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[Plugin] TekkitRestrict [Beta for 3.1.2] [Fix]


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Hello guys!

I'm here today to post my [beta] plugin TekkitRestrict.

[BukkitDev] (Probably subject to change since bukkit dev hates tekkit)

Essentially, this is a bukkit plugin that integrates with the tekkit mods and applies several fixes that "vanilla tekkit" servers would need to prevent griefers to go outright ballistic with the mods.

I know that many high-listed servers for tekkit deny the use of EE because:

-3 dupes

-1 Crafting bypass

-Cheating in resources (This obviously IS the basis of the mod)

-Most "Tools" in EE are NOT logged

I also know that said high-listed servers ban users because they "glitched" in items using crafting workarounds.

So, in conclusion, the overall goal of my plugin is to prevent these problems and more.


  • WorldEdit (Used to "Make" safeZones)
  • PEX
  • Any SuperPerm Plugin (Broken on beta)

The current status of my plugin gives you:

  • OpenAlc (Open ANY alchemy bag [Gives error if alc bag/player does not exist])
  • Safe Zone, 13 event types listed for safety. (More to come, Generally, this is equal to a Worldguard safetyzone that was manually programmed, but nobody can use gem armor)
  • Gem armor use preventer (Switches the "Offensive and Movement" modes to "off" automatically)
  • SafeZones!!!
  • All 3 EE Dupes!
  • Safezones Do the following: [RemoveEntities, Block all player interactions, Blocks Ring of Arcana, Automatically decharge all DM/RM tools, rings and amulets]
  • Limit # of Placed blocks!
  • Automatically delete "Banned/Deleted" items from player inventories.

Working Permissions:

  • tekkitrestrict.admin (And branch bypasses)
  • tekkitrestrict.noitem.[l-k].[data]
  • tekkitrestrict.limit.[l-k].[data]

Known Caveats:

  • Typo in delete safezones, so it doesn't work in beta.
  • PEX initialization error and usage, so you must have pex for the beta (Will be fixed in first real release)

The Future!: (Beta)

  • Actually working timer limiter (On low-speed thread or maybe even an uber-low speed thread)
  • EE Alternate button blocker.
  • Factions plugin support
  • WorldGuard plugin support

Please note that this does NOT use any source code from any of the mods. It basically works off of what is available through reverse engineering.

Donations to make development go faster!

Paypal: [email protected]

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With all due respect, I believe that the creator of EE should be doing this. =/

Not so great when your creations are so buggy that your player base has to step up and fix them.

Suggestion for the mod: Perhaps you can add in a way to configure how fast condensing is or the rate of collectors. Perhaps, permission based Destruction Catalyst or something like that?

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Yes, the backend of EE is JUST items. It's quite sad really.

However, if you think of the mod creator as a troll, then you would understand why he did what he did. EE is a very nice concept and all, but it's not very friendly to a long-term server.

The beta release will have noitem and limiters. These essentials enable admins to A: Prevent players from getting "no-no" items and B: limit the total number of a block-type a player may place.


You were running Alpha on a fresh install. Alphas are bound to run quite sour.

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Perhaps you can add in a way to configure how fast condensing is or the rate of collectors

Change your "Machine rate". I believe it's somewhere in line 2-4 of the EE config.

Perhaps, permission based Destruction Catalyst or something like that?

I disagree with this point. There are a crapton of mods out there and as far as I know, none support permissions systems even MC itself does not support permission-based crafting/use. There are plugins for that (Noitem, disablecraft, and the newcomer - TekkitRestrict)

Not to change the thread's topic, but what the mod should support is up for everyone's argument, but the common theme in most arguments aroud these forums consist of:

  • Allow customizeable EMC
  • Restrict/add to what can be condensed
  • Ability to disable functions of items (ie: right click function of Philo Stone, gem armor abilities)
  • Actually consume EMC appropriately for items instead of people getting their abilities for free when they shouldn't be
  • Option to turn off the free functionality of certain items while in Alchemy Bags/Chests and actually have them consume EMC
  • Ability to consume a % of EMC when "Exchanging" in condensers or tablets Equivalency doesn't work well on servers and the equivalents are definetly up for argument
  • Customize durability of armor/damage of weapons

On Topic: I'm looking forward to seeing how this plugin progresses. I definetly don't mind running a test server on my dedi and having some of my members move over to test things as they're developed.

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I know that many high-listed servers for tekkit deny the use of EE because:

-3 dupes

-1 Crafting bypass

-Cheating in resources (This obviously IS the basis of the mod)

-Most "Tools" in EE are NOT logged

I deny it because its "creative mode without the guilt of creative mode" making 90% of the challenge of tekkit pointless. after a week you got diamond chests full of everything.

if you could slow down collectors rate beyond the lowest setting available to be set now..that would be good.

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Aye, the collector rate is to be had. However, limiting the total number of collectors using the beta can prevent said claim.



This will limit the MK3 energy collector to 16. Players that have this permission will only be allowed to place 16 MK3 collectors.

Now, actually modifying EE's items and setting their properties is going to be an extreme. Essentially, "Adding any code" from said mod may be looked down upon. I'm currently working with only reverse engineering. Please be patient, as I'm sure the maker of EE would not want me to make his config for him.

I will try to see if it feasible, though.

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Yup, definetly understood dreadslicer. I personally don't use EE because it's impact on servers. I've found mods to EE that allow some additional customization, and have even modified EE myself, but all together, it's way too much of a pain in the ass for me to manage along with my server/work/child. Things have been much less hectic now that I'm not mucking in EE and EE related arguments all the time. Now I only have to hear "OMG U NO HAS EE? TIS SRVA SUX". They log out and that's all ;)

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Now I only have to hear "OMG U NO HAS EE? TIS SRVA SUX". They log out and that's all ;)

HA same here...But I figure we are better off without them. Our server is more a "See what you can devise/create/engineer to make impressive machines using logic and problem solving" more than a "see who can AFK and turn sun into diamonds the fastest". :)

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HA same here...But I figure we are better off without them. Our server is more a "See what you can devise/create/engineer to make impressive machines using logic and problem solving" more than a "see who can AFK and turn sun into diamonds the fastest". :)

I totally agree with this notion. EE is not server friendly. Well, it is server friendly if you have maybe 3-4 friends. But shit starts getting crazy, and before you know it. BAM. Whur muh chunks go? Lols.

Anyway man, I was thinking dreadslicer, if you were able to work on a project with me? Depending on these next few days, I may be able to offer you some compensation for your time. <- Money compensation of course.

EDIT: Sorry, I got the usernames confused. Whoops. Sorry about that.

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I totally agree with this notion. EE is not server friendly. Well, it is server friendly if you have maybe 3-4 friends. But shit starts getting crazy, and before you know it. BAM. Whur muh chunks go? Lols.

Anyway man, I was thinking Phuriousgeorge, if you were able to work on a project with me? Depending on these next few days, I may be able to offer you some compensation for your time. <- Money compensation of course.

Shoot me some details in a PM. No need to derail this thread.

Even if I'm not specifically able to help you, I have several friends from 3 years of server admining that may be able to assist.

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Phuriousgeorge said:

Now I only have to hear "OMG U NO HAS EE? TIS SRVA SUX". They log out and that's all

HA same here...But I figure we are better off without them. Our server is more a "See what you can devise/create/engineer to make impressive machines using logic and problem solving" more than a "see who can AFK and turn sun into diamonds the fastest". :)

Who needs the sun when you have sugarcane?

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I would like to see something that would allow EE to be used, but the items not crafted, I am working on putting up a network of servers, that each server will have a different world in it, (ex. all desert world for a dune like planet, connected via portals to a server that has an all water world, like the main characters home world, or waterworld movie) I want to have a couple very hard to find worlds that connect to most if not all other worlds that have the ability to build EE stuff, so they are kinda like an ultra advanced civilization sorta world, one being the world of the portal builders, that connected all the worlds (sorta like theÆsir from stargate, though I am actually following a trilogy of books written from way before stargate, called the starrigger, red limit freeway, and paradox ally, all written by John DeChancie)

I would still want the stuff to be able to be used, so if they are carrying stuff in inventory from one world to another, they can use it, but not allow crafting or replication (say like using energy condensers to make more energy condensers, or energy converters) and not allow removing the items either, I don't want to make them indestructible, just not drop anything if they are broken.

just some ideas, that might fit with your plug in there sir. carry on :)

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