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Hi to everyone reading this

So I've been playing some Attack Of the B-Team lately, and everything was going fine. Building a house, exploring, nothing out of the ordinary happened. Then I saw some games on sale on Steam, so I bought those and stopped with the modpack for a couple weeks. When I started playing this modpack again, I noticed that I was lagging badly. I'd get 10-15fps where I used to get 75-100 (No variance though, frames were steady). I've tried different worlds, both new and old, and it's always the same. I have 3GB allocated to it, but I've tried with 4, 5 and 15GB to see if anything changes, and it didn't. I've redownloaded the Modpack, but the lag is still there. I'm getting 90 fps on a super-flat world with every setting turned down when I should be getting 300+. I'm running an i7 3630Q (2.4 GHz), 16GB of RAM (standard DDR3 1600MHz) and a Geforce GT 650M. The only thing that I've changed recently is updating my Graphics Driver, but other games run fine. Any idea what could be causing this?

- *wild Roadrunner was here!* *blep blep!*

Edited by Munaus
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Sometimes there can be a huge difference on those midrange cards if it's a custom tweaked version from a manufacturer - for example a card with a 128-bit memory bus might be fitted with faster (non-standard) RAM to compensate if that's a bottleneck in the standard version (in this example, the GPU is too fast for its memory interface).  The reason this is relevant is that if you've got one of those cards with the manufacturer's drivers it'll run at the faster speed - but the standard nVidia drivers are unaware you have the fast VRAM, and they'll run at the slow speed.


The second thing that could be a cause is remnants of the previous graphics driver running when they shouldn't be - if you didn't restart after removing the previous driver before installing the new one then this is fairly common.  Some programs in this situation find the old references and try to use them, but almost nothing works (as the driver is mostly uninstalled) so almost everything falls back to slow compatibility versions.  To fix that, make sure you've got the drivers on the desktop (your resolution is going to be low when you restart and it'll be hard to find them otherwise), then remove all the drivers you have and reboot.  After the reboot you should be clean, and you can install the drivers from your desktop again.


Failing both using the manufacturer's drivers and a clean install, post up on the tracker with your logs (there's a link in my sig).

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Ah right - should've realised it was a laptop from the 3630q and 650M :D


Yes, the default there is selectable in the nVidia driver panel - Minecraft uses openGL rather than DirectX so it might be that openGL games aren't triggering the nVidia chip to take over while DirectX ones are (it's likely that Minecraft is the only non-DirectX game you're using).

Edited by Loader
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Ah right - should've realised it was a laptop from the 3630q and 650M :D


Yes, the default there is selectable in the nVidia driver panel - Minecraft uses openGL rather than DirectX so it might be that openGL games aren't triggering the nVidia chip to take over while DirectX ones are (it's likely that Minecraft is the only non-DirectX game you're using).


Could also be the integrated graphics doesnt support the other games being played for directx so it has no choice but to use nvidia, but nvidia says to default to integrated otherwise. Wouldn't be unheard of for integrated to fail to support DirectX 10+

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