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I wonder if someone is smart enough to make an HV solar panel factory fully automated with EE and buildcraft/industrialcraft. Can someone build one and show me how to and eventually put up an world save?

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I wonder if someone is smart enough to make an HV solar panel factory fully automated with EE and buildcraft/industrialcraft.


Can someone build one and show me how to and eventually put up an world save?



Lol, very nice answer DragnHntr, straight to the point... But I'll try it with constructive criticism, maybe there is still some hope:

There are many people here who are smart enough to do it, but do you really believe someone would spend hours building this, just to do you a favor because you are too lazy to try it yourself?

Why do you play technic/tekkit at all, if you have no interest in figuring out complicated setups on your own?

Try to be creative and ingenious, that's what technic is all about. If you get stuck somewhere, ask a specific question, and people here will gladly help you out. But don't ask them to do your work for you.

To get you started:

- if you want to use EE: Condensers for the basic materials

- a shitload of automatic crafting tables

- Advanced Insertion Pipes or Logistic Pipes to avoid overflow


Lol, very nice answer DragnHntr, straight to the point... But I'll try it with constructive criticism, maybe there is still some hope:

There are many people here who are smart enough to do it, but do you really believe someone would spend hours building this, just to do you a favor because you are too lazy to try it yourself?

Why do you play technic/tekkit at all, if you have no interest in figuring out complicated setups on your own?

Try to be creative and ingenious, that's what technic is all about. If you get stuck somewhere, ask a specific question, and people here will gladly help you out. But don't ask them to do your work for you.

To get you started:

- if you want to use EE: Condensers for the basic materials

- a shitload of automatic crafting tables

- Advanced Insertion Pipes or Logistic Pipes to avoid overflow

pretty much what this guy said.

I know it's been done though. I suggest googling.


Yeah I did it for normal solar panels, except the EE part... It was a major pain in the ass to figure out the placement of the automatic crafting tables, but it's definitely possible. I did it with normal buildcraft pipes + advanced insertions though, I think the version of technic I was playing at that time didn't have logistic pipes yet, or I just didn't know yet how awesome they are. Should be much easier with them...


Yeah I did it for normal solar panels, except the EE part... It was a major pain in the ass to figure out the placement of the automatic crafting tables, but it's definitely possible. I did it with normal buildcraft pipes + advanced insertions though, I think the version of technic I was playing at that time didn't have logistic pipes yet, or I just didn't know yet how awesome they are. Should be much easier with them...

it is ridiculously easier with them. you can stack the ACT's off to the side. Plus the network of crafting pipes looks awesome when stuff is going through it.


well, i am just wondering how its works and want to learn out of it since there are no logistic pipes. and what do you understand by "cheat"?


use redpower tubes wherever possible, they are MUCH better than BC pipes.

not better than logistic pipes. Those things are retarded awesome and take up less space than what would be required from RP.


use redpower tubes wherever possible, they are MUCH better than BC pipes.

Surely not with automatic crafting tables, and redpower tubes vs. logistic pipes is a matter of opinion / personal preferences.

I forgot that logistic pipes are not part of tekkit though...


I cannot wait for logistic pipes to come to smp, gonna be super awesome to set up a huge crafting/request network with my wife instead of a lonely ssp world. Alas, that doesn't help in this case as this is the tekkit section and there are currently no logistics pipes =p

I would agree that rp tubes would indeed be more useful then basic bc pipes for this purpose, especially since you can have the rp sorting machine wait for certain sets of items before pulling them, that would be ideal for auto-crafting in the absence of logi pipes, no? I have no practice with auto crafting sans logi pipes here, so I may be way off. Do tubes even play nice with auto crafting tables?


Do tubes even play nice with auto crafting tables?

When I last tried they did not, except for recipes whithout empty slots in the ACT ( 9 x iron = iron block etc.). For everything else they just spammed the empty slots with whatever you sent in. It has been a while though, maybe it got fixed in the meanwhile...


It's a bit awkward to persuade the right proportion of items to go to the right part of your system in tekkit atm but it's doable. You set up your automatic crafting tables next to chests and pipe all the input stuff into the chests instead of the ACT, that pretty much solves the items popping out all over the place issue.

The main problem with what you want is getting remotely the right proportions of raw materials into the system with EE. You can make what you want with condensers hooked up to collectors but trying to work out how many collectors of which type to which condenser to get the right ammount of that material compared to every other material will just give you a headache. (Remember to pull all items out of condensers with RP tubing NOT BC wooden pipes :) ).

I have an HV array factory set up but I lob the items into the system myself. Automating getting the right ammounts of everything in, be it from EE or quarries isn't worth the effort.


Exactly, the main problem besides figuring out the ACT layout is supplying the right amount of ressources. I did it the same way as you, I had an input chest surrounded by signs where I noted the necessary amounts of each item to craft 32 solar panels...

I thought about pulling the items with computercraft-controlled rp2-retrievers into chests next to the ACTs but never did it. As you said, it's too much of an effort, even for an automation-freak like me...


As for regular Solar Panels, LV Array, MV Array... a machine is not a problem it can be fully automated. The HV Array is a problem. I have already tried to do this, I even posted my machines on Youtube. My machine uses Buildcraft/BC Add pipes and auto crafting tables. The reason you can not make a HV Array in a auto crafting table is because Energy Crystals will not stack. Everything to make the HV Array can be auto crafted and sent back to an auto crafting table (except for the crystal) and the crystal sent to a chest. Manually place the crystal into the table and pull out the HV Array. I did use elec engines for ease of use, but it can be done with Buildcraft engines just as well with a bit more piping.

Otherwise have fun figuring out different ways of handling this process. I did it on SMP. I will say I used creative to build it and it was to show/prove it could be done. If you find/look at my video, that is fine. I suggest you try to build it yourself first. I had fun trying to build it and figure out the best setup for it.


For non-stacking items I thought you just pumped the items into a chest next to the auto-crafting table, then when you pull the target out of the table it replenishes the items from the chest.


I think the problem is that wooden pipes pull the finished item only out of ACTs if there are 2 pieces of each ingredient, which wouldn't be possible with energy crystals.

Not the case. I just tested it and it worked fine with 1 crystal in the table and extras in a chest touching it.


It's a bit awkward to persuade the right proportion of items to go to the right part of your system in tekkit atm but it's doable.

It's been a while since I've messed with redpower, but I was under the impression that the "buffer" was for instances like this.


Although I haven't done much with redpower yet, I have read up on it a lot. As I understand it, a retriever could be used to extract the exact amount of items you need. Could this not be used to automatically retrieve the required items?


For non-stacking items I thought you just pumped the items into a chest next to the auto-crafting table, then when you pull the target out of the table it replenishes the items from the chest.

This was something I did not know. Ok, the OP needs to do this instead of manually doing it like I did, they can do what I have quoted here and it will become automatic. We all learn something new everyday.

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