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[3.1.2] The Big Trio Tekkit [PvP] [30 Slots] [Open] [Factions] [EE Mostly Enabled] [No Lag]

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  "iwantmyfile5 said:

Reason computers are banned:

They can access the internet, download a keylogger to the server, and hack it. Many people think they can't do this, but I believe they can, so they're staying banned, they're not that important anyway.

People can't use keyloggers to hack the server through in-game computers.

In-game can only run lua/forth and they take input from in-game interaction of computer.

Sure players could download keyloggers with computercraft computers but only if the http api is enabled.

Besides players can only run programs supported by the in-game computers' operating systems.

And the in-game operating systems DO NOT have access to ANY information from the server outside of normal user interaction in-game.

Which means it is completely POINTLESS to ban them.

But it's only pointless to ban them for the reason YOU STATED as why you banned them.

So either find some other reason to ban them or unban them.


1 can you smile?

2 why do you need computers? This is a raiding/pvp server. You won't have enough to time to program a computer. And if u do it will get blown up and all ur work destroyed. So on this server they are pointless and cause lag. Here are your reasons.


  "LunarianEnclave said:
People can't use keyloggers to hack the server through in-game computers.

In-game can only run lua/forth and they take input from in-game interaction of computer.

Sure players could download keyloggers with computercraft computers but only if the http api is enabled.

Besides players can only run programs supported by the in-game computers' operating systems.

And the in-game operating systems DO NOT have access to ANY information from the server outside of normal user interaction in-game.

Which means it is completely POINTLESS to ban them.

But it's only pointless to ban them for the reason YOU STATED as why you banned them.

So either find some other reason to ban them or unban them.

You are a self righteous idiot. I don't take orders from you or any other player on this server. If you've actually played on the server, you'd realize that I unbanned them a while ago, but never got around to updating the post. And it is possible to download a virus to the server because the information is stored in the server, so anything downloaded by these computers would be stored there. It would however take a reasonable amount of skill to set up such an act, and they probably wouldn't use their skills on a game such as minecraft. That is the only reason I unbanned them. Don't go around posting your un-researched lies and make a fool out of yourself. And I don't need a valid reason to ban anything. I own this server, I make the rules.


Moderator Application:


Why do you want to be a moderator? I like to have a bit of power, and I like to have respect from the owner/admins

How would you moderate the server?by bringing the hammer of the law down on those who disobey the rules

What is your experience as a moderator?has worked with them closely in the law enforcement on large servers

What Timezone are you in?EST


no, I like to have the capability to act when I see something going down, you don't like it, I don't care, well a little bit, anyway, I like to be able to enforce laws with something more potent than a positive action defense and a nano saber(by positive action, I mean landmines and tesla coils.)


So today, i logged on after my attempts to run 7 ultimate on a Raid 0 setup and i discovered a few things

1. I have completely lost my inventory, gem armour, weapons, bags etc in the mod world, although i got the bags and stuff back that armour is irreplaceable(as of yet )

2. Utfm left my fac to go elsewhere :'c

3. Spawn is looking Great so far and i'm not sure whether i want to live mod world or pvp world....


Ok are people allowed to TP you to thier base to show u it when ur allies then enem u and kill u ? I mean really thts not cool this guys xXshu something from DiamondCo factions did it to me and I lost everything I ever worked for so now i pretty much quit unless someone wants to help me out :(


Time to try again!

:D (Been 1 month and 10 days, September 9th)

Moderator Application:

IGN: cleo641

Why do you want to be a moderator? I've been on this server for over a month and have constantly played on it. I enjoy this server a lot and I like to help people. Whenever I check to see if there is any space open, there isn't. Sometimes it goes to 26/25 or even 27/25 slots. But that's not the main reason I would like to become a moderator. I've seen at least a hundred players come and go, and I've have great times on the server. I'm a friendly person and I've helped catch rule-breakers, file.


How would you moderate the server? I would mainly take screenshots for proof of illegal actions, but can enforce Moderator commands when necessary (Not sure what they are exactly).Also, I always seem to be on when no other moderator or admin/owner is on and spammers are on. I do take screenshots, but I would find it easier just to mute or kick them for spamming. This also applies to racism/discrimination.

What is your experience as a moderator? I've been an admin on a server than ran for a few months, and a moderator on a few others than ran for 1 month + each. I know almost all commands (maybe 1 or 2 I'm unfamiliar with) concerning the current plugins on the server. I know how to behave, not abuse power, and enforce authoritative commands when necessary.

What Timezone are you in? I'm in EST (Eastern Standard Time Zone)

I hope to become moderator as I'm active on this server and I'd love to travel between worlds to help others (for instance, to fix something) instead of apologizing for not being able to. I really enjoy helping people and I hope you've gained my trust over time File.




Sry guys i quit becuase OF FAGGGOTS LIKE MIKEBRINE OR SOME SHIT NEED TO SAY HTEY WANT TO TRADE WITH PEOPLE THEN THEY KILL THEM!!!!!!! FK U MIKE! sorry deadly ill miss u and file u too. OTHER ADMIN THT WAS ONLINE MUTED ME CUZ I WAS SAYIN TO GIVE MY STuFF BACK! like wtf i said he wanted to trade then he kills me and the admin does NOTHING! that is dumb and if tht is how you run a server this is not a server i want to be part of with people like this.


My second try (and hopefully the last):

Moderator Application:


Why do you want to be a moderator?: I love the Big Trio Tekkit and it has been my go-to server since I started playing tekkit. I love the server so much I would die to keep it running for eternity. I find the staff friendly and am friendly myself, so I think I would fit right in. Also, I want to help the staff by removing players from play if they disobey the rules in any way and mute anyone for 10 seconds if the ask "Is <Item> banned?" or "What items are banned here?".

What is you experience as a moderator?: There is one Tekkit server that I am Head-Admin on and I run my own server. I frequently do /help and read the pages.

What Timezone are you in?: Eastern Standard Time Zone. I am available Monday-Wednsday at 4:30-6:00 Pm. Thursdays I have yoga and Fridays I stay up late at Panera or Chick-Fil-A. I normally wake up at about 2-2:30 am on Saturdays and am available the whole of Saturday. Rarely on Sundays.

I hope I become a moderator as this server is very fun and has nice staff.


Well I'm running full maintenance because someone decided "Oh hey, I might as well try to be annoying today and leave every item I find on the ground. I'm sure File will love that.".

Testing map for memory leakage, then I will ban whoever is responsible for the items if its not the map.


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