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Technic Battles Redux

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when i try to join server it says

connection lost.

server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL: http://session.minecraft.net/game/joinserver.jsp"user=cannonfodder1&sessionId=

and it goes on and on.

help please?

ive tried restarting my technic luancher.

Mojang's session servers are down. If you aren't on the server, you can't get on until they fix this.

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I think you can set the server to "offline" mode, and people can connect anyway. I'm not sure if there are any negatives to that on a whitelist server (on a free server you would have to worry about people copying their files to various folders and relogging on as new made up players and weird stuff like that, I think)

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I think you can set the server to "offline" mode, and people can connect anyway. I'm not sure if there are any negatives to that on a whitelist server (on a free server you would have to worry about people copying their files to various folders and relogging on as new made up players and weird stuff like that, I think)

Oh, yea, that never occurred to me. If it isn't up by tomorrow, I'll set it.

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Good Day fellow M-Tech employees.

Now, it's been a long while since I've given any direction whatsoever, and that's because I'm busy killing everyone on Planetside 2.

So therefore I leave M-Tech in the capable hands of... whoever. Provided that they change the name of the corporation.

I may return, but only to wreck shit.

Thank you.

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Warptech is scattered and in disarray. but every member i see i am telling them the coords to come to a new base. hopefully we can get united again.

(P.S. Greenwolf will have no trouble with griefing. his new castle is completed, and it has a Tesla Coil defense grid. holy cow thats alot of Coils.)

EDIT: i am still crashing when i move my airship. HELP ME PLEASE SOMEONE

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