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[0.6.5]CircleCraft[PvE][20][Greylisted][Mobarena] Cause we only use circles here.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My biggest apologies in the last mess of hackers. It seems that when you try to do something nice, there is always someone there to ruin it for the rest. I am sorry if you lost work, and sorry about abandoning the server. But, it is such a pain in the ass to run and now it's just a huge mess and I don't have the patience to fix it. I guess what I am saying is running a server sucks ass, before you try it, think again. I hope you had fun for the time we have played together, I will forget no one, even the jerks. This is however goodbye. If you want to complain, complain to the people that hacked us. Fairwell all.

If you would like to keep in contact send me a message and I will add you to gmail, or gtalk if you didn't get enough of my meanness. :)

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Well this does blow indeed. So, someone got on the server and trashed it?

I am going to start playing on plows server I guess. Its got all the latest stuff, i just think it takes a bit more of a computer to run it well. (i may be wrong)

Its called jacksoncraft. Ill ask him about letting everyone know about it. Going to make sure before announcing the ip and all that crap. I think he whitelists too


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Solid props to Ally for starting up the server and building a community of folks who love to play, help, and hang with each other. Could never thank her enough.

I have some resources floating around and would like to have a place where folks can hang out again.

So, a question to contemplate is what kind of server would y'all like to play on? The two easy options are:

The New Tekkit (TekkitMain)

  • Easy to use. Would just select Tekkit instead of Tekkit Lite from the launcher
  • Fairly current with available mods.
  • Quite fun to play

JacksonCraft (custom pack by me)

  • Slightly more resource intensive
  • All of what is in the new Tekkit plus IC2, Railcraft, Forestry, ExtraBiomesXL and many more
  • Still fairly simple, but requires clicking the "Add Pack" button in the launcher and pasting in a pack URL


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First off, Ally, would it be possible to get the world back up and we could redirect people to a new server, depending on what Plow decides? Maybe a few signs at spawn or something?

I like both options for a server. I am currently wasting my time on the Jacksoncraft server. I like the addition of items, but it might be hard to get a base of players if there are additional steps involved. Getting new players would be a challenge as well.

I think the situation to get new players and keep a lot of the old ones would be to have a tekkit server. Easy to find and no additional files to add.

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Can you send me the IP for Jackson craft, and the pack details?

I don't think we should kill the server entirely, but if the map is ruined, perhaps we need to start from scratch. Circle Craft is the friendliest server I've seen yet, and i'd hate to see the players disperse.

BTW, what actually happened to the server?

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There is a temporary tekkit lite server on the old address "tekkitlite.circlecraft.info" just to assure folks that we still exist.

I think we are going to focus on getting the New Tekkit server up first, then we'll see about JacksonCraft. JC will take a bit longer because there are SO MANY mods and items that getting everything we can to be grief protected is more of a challenge.

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So, apparently, spawn was nuked, after a troll, or angry player hacked in, used creative (he may have used ally's name) and decimated our builds. At the old address, there is a server being run by plow, and you can play there until we sort this mess out.

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In case you didn't get wind of what happened, someone got on and used an exploit to gain access to the server using my account and destroyed a lot of stuff. When I tried to run the backup the VPS crashed and the hoster couldn't fix it without re-installing the OS, which meant deleting everything. Like all VPSs the backup data was on the VPS itself. So in the interest of the people on the server I figured it would be better to shut down rather than risk bring more nasty crap to the wonderful people that made circlecraft what it was.

That being the case, I have school and lots of other things going on, will soon be doing residency as well, and my ability to keep the server going was time limited anyways. I made the server thinking I would set it up and then let the admins do the main work, however that don't really work so well as there are lots of things they can't really do. I still enjoyed it all, and given the chance I wouldn't ever change that. Think of things as a chance to start new and maybe upgrade if everyone goes for that as well.

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So, it happened again. LOLJesusDied, from Team Lixo, came onto the revamped server, and replicated what he had done before. HE says that someone on the server put a poisoned plugin into bukkit.

As long as the community stays together, we can resolve this.

(P.S.-this time the dude hacked in as plow)

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Oh well, the show will go on. Too bad some douchnozzle that probably lives in his parents basement, has zero life, and probably has no friends has to ruin it for people that actually have fun...We will figure it out and be back up in no time. With all the added logs and protection on this server, will be easy to track them down now.

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It seems that its just a bunch of kids. Not even hackers. One was smart enough to read someone elses hack. So they all get together on their mommies computers and exploit a known error in older software. At first I thought it was actually some important group. Team Lixo, heh heh. They called themselves Team Lixo. More like team Lamo. I tracked one so far. Getting info from his IP provider this week. His mom might get mad when they lose their internet. All we need to do is go to a newer mod because they have no idea how to actually hack.

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Don't worry folks. I'll have it back up shortly. There are plenty of backups. As sad as it may sound, Green said it correctly when he said that nothing, when given enough time and or focus is unhackable. I've been dealing with this in one form or another for decades at this point. The best we can do is stick together as a group and weather the storm. Sure, I'll do what I can to keep it from happening, but I also don't want to seem like I'm throwing down the gauntlet. I'm not. Because we are using software and systems made by others we don't have alternatives for providing the services we want and therefore cannot go to a better/different product. Hopefully some enterprising person or group will figure out how the authentication system is being compromised and provide a fix.

Y'all are great and we appreciate you sticking around! :)

I'm taking the opportunity of it being down at the moment to increase the disk space allocation. Back in businesss asap.

And please, don't egg anyone on. Belittling anyone, whether it be MC or life in general, seldom yields positive results. Whether these griefers are writing code to perform the hacks, or simply using someone else's tools or techniques makes little difference. Just give a nod the the effort involved, tip your hat as you pass, and move on down the boardwalk.

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Thanks for everything, Plow. Glad you're going to this effort just to keep us together. You and Ally are always a joy to work with, and I'm sure others feel just the same as well.

Cheers and all.

Edit: I should of brought my labtop to school, darnit.

Bored out of my mind, I could be mining for heavens sake!

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