. I like "the 15th of NEVER EVER", for its deep nostalgic significance. that was the date UO would get necromancy, according to lum the mad back in the early 90s. ironically, many years later necromancy was added to UO.
  13. doesn't follow the topic guidelines? check. no explanation about the server? check. no information or reasons why the server is worth playing on? check. a single, low effort line of text? check. using his local, unroutable IP address? check. I could probably go on but you get the idea. I hope.
  14. the wind gently blows through freakachu's majestic mane as he dons commically large and pixelated sunglasses "deal with it", he says before riding off into the sunset, ignoring the large, dong shaped explosion behind him.
  15. just dropping by to remind people to please, never include the minecraft.jar file, no matter what version, in your platform modpacks. the launcher ignores it as you've discovered and it is copyright infringement to do so.
  16. if your workforce was actually proportional to your population, it might be harder to avoid industry than it is. as it stand though, only a very small percentage of your sims actually work. like 10-20%, if that. because of that you can easily give them all jobs with commercial. if the worker numbers made sense, you would have a hard time keeping up with just commercial since they provide less jobs per area than industry does. that's my theory anyway. regardless, it's stupid.
  17. unfortunately, it won't fill the void between his ears :(
  18. no, it has to be a zip file. if it's not extracting the contents, it's either not getting the zip properly somehow, or the zip is not created in a way that it understands (which would be odd but hey, java).
  19. are there any other errors in the log before that one? maybe pertaining to unzipping the pack?
  20. the most recent mystcraft makes doing this a massive pain. it actually makes using the mod at all a massive pain. these doors are quick, easy, low cost, have no mob spawning no matter what, are a good size, and put less load on servers both in terms of load while running and disk space.
  21. basically, if you put your link into the URL bar of your browser, it should immediately ask you where to save the file, so just start the download without loading any kind of webpage. if you get any kind of page that is like, "hey, we heard you like downloads but we aren't sure so click downloads to confirm that you like downloads so you can download your download on the down low." then you're doing it wrong.
  22. why use dimensional doors? because this: can now contain this: and also this:
  23. hahaha holy shit this is so bad it's almost the greatest. a perfect storm of stupid, ignorance, and unsupported confidence. normally I would delete terrible server posts, but this... this shall be a beacon for all to see what not to do.
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