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[No whitelist] SilliTekkit [3.1.2][PvP][15 Slots][Keep Items on death][Nothing banned]


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Minecraft Name:SammyMan09

Do you have any bans on record?Yes(3)

If so, Why?(1.)Griefing(Tried it,felt bad haven't griefed sense).(2.)Somone thought I griefed|I broke a block of the roof of a structure to build higher(It was a building place)and they considered it griefing.(3.)Raging.Somone killed me and I freaked out(LOL)

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Minecraft Name: MjolnirBlade

Do you have any bans on record? Nope! I'm clean of bans and such ^^

Also as a side not could you please whitelist my friends: Wheemango, Hellebelle, and DisturbedSmiley?

They have the same history as me and have never been banned either. We've all been searching for a no limit server and a no banned item server just like this and it would mean a lot to me if you could this for me because they're out having Thanksgiving dinner and when they got back they would have a server to play

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Minecraft Name: BCPowers

Do you have any bans on record? Never.

If so, Why? N/A

I'm just looking for a server where I can get the full tekkit experience without other people griefing my stuff. I have been on a server that was supposed to have banned items that cause grief and a bunch of plugins to protect your stuff but my house still got griefed so now I am just looking for a server without people who grief. I hope to contribute some awesome builds.

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Minecraft Name: DeathNectar

Do you have any bans on record? Nope, never.

If so, Why? N/A

I'm just looking for a server that doesn't have any banned items with a polite and mature community where I can build the GREATEST THING EVER! Also I have been griefed before by a guy who turned my house to sand with a philosopher's stone and this servers doesn't seems to have people like that running around.

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[Whitelist Application]

Minecraft Name: ScottTheAwesome

Why would you like to join the community here at Sillitekkit? I would like to join to learn more about the Tekkit modpack, and play alongside other people.

Do you have any bans on record? Not that I know of.

How long will you be able to play on the Sillitekkit server? It would vary, mainly between 2-3 hours, possibly more if I do not have school, and on weekends.

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