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Attack of The B-Team Whitlisted Server (13+) Only Accepting 15

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IGN:  Justgetloud
Age: 16
Skype: wisdomtrue
Average time you'll be on the server: I'll probably be on server after 3 and mostly till 10 (7 hours) 
Why do you want to join? I've been playing this modpack for a minute and it got very lonesome while started playing so i thought i'll join a server and have a little more fun 

Will you follow the rules?

Of course I'll follow the rules, rules are fun  :bubblewoop:  :thumbsup:
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IGN: multimatt0202

I want to play on a server because its fun to play with other people and this mod pack has a lot of things that would be fun for multi player

I will of course follow the rules it would be no fun if people didn't

age: 16

skype: multimatt0202

I will be on the server quite often a few hours here and there probably a couple times a day ;)

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IGN: Gustav_Creeper

Age: 13

Skype: Gustav.Arentoft

Why do you want to join? I want to join because I've just gotten into Attack of the B-Team and Single Player is getting boring.. So there for I would like to join a server to play with some people! 

Will you follow the rules? I always follow the rules given to be. I'm not a bad guy ya kno

Edited by Gustav_Creeper
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Im 13

My skype name :ciaran_malone1


I want to join because it is such a good modpack and i want to play with people with the same slandered as me and im sure that will happen with your careful selection of players


I will follow the rules and report bad behavior to ad-men or you 


I will play for 1-3 hour a day 



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In-Game Name: daboss57
Age: 16
Why do you want to play on this server: I have been playing on public servers, but i want to find a server to make my youtube videos on.
What DO you like to do (Build, Mine, etc.): Build Building is what I love to do
What DON’T you like to do: I don't know i just really enjoy minecraft and hanging out.
Experience with modpack (1-10): Ummmmm well I know tinkers very well and I'm guessing 7 based on other knowledge.
What is love: Playing minecraft of course :)
Squirtle or Pikachu: umm Pikachu Why because he is a boss
Thanks for reading I hope I will be able to play on your server. Have a great day
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IGN:  joshgo66
Age: 16
Skype: josh.beasley33 feel free to add me.
Average time you'll be on the server: Quite a lot considering i played Minecraft all day lol.
Why do you want to join? Because i want a small community to play a game with i feel like this might be a keeper.

Will you follow the rules? I will follow the rules right down to the last detail. =)

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IGN: Loopoo_93
Age: 16
Skype: loopoo93
Average time you'll be on the server: Almost daily
Why do you want to join? I would like to experience the freedom of be on a whitelisted server and the limitations as well.

Will you follow the rules? Yes

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IGN: TypicalBoT
Age: 15
Skype: Don't have one because it slowed down my computer
Average time you'll be on the server: 11:30 am EST
Why do you want to join? Looking for a server with only a couple of players and that the players are mature and social.

Will you follow the rules? Yes.


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IGN: theburner3004
Age: 13 and a bit
Skype: euan hill
Average time you'll be on the server: i live in the uk so weekends probs a lot during the week average 5 -7 or 8 gmt
Why do you want to join? because theres not that many whitelisted servers out there

Will you follow the rules? of course and i will do anything to help

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IGN: Rebel323
Age: 18
Skype: trevor.dallio
Average time you'll be on the server: depends on school load/ sports
Why do you want to join? enjoy having a small whitelisted community to help and play with

Will you follow the rules? absolutely

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IGN: cfarz70
Age: I'm 15 years old
Skype: My Skype is cfarz70
Average time you'll be on the server: I will probably be on the server pretty much every day for 2-3 hours.
Why do you want to join?  I want to join this server because the server I am currently is often down, so I want to find a server that I can actually play on. I haven't been able to get into single player,  as I enjoying playing with people. 

Will you follow the rules? Of course

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IGN: iPwnKatkat


Age: 13 [Mature for my age]


Skype: iPwnKatkat


Average time you'll spend on the server: Everyday 2+ Hours


Why do you want to join?: To play AOTBT with others who like AOTBT like me


Will you follow the rules?: Yes, just what are the rules though?

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IGN: stuckbio
Age: 14
Skype: andrei.micuda
Average time you'll be on the server: Almost everyday for like 1-2 hrs.
Why do you want to join? I am looking for a small Attack of the B-Team server where I can share the love for this modpack with others. :)

Will you follow the rules? Yes, every server need rules and more important people which respect those rules.

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IGN: paddarb

Age: 13 but mature

Skype: echominecraft98

Average time on server: on week days around 1 to 2 hours on weekends alot

Why do you want to join? Well I want to get on a server because I'm not able to do a lot on my own with this mod pack

Will you follow the rules? Of course I will follow all rules because without rules there wouldn't be any order


I really hope you let me in!!!!

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