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I have been informed my my buddies "The Brothers Geek" that this was not cool and while it maybe OK for boards that I have posted on for a while and I quote "noobing out and thrown a fit because of a screw up" is not acceptable, They informed me that while I am computer literal my knowledge of them is about equal to their knowledge of cars, kind of harsh. When I met them they were trying to change the breaks on Matts car with $25 Home depot tool set.

So I am apologizing for my outburst, it was not cool and if someone had done that in my home I would have most likely kicked their ass.

They also said most of you wouldn't' care. They seem to know what to do to fit may system but won't tell me. Freakachu seems to have it mostly right but if I want help I need to politely ask here and one of three things will happen.

1. Someone will take pity and direct me to the proper thread.

2. I'll get completely flamed.

3. I will have a new problem than needs addressing.

So here is what happened.

1. Found technic loved it amazing, lag chug problem, Upgraded to 8 gigs for 4 problem fixed game runs like grass and is completely amazing. Changed NEI config file to allow cheat mod.

2. Crash mid game. I noticed it had not saved anything I had done in the last hour or so.

3. Launcher won't work tried Freakachu's fix that didn't work, found that I could play the game by use the launcher executable in the .technic folder. Game runs fine but small lag return.

4. Launched game, it updates and everything that was part of a mod is gone.

5. noob post on the board.

Other symptoms. I keep getting Java errors on other things. Deleted and downloaded new Java7

Now I get this whenever I try to open my Minecraft.jar

I deleted Minecraft and downloaded a fresh copy and it keep happening.

They said I have a 50/50 shot of getting help from someone. I would greatly appreciate any help anyone would care to offer and again I apologize for throwing a fit when I was a guest in your forum.


you need to simmer down errors and bugs happen but getting mad over it doesn't help, if it saying not enough memory allow more memory to it by hitting the options button at the start of the launcher then change 1 GB to something higher if that doesn't work tell me.


But we're trying to stimulate the post economy!

We must not save our posts, we must get them out into circulation to generate new posts. Deficit posting is truly the only way to grow the post economy.

It's completely un-Technicmerican not to be thousands of posts in debt. Saving posts is for communists.


I mean if it worked at one point the only thing you should do is back your saves and delete .Techniclaucher and let the spout repopulate it.

I also love how Minecraft is the last love of his life. He views Minecraft Like Jack views Rose from Titanic.


I mean if it worked at one point the only thing you should do is back your saves and delete .Techniclaucher and let the spout repopulate it.

I also love how Minecraft is the last love of his life. He views Minecraft Like Jack views Rose from Titanic.

He actually said the last pure joy. So I guess he only has dirty and filthy joy now.


If you know what I mean.

Damnit Valkon...

No Memes - If the only response you can think of for something is an overused terrible image with text on it, or a beaten to death catchphrase you should have a sit down and question your direction in life. "Who am I?" "Do I even have my own personality?" "When did I replace my wit and social interaction skills with a series of shitty .jpg's?" A few examples of things you might consider pondering.

Erm... I guess we can ignore this stupid "back-seat modding thing, right? :D


Minecraft is such a dirty whore then! We slut it up with all these high-heel mods and a Spout bra and now, these poor-poor people, like upandal, Have to suffer!

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