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[0.6.5] New Small Community Server [PvE/PvP] [38 slots] [Whitelist] [Mystcraft and Dimensional Doors disabled] [Few plugins]


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Minecraft Username: Slish

Skype (not necessary but preferred): Kanye.-.east

Why do you want to join?: Looking for another server to play on.

What aspects will you bring to the server?: I've put a lot of hours into tekkit lite and I plan on playing a decent amount

How often can you play and timezone: An hour or two every other day

Anything else?: 19 years old, easy to get along with. 

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Not sure if you're still accepting but 

Minecraft Username: LunarWolfMC

Skype (not necessary but preferred): strormo135

Why do you want to join?: Been looking for a good Tekkit Lite servers for days. First tried doing singleplayer and got bored with no community. Multiplayer public servers failed me with resetting often and such.

What aspects will you bring to the server?: I'd be on often and talk to members online at the times I'm online

How often can you play and timezone: I can be on pretty often considering it's Summer now, and Eastern Standard Time

Anything else?: Generally prefer working on my own but I am very talkative to communities and such.

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MC username : hayden1232

skype: will give if needed later on

Why do you want to join: Just cos i have been looking for a server for quite a while

What aspects will you bring to the server: I'll be online a lot,help someone 

How often can you play and timezone: I can play alot,it's the summer vacation, no idea what my timezone is :)

Anything else? I like helping people if i can,but since i forgot most of the stuff,i gotta get back on track myself

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