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Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town):yes

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft?A little. I have watched tons of videos on tekkit.

what is the purpose of a macerator?It grinds down ores into 2 dust that can be smelted into bars. doubling your products.

Recommendations(if you been invited):no

Others things i should know:I really like tekkit and i would like to learn new things so i thought i would a give this server a try.

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Name: FactualOrc

Age: 18

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town):


Have you played IC2 or buildcraft?

I have been playing the technic pack on and off since Minecraft 1.8

what is the purpose of a macerator?

A macerator grinds items (mainly ore) into its component parts (dust)

Recommendations(if you been invited):

no one invited me

Others things i should know:

I would like to apply for the merchants permit please

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Name: Servious

Age: 23

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): No thank you.

Have you played IC2 or BuildCraft?: Very much so.

What is the purpose of a macerator?: Standard uses include, doubling ore output by turning ore blocks to dust, using it to create dusts allowing the procurement of Bronze or a few other items, and lastly breaking down a few standard blocks into a base ingredient or a different block.

Recommendations(if you been invited): None

Others things I should know: Experienced Tekkit player. Past server operator, owner, and programmer for various games including but not limited to Minecraft. IRL Network Administrator. Leader of people! I plan to bring a group of friends with me to this server in attempts to start a good town/mining operation. RP-friendly, PvP-lite. ... Not related to the game or myself but something you should know.. even if you have your 4Tb of storage set as a RAID 0 for performance there is no way you can achieve the levels of I/O operation that a Solid State or Revo ... or even SCSI could perform. With how Minecraft runs on the JRE it's basically a emulated database and I/O's are crucial; your biggest performance issue at the moment would more than likely be the drives you are using. This takes into account that your 4Tb storage isn't already on a SSD or Revo. If it is... well then sir your pocket-books are quite large and have a good day


Just as a side question: What kind of timeline are we looking at before the forums/website are active. Some of my people don't really want to sign up on the Technic forums just to sign up for a server and would rather simply sign up for your server via it's own forums. We can talk via PM if necessary.

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Although you do bring a good point, we are using 2 HDD's with 2T at 7200 rpm which would maximize the saturation of the SATA buses since logs write at a different harddrive then where the server is located, i tried my best to index the servers storage to where it wasnt a performance issue, At the moment a SSD isnt in our budget as far as server costs i am aware of the SSD's performance as i have a SSD on my desktop, I was going to be working on the website this weekend and it should be functioning to a satisfactory degree by next week, at the moment we don't really have many developers and some are still learning the ropes.

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What developers do you need? My team has experience in many different areas. If you have dev positions open or need something specific I might have someone for you.

All I ask is that in-game is in-game and out of game is out of game. None of us want to mix the two. We're here for fun to play on a good tekkit RP server but would gladly help with anything you might need.

Even if you're running 2 7200RPM drives you're nowhere near saturating the bus. I say this because, while yes some of the newer 7200 drives can push the 240MB/s (3Gb channel) or 450MB/s (6Gb channel) you're talking about Minecraft here.. Minecraft is an emulated database server it deals in VERY SMALL chunks of data at a high rate. You need I/O's and with the seek times still in the 4ms range on spindle drives you are no where near the 100,000 I/O's you can achieve on a SSD. Raw throughput is pretty much null when talking about Minecraft because it doesn't deal with sequential large files it's more random access small chunks you have to look at. This is where you'd allocate separate cores on a proc solely to handling the bus controller (This is where a dedicated raid card would come in handy) Because Minecraft is actually not truly multi-threaded this wouldn't even impact the proc requirements of the server.

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White-List Applications:

Name: maxb2530


Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): yes

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? yes

what is the purpose of a macerator? it turns 1 or into 2 dust witch cab be smelted into 2 ingots doubuling your ores output

Recommendations(if you been invited): no

Others things i should know: i have my own tekkit server and i love tekkit and all that comes with it

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It's a way to create straight tunnels automatically, It's a component to RailCraft.

uhmm is railcraft one of the things thats not aloud? and is it that some one is using it or is it like some one has it not nowingly or something like that?

Edit: oh and uhmm whenever i join/go into the server right now, i fall through every single block and i d/c after 30 seconds of falling

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uhmm is railcraft one of the things thats not aloud? and is it that some one is using it or is it like some one has it not nowingly or something like that?

Edit: oh and uhmm whenever i join/go into the server right now, i fall through every single block and i d/c after 30 seconds of falling

I cannot speak for the server but according to their info RailCraft is not blacklisted (Just EE and a few items). It's just a normal part of tekkit that revanps the whole minecart system. Someone probably made it and it just went haywire XD

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White-List Applications:

Name: jamesjjw


Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): depending on what the offer mabey

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? a little bit i know how to do alot though

what is the purpose of a macerator? breaks down ores into dust which doubles production

Recommendations(if you been invited): no

Others things i should know: im a fairly good designer of complex machines when i understand the properties

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Name: WantedLord

Age: 16

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): No

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft?: I know everything about ic2. But i know only quarrys or pipes in bc2.

what is the purpose of a macerator?: It doubles your mining income. Make 2 dusts from 1 ore. And used to make carbon plates with coal dust.

Recommendations(if you been invited): gktu112 invited me.

Others things i should know: I love tekkit.

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Name: Yusuf003

Age: 16

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): Nope I can create a new town or join another town...

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft?: Yes i have been playing for at least 4 months

what is the purpose of a macerator? 1 ore = 2 dust = 2 ingot

Recommendations(if you been invited): Gktu112

Others things i should know: I live in Turkey and I love Tekkit

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White-List Applications:

Name: TreyBastian

Age: 24

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): No

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? Yes

what is the purpose of a macerator? Turn ore into dust

Recommendations(if you been invited): utfans05 shotskbiz

Others things i should know: I live in Europe so I'm on at kind of weird times I guess?

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What developers do you need? My team has experience in many different areas. If you have dev positions open or need something specific I might have someone for you.

All I ask is that in-game is in-game and out of game is out of game. None of us want to mix the two. We're here for fun to play on a good tekkit RP server but would gladly help with anything you might need.

Even if you're running 2 7200RPM drives you're nowhere near saturating the bus. I say this because, while yes some of the newer 7200 drives can push the 240MB/s (3Gb channel) or 450MB/s (6Gb channel) you're talking about Minecraft here.. Minecraft is an emulated database server it deals in VERY SMALL chunks of data at a high rate. You need I/O's and with the seek times still in the 4ms range on spindle drives you are no where near the 100,000 I/O's you can achieve on a SSD. Raw throughput is pretty much null when talking about Minecraft because it doesn't deal with sequential large files it's more random access small chunks you have to look at. This is where you'd allocate separate cores on a proc solely to handling the bus controller (This is where a dedicated raid card would come in handy) Because Minecraft is actually not truly multi-threaded this wouldn't even impact the proc requirements of the server.

Get on teamspeak if your intrested.

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Name: epikeejit


Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): uhm, not really, i'd prefer to go out and explore on my own, meet some people along the way, survive somehow together


Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? ....ICwha?

what is the purpose of a macerator? 1 iron ore -> 2 iron dust -> 2 iron ingots --WHABAM AWESOMENESS

Recommendations(if you been invited):none that i know of :s

Others things i should know: one small question: can we (attempt to) be green? and can we use magicks? :3

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Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town):Sure

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? Quite a bit

what is the purpose of a macerator? turns ore or coal into dust

Recommendations(if you been invited): None at this point

Others things i should know: I'm on and off erratically, and I kill things. Lots of things. (in Minecraft of course)

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White-List Applications:

Name: camaroguy821

Age: 41

Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): no

Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? yes

what is the purpose of a macerator? is a machine that crushes ore into 2 dusts

Recommendations(if you been invited): shotskbiz

Others things i should know: i know 3 others that are on your server and would like to join up with them

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wow seriously, i can't get into the server cause i need some mods, i have 39 mods... that's not enough! SIGH! this server is getting on my nerves :( please admin help me... im getting to much shit, i lost half my house because there was a tunnel bore under my house, and not i can't log in... can some one just tell me what i need to run this server i had everything, now i need more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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