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Everything posted by gotyaoi

  1. You have the wrong version of tekkit. If you're using the rec. build, you need to go up a few. I think to either 3.1.2 or 3.1.3. I don't play tekkit all that much, so look around the tekkit boards for a better answer. It'll be there.
  2. I think this is actually an ETA request in disguise... At least, the first line makes it look that way, as those are all vanilla features.
  3. If you can't connect with the vanilla client, either the authentication servers are down or there's some problem impacting your communication to said servers. In this case, it looks like the authentication servers are down, just in time for the holidays! http://xpaw.ru/mcstatus/
  4. Well look, when you say configurable command, do you mean like from the set of in game commands, or from the entirety of what minecraft can do, or somewhere in between?
  5. At that point, it's no better than base class modding, because you have to make sure everyone gets your modified forge file... Anyway, it would probably be something like @ForgeSubscribe class Foo { public void lavaTime(LivingHurtEvent event) { if( event.entityLiving instanceof EntityPlayer ) { if( event.source instanceof DamageSource.lava ) { //code to be executed here } } } } and in you main file you would need MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new Foo()); This version of course would trigger on every damage tick, but it's the basic idea.
  6. Good news everyone! I'm not dead! Also, updated to 1.4.5. Link is in the OP. As usual, let me know if you spot any bugs. Also also, got rid of the bukkit versions.
  7. First, this isn't the proper place for this kind of post. Please keep that in mind in the future. I pity you though, so I will tell you that redownloading the launcher does nothing. Back up your worlds, then delete the techniclauncher folder. The launcher will then download you a new copy.
  8. http://mcportcentral.co.za/wiki/index.php?title=How_to_port_a_mod This is done after you get a working version for the normal SMP server.
  9. There is a very small amount of work needed to convert a normal smp mod to a bukkit mod, but it's easier in my opinion than trying to write it with bukkit in mind from the beginning.
  10. You... you probably don't want to hear about the award mojang just won then...
  11. Bukkit names the various classes differently. Just follow the tutorials for the normal SMP server for now. It's fairly simple to make it work with bukkit later.
  12. The only difference when coding for bukkit is names, generally. Any tutorials for the vanilla server should be generally applicable.
  13. Why on earth do you have 5 macbooks? O_O That aside, those folders aren't in /Library/Application Support/, they're in ~/Library/Application Support/, the one located in your home folder.
  14. I think he assumed that if it was on the first page, it must be current, without actually looking at the date.
  15. No, your issue is that you're trying to connect to an unmodded, 1.3.2 server with modded 1.2.5 clients. Go download the tekkit server and connect using the tekkit option in the launcher.
  16. Using gold conductive pipes, yes?
  17. Ok, just a small update. I am working on this, though it is a little trickier than I thought due to the way the IC2 API works. I'll post something more one I have a working prototype.
  18. Hmm... is a redstone signal being applied to either the collector or the energy storage block? Redstone to the collector will disable it, while redstone to the energy storage block will put it in output mode. If that's not the answer, post a screenshot of your setups, might be able to get a better idea from that.
  19. How many solars do you have? They don't produce that much individually. Also, are you using a wooden redstone pipe or a lapis pipe on the collector?
  20. Well yes, from the end of the video I assumed we were working with Tayledras, which has sethka or shethka instead. But anyways, very cool, and the GUI free bit is, if not easy, interesting and clever instead. Gives a bit more immersion and a slightly magical feel to something that is in fact quite technical.
  21. Heh, my Shin'a'nin though, I'm... what's the word... var'athanda? Something like that? Sethka, now the angsty teenager in me is telling me to read those books again.
  22. Small public service announcement. I havent had a chance to look at this program myself, but as a general rule, running random exe files you download off the internet is a bad idea. OP, do you have any proof that what you're distributing isn't the a virus or something equally terrible? Also, the only reference for FUD as an acronym for Fully UnDetectable I can find is a wikipedia page with no sources and no links to it. Just saying.
  23. You have encountered an error, which in common computer parlance would be called a "bug". Now, even though you're not using technic, someone in one of the bug boards might take pity and help you.
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