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Everything posted by nedned2k

  1. Ivan, you aren't the only one with this problem, as you would know if you bothered to look for two seconds on the internet.
  2. Use whatever version is compatible with the correct version of minecraft, and you should be fine.
  3. The one you have already selected is the one you're running....
  4. No, you see. He's saying "dont no", so he is cleary stating that he doesn't have an os or java. This might be your problem, try installing an os, such as windows vista, then proceed to find the latest version of java.
  5. Still nothing to brag about. That's something anyone on the forums could easily do....
  6. Just wait until Torezu sees this thread. I'm going to say this right now, this will not end well....
  7. I know, I noticed you were kellered and, being the bored to the point of slight stalkerishness person that I am, looked through your past posts to see what you did, and found your profile conversation with Torezu. (which is how I know this is a satire)
  8. Oh, Richs, you silly person. By the way, you should probably mention the satirical purpose of this thread before a mod comes >.>
  9. What? are there other people in this thread I'm unaware of? I wasn't freaking out, I was simply directing you to the correct place to go for your particular need. If you want to post in the wrong section, by all means, go ahead. You just won't get as far.
  10. What AV do you use? Some have been known to cause problems.
  11. You must be lost. There's a section for this a little bit further down the page.
  12. Do you have an AV? Certain ones tend to bug out at Technic.
  13. Tekkit Lite will not run with Minecraft 1.5, as the individual mods need to be updated to work with it every time minecraft updates. Once all the mods are updated, the pack updates, and the launcher will automatically update the pack when it does. As for optifine, you are going to need to use the 1.4.6 version. This will work because, in this particular case, the 1.4.7 update was only a server-side update, and as optifine is a client-side mod, the 1.4.6 version will work with 1.4.7.
  14. I tried, but this one cannot be saved.
  15. You don't understand, there is no instant way out. You must learn your mistakes and live in shame for a time, but you can recover from this.
  16. That still doesn't mean there isn't. You must believe!
  17. Just because there isn't a clear way out, doesn't mean there isn't one.
  18. You "can" right your wrongs, but you'd need to do something substantial enough for someone to manually remove the points. So, all I can say is Good Luck!
  19. I have started writing quite a few ideas for books, but never even came close to finishing them. The main curse of my overactive imagination is that I always think of another idea for a book before I finish one. Also, I handwrite them, and it takes ages to type them up.
  20. Not unless you do something amazing, or wait for the kellering to expire (usually a matter of weeks) It's rare, but there are keller success stories. No, but Thank You! I just have an extremely overactive imagination.
  21. That's what I've been doing? Nobody here hates you for using a mac, where did you get that idea? It isn't what you said, it's how you said it. So this is my concerned criticism: I am concerned that your conduct here is unsavory, and will end worse the longer you continue to act in this manner. What you are doing wrong is simple and can be easily rectified. The way in which you are conveying your message may not be intended to, but it makes the reader feel as if they're being talked down on, like you're so much better than everyone else, like you deserve to be respected no matter what you say. And so this has sparked a response by the people to combat your entitlement, for they believe that you do not deserve it.
  22. Alright, I'll try this one more time. What you think is happening is this: 1. You posted a bug report on a thing. 2. Someone called you ignorant for not having an AV on a Mac. 3. You retaliated by telling them off, and that the person doesn't know enough about computers to realize your point. 4. Everyone started a shitstorm and you were banned twice for defending yourself. What actually happened was this: 1. You posted a bug report on a thing. 2. Someone called you ignorant for not having an AV on a MAc. 3. You retaliated with this, 4. Everyone started a shitstorm and you were banned twice for acting like an entitled brat. So if you can't get this through your head, you don't belong here.
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