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Custom modpack crashing after loading files


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missing lambdlib 

missing bdlib

missing gilded-games.util

There are probably others, I stopped checking. Do not forget that many mods have dependencies. 

many of your mods are very old, for example your Galacticraft is about 2 years behind the current revision. 


It also looks like you didn't follow authors' instructions on many of the mods that are zip files. 

Read up on how Flans works --  the main flan jar goes Mods, and all the content packs go in a Flans folder at the root of the pack. 


Edited by AetherPirate
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https://micdoodle8.com/mods/galacticraft/downloads use the latest (474) you are running 375

Make the changes I listed and forge will tell you what is missing when you try and launch the pack. 


Read error


rinse and repeat for all your missing dependencies. 


Edited by AetherPirate
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So, I think I have downloaded all the APIs and Core mods now, but now it freezes on this loading screen.

And I really don't want to delete Decocraft since me and my friends love the mod.


Should I try to restart the client or let it load?

Edited by Kevazy
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Alright, so I restarted the client, same thing seems to be happening, it gets stuck/freezes and I need to force-shutdown it from the task manager, when I do this, it shows me a crash report, would you like to see it? Or should I google this problem?

Never mind, it loads other mods now but really slow.

Alright, I think I solved that problem by allocating more ram to the client.

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Now it says this in a crash report:

EnderIO: Found the following problem(s) with your installation:
                  * The RF API that is being used (1.7.10R1.3.1 from <unknown>) differes from that that is reported as being loaded (1.7.10R1.0.2 from SuperMassiveTech-MC1.7.10-0.4.0-beta-114.jar).

And I don't want to remove the "SuperMassiveTech" mod nor the "Ender IO" mod

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