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[1.6.x/1.5.x] Redstone In Motion (Redpower Frames) (October 8)

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Posted test versions including multipart-block support (1.6.x. only), some bugfixes, and some tweaks.



THESE ARE NOT RELEASES YET but they will be if nobody starts crashing. Back up your worlds, and try them out. Should also make Rei's Minimap not grind to a halt when it does stupid things.


Sorry, my fault.

This time I waited a little longer and:


Help please?

My fault^2

Java 32bit.


It looks like you're running out of memory. Too many mods maybe?

I'm really not sure that this actually has anything to do with my mod. Those error printouts are showing that Rei's Minimap is trying to get the icons of blocks that don't exist, but it's getting valid values back, and it's not actually crashing on that.


Holy shitballs, Batman: He just turned it up to 11!

new test builds for multipart support - WORKS ON BOTH 1.5 AND 1.6 AND DOESN'T REQUIRE UPDATE TO MULTIPART MOD

So yeah, forget everything I said before. Now it works everywhere. Because ChickenBones inspired me to modding greatness...so at least I managed to reach mediocrity! :-)








I found a bug, note this only happens when the button is a "multipart" it works fine when its by itself:

Interesting. I'll dig into CB's code and see how he handles block ticks.


I found a bug, note this only happens when the button is a "multipart" it works fine when its by itself:

Okay yeah, he has a whole implementation for block ticks inside multipart containers separate from the normal world ticks, because normal Minecraft ticks can't be targetted to a specific part. I'll add special code to handle this later; For right now, I'll just add it to known issues, as it's not serious enough of a bug to hold up the release.


Okay yeah, he has a whole implementation for block ticks inside multipart containers separate from the normal world ticks, because normal Minecraft ticks can't be targetted to a specific part. I'll add special code to handle this later; For right now, I'll just add it to known issues, as it's not serious enough of a bug to hold up the release.

ok, just wanted to let you know


No more bug reports yet? Or is everybody away at PAX or actually having a life for labor day? :P I'll let the test builds sit a bit more before actually formally releasing, just in case, but you can certainly play with them now if you want to.


No more bug reports yet? Or is everybody away at PAX or actually having a life for labor day? :P I'll let the test builds sit a bit more before actually formally releasing, just in case, but you can certainly play with them now if you want to.

I'd test it, but I'm at work and between working/not that good a laptop that is used at work I probably won't be able to test until I get home. Once I do however, I will load it on the test world and put it through its paces and let you know if I find any issues.


Yeah, I was going for replacing the Redstone with Ender Juice (we need to market that somehow, heh) and leave some space for what I assume you'll be filling in with some color for labeling down the road.


Yeah, I was going for replacing the Redstone with Ender Juice (we need to market that somehow, heh) and leave some space for what I assume you'll be filling in with some color for labeling down the road.

Well, there's already liquid ender in TE which is really cool. If you were to drink it...wow, I almost want to see someone come up with a concept animation of that. Except I don't think I'd have the balls to watch it.

Also, thank goodness for you giving a spot for a label. Yours were honestly the only textures I couldn't figure out how the fuck to fit something on. :P


Heads up on another change in the next release: ChickenBones also helped me understand how to do NBT on ItemStacks so they'll properly combine in the inventory, and as a result, the problem with high-index decorations and labels will be gone (i.e., you'll be able to use all 4096 blocks as decorations and all 16 dyes on the label).

This will require converting your items (again, yes, I'm sorry, but I'm progressively learning and hey, at least you're not paying money for this :P), which is as simple as crafting them with a screwdriver. (The screwdriver is not destroyed.) Blocks on the ground need no changes, a tooltip on the items will tell you if the item needs to be converted, and the old format will still be supported for several versions so that you don't need to feel stressed about losing your stuff.


New test versions / release candidates:

(now instead of because I added a bunch more stuff, so there won't actually be a release)



I'll let this go a day or so, to see if anybody gets any immediate issues, and then release if not. For now, treat it as beta.

Changes: ->

-- support for ChickenBones / Forge Multipart blocks (non-Immibis microblocks, ChickenBones wireless redstone, etc.) added

    ** credit goes to ChickenBones who actually wrote the code for me


      ## KNOWN ISSUE - block ticks for parts of a multipart tile (such as buttons that have been pressed) are not yet correctly transferred

          %% having parts with scheduled ticks might result in strange behaviour but most of the time will cause no real issues

          %% until this is fixed, don't do things like press buttons encapsulated within multipart tiles or you'll have to break it to reset it

-- changed/improved internal storage format of decorated carriage blocks and translocators when stored as items in an inventory

    ** eliminates the issue of not being able to use high-index decorations or dyes: now all 4096 blocks and 16 dyes are valid

    ** old-format items must be converted to new-format items

      ## (only when in item form; blocks placed in the world have not been changed)

      ## craft old-format item with screwdriver (screwdriver is not destroyed) to convert item to new format

      ## tooltip on item indicates if it needs conversion

      ## old-format items will be supported for several versions to give people time to convert without stress

-- added configuration option to allow carriages to move bedrock

-- added new ComputerCraft commands

    ** intended to increase your code's readability

    ** anchored_move ( 3 ) == move ( 3 , false , true )

    ** check_anchored_move ( 3 ) == move ( 3 , true , true )

    ** unanchored_move ( 3 ) == move ( 3 , false , false )

    ** check_unanchored_move ( 3 ) == move ( 3 , true , false )

-- strings in addition to indices now accepted for direction in ComputerCraft control

    ** case does not matter: "negy" , "NEGY" , "NegY" , "negY" , etc. are all equivalent

    ** 0 == "down" == "negy"

    ** 1 == "up" == "posy"

    ** 2 == "north" == "negz"

    ** 3 == "south" == "posz"

    ** 4 == "west" == "negx"

    ** 5 == "east" == "posx"

    ** EXAMPLE: peripheral . call ( "left" , "move" , "north" , false , true )

    ** EXAMPLE: peripheral . call ( "left" , "anchored_move" , "posY" )

-- added config option to control whether animation continues during severe lag that delays the replacement of blocks

    ** if set to false, motion will continue past final position and teleportation will continue to flicker until blocks are actually replaced

      ## looks weird but is a clear indication that things aren't yet done

      ## this is the current behaviour

    ** if set to true, motion will stop at final position and teleportation will stop flickering even if blocks are not yet replaced

      ## doesn't look weird but is more confusing if someone thinks the blocks are there and tries to interact with them but can't

-- replaced my crappy translocator textures in the Lethosos set by ones actually made by Lethosos

-- fixed a potential crash in CarriageRenderCache

-- x/y/z positions of tile-entity records are now updated before creating the tile entities

-- added more robustness to icon-retrieval functions for when minimap mods do stupid things


Do they move fine but just not render, or do they get deleted?

Ahh nevermind, they just dont render

edit: although the frame machine will get stuck with a billund brick that is across two blocks

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