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Teleporter question


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Hey, is there a way to build a teleport so i can travel betwen my Base and my new found continent its quite far away like 5 min by boat :( , cheked youtube but latest version of Tekkit doesnt seam to have Teleporter ? 

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you could use mystcraft linked books, but I haven't tried teleporting to the same dimension with it (even if that doesn't work, you could built something like a teleporter-Room in another dimension and teleport from there)


also Dimensional Doors could work...

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linked books only works between worlds so you can't use linked book as a teleporter in the same world.

Best way to teleport are dimentiondoors but they are now expensive to build since you need worldthreads to make them. But they work in the same worlds or between worlds.

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You can teleport within the same dimension with mystcraft books, however you need to make the linking book with a linking panel with the Intra-dimensional modifier. This is done by adding stuff to the ink in the ink mixer. If I'm not mistaken, pulverized gold and silver have a pretty good chance to add intra-dimenisonal. Note however that it's not guaranteed to add it, and it may add other annoying shit like disarming.

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Use worldthreads (found in pocket dimension chests) and an ender peral to create a rift signature.  Create a linked rift at both locations using the rift signature.  Place a warp door on one of those rifts.  Once you go through it will create the matching warp door at the other end.

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Once you have some gold blocks, Quantum dust, and glacial machine you could make qcraft portals. http://www.computercraft.info/2013/12/19/qcraft-1-1-quantum-portals/


Dimensions are similar to nether portals except made with quantum blocks and glass and when energized are green instead of purple. With cooperation on both ends, thet can even be configured to go server to server, besides to another portal on the local server.


One problem you may run into is keeping the ice block frozen in some cases if too close to a torch or something. The one at my base is no problem, but something thaws ice at the portal I put at our safehouse near spawn. So I enclosed the iceblock in glass along with some cryo gel on top of it. That may not keep it from melting occasionally, but at least the cryo refreezes it and it can be energized again.

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  • 2 months later...
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I've tried making the Quantum Portal, but I get Frame Incomplete messages. I am absolutely sure I did the construction correctly. I researched and found a possible issue with the ice block ID, but little help otherwise.  Anyone else have a similar issue before I start tinkering?

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Farther down on https://sites.google.com/a/elinemedia.com/qcraft/wiki/qcraft/blocks-and-items explains how to make qcraft portals. Note that they can only go to the same dimension and both portals must be placed in same compass direction (they do not need to face each other, just same compass direction, assuming that the observation dependent blocks were made with gold on the sides you would enter portal from). In one case I put the gold and obsidian blocks on the wrong sides of some of the blocks, so had to destroy those ODB blocks and remake them correctly. They can also go to a different server if configured on both servers, but I have not tried that.


If the ice block melts that portal deactivates, but you can still teleport from another portal to that portal. In one case I could not figure out why the ice was melting, so I put glass panels around the ice and above it so I could put cryo gel above it. The ice would still melt at times, but then refreeze. The portal would deactivate while the ice was water. I could still teleport to the portal. But for return just had to make sure the ice was frozen and reactivate the portal.

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Hey, is there a way to build a teleport so i can travel betwen my Base and my new found continent its quite far away like 5 min by boat :( , cheked youtube but latest version of Tekkit doesnt seam to have Teleporter ? 

>Here you go.

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