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Energy link in 0.5.3


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If you're talking about the power converters, that's been revamped entirely. Going to need a consumer, and then the energy link, and I believe a producer as well.

Also, Karudo, try using Thermal Expansion's Redstone Energy Conduits. They don't have a habit of blowing up in your face.

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Golden pipes blow up only if they recive more MJ than they can output.

So, if you had a setup: Some Engine -> Wooden C.Pipe -> Golden C.Pipe -> Quarry , where the engine was producing more MJ than the Quarry was accepting, the golden pipe was storing any excess MJ up to the point of blowing up.

Seems wooden pipes no longer eat any excess MJ if connected to other pipes.

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My next question is why are you using a pipe for a single engine? Why not just put it up against the face of the quarry. You'd save a lot of resources that way. The quarry can hold 4 engines on it, while maintaining its output face (which doesnt need a pipe either, just put a crate on top of it).


I've also noticed that if anything that uses MJ's stops running (or doesnt use all of it) and you are piping power into them, the excess power builds up in the pipes and explodes. It will start at the machine end and slowly explode piece by piece down the line.

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I saw Energy Link was added in 0.5.3 and yet i can't seem to find it :o i would love to power my quarry with solar power :<!
I have a pretty easy solar setup going. All ya need is a medium voltage solar array connected to a MFE via glass fiber cable to store energy, then connect the MFE to an adjustable electric engine via glass fiber cable, and of course the adjustable electric engine is connected straight to your quarry. Works like a charm and it hella fast. I have all this set up right at my quarry. Its only 2 extra machines at your quarry so its not hard to break it down and move it. Also on another note, if you have the quarry pump into an ender chest then have a ender chest at home that pumps into a crystal chest this also is an effective way of not having to rely on the phased transport pipe wich is buggy or having pipe run all the way from your quarry to home.
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Using Redstone Energy Cells and Energy Conduits instead of Conductive Pipes will save you a lot of headache. The cell can be put directly next to the quarry and it will output MJ automatically. You can attach engines to the energy cell if you wish.

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Using Redstone Energy Cells and Energy Conduits instead of Conductive Pipes will save you a lot of headache. The cell can be put directly next to the quarry and it will output MJ automatically. You can attach engines to the energy cell if you wish.

That's similar to my set-up, though I've got a line of energy cells to feed into one which is controlling the overall output. (many batteries into one)

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Using Redstone Energy Cells and Energy Conduits instead of Conductive Pipes will save you a lot of headache. The cell can be put directly next to the quarry and it will output MJ automatically. You can attach engines to the energy cell if you wish.

I switched to conduits specifically due to the fact that they don't explode. Is there an easier way to get the power to a quarry rather than carrying cells back and forth? I used to run phased conductives but the exploding of the necessary golden pipes was getting frustrating. Could you possibly use one of those fancy new energy links in 0.5.3 to go conduit > link > phased conductive? Or would the power loss be too significant?

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The energy links in 0.5.3 aren't fancy or new, they've been around since Classic. They just took a short vacation. You could still add them in manually, though.

And no, Energy Links have to output to a Wooden Conductive Pipe, and then it must pass through a Golden Conductive Pipe or it won't enter the Phased Pipe AFAIK.

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Hang on... why not just use electric engines? They are exactly the same... only they come in more styles... and have a fancy animations...

Because the energy links are better for place and go, they can accept up to HV (Normal and Fast can't take MV) and do not require config (Adjustable does for fine tuning)

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