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Ban List


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I've noticed alot of grief is created around the server scene for, well, griefing.

Since this has become a major problem, I'd like to propose a system another website I use (d2jsp) and what they have in place for the betting section of their forum.

Admins keep a running list of player usernames which have been warned for offenses against fellow players and a list of banned or blacklisted players (on the site they get 3 warns, each stripping forum rights until they are banned or enough time elapses the warns fall off). Basically the first is deal with at your own risk but their offense(s) were either singular or minor. The second are no longer allowed due to excessive misbehavior (though obviously they can still join servers, but again at the server's own risk after having seen them reported on the banned list). It might even be a good idea for excessive abusers to be stripped of forum rights as well, but that's secondary to the main goal I'd like to propose.

Obviously only owners of servers may report gamers for griefing (to keep down spam and false accusations) and it'd keep alot of confusion out of choosing for whitelist servers. Takes the "hoping they've never been banned or will need to be banned" out of the equation.

Please support this motion and let the admins of this forum know you'd like this put into place. I know I very much would and I'm not even a server admin.

Let's get a forum warn/ban system going and documented in an easy to reference area shall we?!

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Do you know how much time this would consume? Admins have to keep a list of people and strip their rights. Not to mention we have to make sure the server owners might just be assholes, or claim they are the server owner when they are not just to get people in trouble. The Admins/mods job is to make sure the forums is in order; their job isn't to keep track of people who violated server rules. Admins/mods should not step out of their area of work to be the Tekkit server police. But, if you open up a thread in the Tekkit board called "List of Server Offenders" and you keep an updated list of greifers/offenders, I am sure a mod/admin will sticky it, but no rights will be taken away from forum members on this list, however, it does give server owners a heads up.

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Thats why there was a warn system. And again it takes 3 warns before being blacklisted.

This modpack has a strong server base. I think its up to the admins if they want to "bother" with it. Its a needed service and wouldn't be that hard to keep updated.

The forum who uses this has a dedicated section for reports and you can't just say "oh he griefed, gone!" you have to screen shot evidence, chat logs, and anything else to prove your case. And have testimony if necessary. This is a bit of a job, but all one needs is a section for it, a few dedicated people monitoring it and closing threads once they are judged.

I've seen this system on many other forums work great, this isn't hard if kept up and not out of bounds for a forum who provide server sections. It is needed and its up to the admins if they want to do it or promote trusted members to be mini-moderators for the sections.

So if you're against it because "it'd be hard" then obviously I don't want to hear your input. Most good things are difficult, but that's not why we do them.

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are you completely missing the point of the replies? Mcbans does the same f'ing thing. If griefing has become a major issue of YOUR server, deal with it as you see fit. Don't step up to think that no other admins aren't doing all they want to get the level of service they wish to provide already.

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MCBan sounds far too harsh and it's outside of tekkit and this forum.

I'm not saying they aren't giving the best service. I didn't say that anywhere. All I said was it was a suggestion I wanted to get out there for something in-house I thought was useful. I realize it's work, I used to run it on d2jsp with my husband, but it's worth having that sort of thing in-house instead of referring to another site doing their own system.

So if your only objection is that it's too much work, that's not really an objection to me and shouldn't be for the admins as far as putting it on their to-do list if they like the idea. MC Ban is not on this forum and not controlled by this forum. If we're going to provide server links and applications, asking if we've been banned, there should be a way to check on this forum.

Logical in my honest opinion. It might seem redundant to you, but really that sort of ban/not banned discussions should be made by the forum running the server threads involved.

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you know, under redundant in the dictionary it says redundant right? As for "to much work", why do something that has already been done by other people and is more than adequately maintained?

As for "maintained in house", that's moronic to even mention here since this modpack is about mods not even maintained in house.

Do you only drive on the roads where you live that your own city maintains or do you also adventure to those roads maintained by "other cities" ?

It's not logical at all. And I don't mean to sound mean here, but frankly your arguments basis is exactly the type of stance I expect from a female. You aren't friends with my soon-to-be-ex-wife are you? She always had this same thought process and would get mad at me for not doing it her way simply because it was there.

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I'd venture a guess from what you said as she's probably pissed at you because you're an ass when you think you're right, regardless of if you are or not. Compromise and being kinder with your stance will win you more wars (in relationships or the rest of your life) than getting all up in someone's face and MAKE them agree through force.

Just because we don't agree doesn't mean you have to troll my thread or talk down to me because I'm a woman. I'm not your ex-wife or her friend, I'm not above you or under you, and I'm not stupid either. If you disagree, fine, you said your peace. Kindly stop repeating yourself and gtfo.

If this suggestion isn't of any use, whatever. I don't need to be trolled for being a woman about it.

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You're being trolled because you've flamed at anyone posting in this thread that disagreed with your opinion. As to compromising, it is rather foolish of ANYONE to compromise and do something wrong or redundant simply to appease someone else's wishes.

As for your suggestion, can you offer ANYTHING for reason to do it beyond "keeping it "in house" ? As for mcbans being too harsh, perhaps you're simply being too lenient.

Your OP states "griefing has become a major problem" where exactly are you finding this data? If its a major problem on a server you run, then maybe you need to look at plugins to help fight griefing.

As for the rest of your OP, yes you have alot of suggested ONGOING work for admins of servers to utilize your idea and frankly it would fall apart in a week. People by nature want the games they run to be as work free as possible since this is a game and not work.

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  • Moderators

Jeezh... How did this end up being a female-male argument?

*Munaus munches on popcorn...

Then again, IF Technic would make this ban list, they're gonna need alot more mods to maintain/update it....

Roll out the recruitment list, Kaker!

Edit: changed "Roll on" to "Roll out". roll on makes no sense, just realised it now :P

My sadistic word-police alter-ego strikes again at me

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It's a common question to say "Have you been banned?" and another to say "Looking for grief free server." If you read through the applications for different servers this is almost always part of why they want to join a new server.

Sounds like a problem to me.

With all that fear of griefing, mcban obviously isn't doing the job it needs to get done, done.

It works very well on the other two major forums I am part of, for many years now (since jsp has been around for about 9 years or so). It works for them great. It doesn't even need admins to maintain a list. Just some mini-mods to update the ban-list thread which can be stickied. It's not as complicated as you're making it seem.

It's a suggestion. I'm not demanding it happen. I'm more than aware the demands admins have on themselves for zero pay for days and weeks of work. So ya, I'm putting it out there. It works great for similar sized forums I'm on, thought it could be of use, has nothing to do with my gender.

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  • Forum Administrators

Moving this to the server op swap shop where it belongs.

As for my opinion on the matter I think the idea is silly as there are already several ban lists available out there such as mcbans.

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As many people have already suggested, there are plenty of good services out there already. MCBans isn't too harsh, and even if it was...it's the player's fault for griefing, spamming, racism, etc! Why smack someone on the wrist and then take it back? We've used it for over a year and don't see anything wrong with it. Even with the maximum server rep that we have, a global ban gives a user a 7/10 rep. By default, each server's minimum reputation is 3! Of course you can make it whatever you want, but 1 ban isn't going to blacklist anyone...neither is two. Three of the same types of bans, or acquiring a 0 rep will blacklist you from all MCBans servers.

I don't see what good moderating users like d2jsp will do for private Minecraft servers. On top of that, how many server ops actually check this site? You would need an additional plugin to query the site to get a fresh list all the time as well. Use the link I posted and then you have ALL of the current banning solutions ban list at the tip of your fingers without even running them.

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+1 http://whitelist.mcf.li/ !!!!

Just check who you let into your server and if they do grief ban them with MCbans so other servers know what he did!

You must add proof to it! me as a server owner use whitelist but only take Grief bans with proof!

i ignore honypot and "love you" or "derp" bans!

but if a guy comes up with 8 bans all about griefing... Yay let him in !

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