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  "NinjaCookie said:
Heyy all! I'm looking for someone to do a LP with! I hope you can host. I've got Skype can speak very good English (well I am British xD) I'm also 16.

Hey man, I myself am also 16 and was looking for a LP partner who is something other than American, such as myself ( Im Australian ) But i currently live in the US Eastern time zone, so maybe somehow if time isnt an issue maybe we could get together and play sometime. I own a stream ( I'm pretty well known and a youtube, both of which the activity has picked up since I've started to upload/stream more. I have a computer that can run fraps just fine in HD at 1080p. Just send me a reply back. Oh and my skype is Jg7678. Hopefully we could work together soon.


hey i have been having some touble with the partner i seteled with we had a fire happen irl btw and stuff but i was thinking of maybe doing this till things fix themsselves or somthing can even be longer we'll see but.

1. I have a whitelist server which i own until april next year.

2. i am 18 years old live at home so can't do it all the time (parents house)

3. saturdays are a nogo for me i play DnD then

4. i have a good understanding of the english language but i am a bit shy

5. my mic is shity atm working on replacing it

6. i can't record my setup is not powerfull enough

7. i am decent builder but not as good of an engineer

8. limited experience of tekkit

9. skype: xxbluue

10: i also have a 8 spoted mumble server if that strikes your fancy

11. can call me bluue as it says but my ign is bluueua

12. visit my website here

stuff i need from You

1. what's your ingame name

2. level of english

3. experiance with tekkit

4. where are you from

5. build level

6. can you record

7. name you want to be called

8 skype/mail do discuss this further

9. other information


Mail: bluue[at]ggakers[dot]net

see ya and have a blue day

  • 2 weeks later...

  "bluue said:
hey i have been having some touble with the partner i seteled with we had a fire happen irl btw and stuff but i was thinking of maybe doing this till things fix themsselves or somthing can even be longer we'll see but.

see ya and have a blue day

1. what's your ingame name : GudDarling

2. level of english : Almost fluent

3. experiance with tekkit : ALOT been spending houres and houres playing it single player

4. where are you from : Denmark

5. build level : Not pro but not bad either, imma really good at redstone and other sorts of wirering also the tube in tekkit and wires.

6. can you record : Yes i can record

7. name you want to be called : Darling (Its my real life name im not a creep) or if you dont like calling a guy Darling, then Gulfize

8 skype/mail do discuss this further : I wont give my skype out on an open forum but my mail is Gflifedarling@live.dk and i check it 24/7 so be free to send me an email, also other people if they want to

9. other information : Im a pretty good pictur editer but i havent really tryed video editing yet because i dont have the req. programs and the money for them


IGN: notprocraft

IRL: Andreas

Can you host a server: no

Skype (required!): dobbel5

Wich map do you want: fresh one

Mic: yes, a bit bad, but works fine

Age (12-18): 14

Minecraft experience: playing since 1.8.1

My country: Norway

looking for someone to play with.

looking for: someone who kan host a server and record.


  "Arkandos said:
If anyone is seeking for a script/story writer im interetested.

PM me with information if you are interested

me and my friend would love to have a writer, but normal minecraft and not tekkit.


im 13 and i have been wanting to do a LP but my recording software sucks some times it only records my voice other times my voice is the only one that is not recorded and i do not have a server plese help i do have a skype but not putting it out it dose not matter how old u are as long as your betwen 12-270yrs old also i live in Eastern Time zone


IGN: Presterguedes

What is your skype? Presterguedes

Experiance with tekkit: I have played a lot last month and I learned

Are you able to host a server? No )x

Age: 19

Mic: I have a professional recorder mic

Minecraft experience: playing since beta

I can record easy here


Hey i need a partner for a Lets play (my channel)

List of what i can do

Host a server

I have skype: supermanD98

Primary language is english secondary is French

Youtube channel

and im 12 (im a little late born on christmas but im goin into gr 8)

need some one 13-18

who has tekkit


and i think thats it

Dont worry i can record


Hi i'm new to all of this but i'm looking for a group of people who are up for doing some lets plays. I have the ability to record and have a resonably good mic. I'm 16 and I live in the UK so I am sort of looking for people in roughly the same time zone as my self.

Just sent me a message or something


  "Arkandos said:
If anyone is seeking for a script/story writer im interetested.

PM me with information if you are interested

This is a weird question...but what exactly does a writer do? And if it's what I think it is, I might be Interested :)


  "MAMA_KINO said:
Hey i need a partner for a Lets play (my channel)

In game name: TDB Virtue

short in game name: Virtue

Age: 18

Skype : TDB_Virtue

I have tekkit and the last person that i replied is not responding. so ill partner up with u.

Heads up that i have a speech disablty.


  "Jg7678 said:
This is a weird question...but what exactly does a writer do? And if it's what I think it is, I might be Interested :)

I mean, if you want me to write a story or anything, I could help. PM me if you still are interested :)


  "MAMA_KINO said:
Hey i need a partner for a Lets play (my channel)

List of what i can do

Host a server

I have skype: supermanD98

Primary language is english secondary is French

Youtube channel

and im 12 (im a little late born on christmas but im goin into gr 8)

need some one 13-18

who has tekkit


and i think thats it

Dont worry i can record

if only i knew french XD


  "Ryle-X said:
Hi i'm new to all of this but i'm looking for a group of people who are up for doing some lets plays. I have the ability to record and have a resonably good mic. I'm 16 and I live in the UK so I am sort of looking for people in roughly the same time zone as my self.

Just sent me a message or something

I also live in the UK and i am 17 years old male. If you mail me back maybe we can arrange something. I have a friend who also plays tekkit who lives in the US, but his work hours normally let him be on during our time zones.


  "bluue said:
hey i have been having some touble with the partner i seteled with we had a fire happen irl btw and stuff but i was thinking of maybe doing this till things fix themsselves or somthing can even be longer we'll see but.

1. I have a whitelist server which i own until april next year.

2. i am 18 years old live at home so can't do it all the time (parents house)

3. saturdays are a nogo for me i play DnD then

4. i have a good understanding of the english language but i am a bit shy

5. my mic is shity atm working on replacing it

6. i can't record my setup is not powerfull enough

7. i am decent builder but not as good of an engineer

8. limited experience of tekkit

9. skype: xxbluue

10: i also have a 8 spoted mumble server if that strikes your fancy

11. can call me bluue as it says but my ign is bluueua

12. visit my website here

stuff i need from You

1. what's your ingame name

2. level of english

3. experiance with tekkit

4. where are you from

5. build level

6. can you record

7. name you want to be called

8 skype/mail do discuss this further

9. other information


Mail: bluue[at]ggakers[dot]net

see ya and have a blue day

1. what's your ingame name: miner3216

2. level of english: Very high (my first language)

3. experiance with tekkit: pretty good,I'm good with enginaeering and stuff, although not big with creativity :(

4. where are you from CANADA :D

5. build level out of 10, 8/10?

6. can you record I don't think so, and if I can it will be laggy :(

7. name you want to be called, either miner or andrfew whatever you want

8 skype/mail do discuss this further miner3216, andrewmacmillan1@hotmai.com

9. other information I have my own mumble server too and my own private server, although I can upgrade to 20 or more if need be, current cap is 3 :P


Hello, I am 16 yrs old, and i am available to join whoever in a lets play series, my Skype username is rozefirestorm. and my email is firefly.caldwell@gmail.com, Tekkit survival or creative.

my ign is gaiaalpha, and i have been working with Tekkit/Technic since it was for 1.8.1.

I am a novice programmer and web-dev. i am very experienced with computercraft.

Unfortunatly i am not very good in making good-looking structures, but i am very good at making practical and utilitarian structures.

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