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[1.2.9g] Tek A Ride [Survival][20 slots][Whitelist][Casual]

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Posted (edited)


Welcome to ā€œTek A Rideā€, after 3 years of being dead, the ā€œClockwork Tekkitā€ crew, comes back with the whole new independent server ā€œTek A Rideā€.
We hope to provide a friendly enviroment in which you can develop your own rockets with fun!


  • Hostname:Ā tekaride.eoc.io
  • Ip:
  • Slots: 20
  • Disabled or Banned mods or items: None


  • Donā€™t be aggresive towards other players, fights happen but keep it cool
  • Speak english
  • Donā€™t abuse items to on purpose break the server, this wonā€™t be tolerated and will result in a ban
  • Keep it fun for others
  • Respect the staff


The staff currently consists of 2 people:

  • jan2645, owner and overall god
  • eaterofcorpses, server admin and owner

Want to be part of the staff? show us how trustworthy you are andĀ we'll ask you if you want to be part of the staff


If you want to join, please create a reply with the following:

  • minecraft name
  • age
  • how long you are playing tekkit, and what your qaulities are in tekkit
  • why you want to join this server

See you on the other side!

Edited by EaterOfCorpses
  • 2 weeks later...



been playing maybe 6 months pretty regular

want to join because the other servers suck, I want to play with some other people, but, I don't want to have to pay hella money just to unlock everything the game comes with




I used to play quite regularly, started back when Tekkit Classic was the main tekkit,and have been on a couple of servers since. I haven't really played in the past year or so but I feel like beginning again :)

I want to join because this seems like a nice server, without an overly expensive donation system to be allowed to place quarrys and such




I used to play on a regular bases until the server I played on shut down due to to many glitches and I'm getting back in my modded gamesĀ 

I want to join this server since it's good and with a small community hopefully I can get along with others




I used to play with a friend a while back but its been a while and i'm looking to get into modded minecraft again.

I want to Ā join because i like to play minecraft with other people and i want to join a small community.

  • minecraft name - MLAKAGOM
  • age Ā  -25
  • how long you are playing tekkit, and what your qaulities are in tekkit - Ā just starting playing tekkit...long time player of attack of the b team
  • why you want to join this server looking for - looking for a small community to have fun with other players...adventures with other players
  • minecraft name: FatelMiner
  • age: 25
  • how long you are playing tekkit, and what your qaulities are in tekkit: I have been playing tekkit for about 3 years. My qualities areĀ knowledge of tekkit goes past most.Ā 
  • why you want to join thisĀ server: I want to join aĀ whitelisted server, because you get a closer community with your players and there is normally no banned items.
  • minecraft name:Ā isolatedvirus
  • age: 28
  • how long you are playing tekkit, and what your qaulities are in tekkit: Many.
  • why you want to join this server: I'm looking for a mature server where I can play with others and just enjoy the game without having to worry about griefing.
  • minecraft name: Aqualizeed
  • age: 23
  • how long you are playing tekkit, and what your qaulities are in tekkit: Been playing for about 6 months, my qualities are that I'm organized and an eager learner.
  • why you want to join this server: Because I want to have a good gaming experience with mature and friendly people and to learn more about the game while being social rather than playing alone :)
  • SkullSyn
  • 16
  • I have not played much Minecraft lately.Ā I have basic knowledge of Minecraft and mod packs. I used to watch peoply playĀ on YouTube.
  • I have always wanted to play Minecraft with other people and have a good time together. I think this server is a good start for me to explore and be better at mods.
Posted (edited)
  • kaiquele
  • 16
  • i played tekkit since the 1 year or 1 year and half , i watch guys playing tekkit on youtubeĀ 
  • i want to join the server because i just want someone to play with , i want to build big things !Ā 
Edited by kaiquele
i had to correct a error
Posted (edited)
  • fredzor96
  • 18
  • I play tekkit since last summer , my qualities are based on the youtube videos that i watch xdĀ 
  • I want to join because this seems like a nice server and in my country there are no tekkit servers :( imĀ from portugal :DĀ 
  • Ā 
Edited by Fredzor96
  • minecraft name: hads17
  • age: 17
  • how long you are playing tekkit, and what your qaulities are in tekkit: I havn't really gone into Tekkit but I have done many other modpacks and my qualities would have to be nice factories that are automated quite nicely
  • why you want to join this server: almost no griefing and I love smaller communites

Minecraft Name: simone431

age: 13

How long you have played tekkit: 5 years, and what your qualaties are: I'm more of a ME System lover, and enjoy integrating ComputerCraft into certain aspects of the game.

Why you want to join this server: I love small communities, for how easy it is to make friends, and little spam in chat, I also find it hard to find good tekkit servers that have small communities. My friend adventurekid8 told me about the server, and said it was pretty nice, so I decided to want to join too

Posted (edited)
  • minecraft name - ReamerKG
  • age 34
  • how long you are playing tekkit, and what your qaulities are in tekkit: Ā Played tekkit for about 2 years, not played for a while but looking at starting again, I enjoy building up a decent castle somewhere in the sticks, I also enjoy helping out others.
  • why you want to join this server I like starting out on new communitys and getting to know people. I have been a leader on the largest EU gaming community and looking to play a simple game in my own time now that I dont have massive commitments.
Edited by ReamerKG

Minecraft name=Castlepsaint


I have been playing tekkit for 3years and my qualities are that i know what i am doing on the game eg going to space therefor i also like helping others.

I want to join this server because all of the other servers are not very good and i want to commit my time and effort to a server that is great!


  • minecraft name: sportstar2019
  • age: 16
  • how long you are playing tekkit, and what your qaulities are in tekkit: A couple months. I almost completely understand all the new things.
  • why you want to join this server: I want to work with other people on a base as I have only done single player previously.
  • 3 weeks later...



I have been playing tekkit since technic pack was still a thing

I typically like whitelist servers better they are smaller and people get to know each other better. They also promote trust rather than making it a challenge to find new ways to grief.

  • 2 weeks later...


Minecraft Name: Xephodew

How long have you been playing tekkit: about a year

why do you want to join and what are your skills: I want to join so i can play with my friend who should sign up later. I am good with Thermal mods Red power etc.

  • 1 month later...
  • minecraft name 0ptigreen (zero ptigreen).
  • age 18.
  • how long you are playing tekkit, and what your qaulities are in tekkit I played it for about a year before I quit because it seemed like no one was playing it. So it has been a long time since I have fooled around with tekkit. My qaulities would mainly be in building I assume, heh.
  • why you want to join this server I want to join the server to hopefully build a few things, and test out what has changed in tekkit. Also to make a couple of friends to build with.

IGN: Jake_Sawyer

Age: 15

How long have you been playing tekkit?: Just recently started. Played a lot of tekkit classic

Why you want to join: Tekkit looks like a lot of fun and Whitelist servers are usually the best servers to join, this server looks really nice and I am exited to join it. Playing with a community always makes things a lot more fun

  • 1 month later...
  • minecraft name wackoman6789
  • age 17
  • how long you are playing tekkit, and what your qualities are in tekkit: i started playing tekkit when it first came out with its launcher years ago
  • why you want to join this server: i want to join a small community and start playing minecraft againĀ 
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