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Tekkit 3.0.3 Plugin discussion

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Im currently setting up a testserver for Tekkit 3.0.3 (before I migrate my real one to it) and I would like to try out some other Plugins.

On my old Tekkit 2 Server I run following (main) Plugins:


WorldEdit + WorldGuard (for anti-grief protection of areas)

Lockette (since LWC had serveral issues, for player chest protection)


ShowCaseStandalone (for more reliable Player-Shops, since the trade-o-mat was bugged)

NoCheat (although we had to disable a lot since we allow most of EE)

LogBlock (to identify griefers)

And for fun: Fakie, Jail

For Tekkit 3 Im planning to change my server-gameplay a bit. I dont want players to get infinite ressources without working that easily. So I plan to deactivate almost everything from EE via the mod_EE.props, only leaving the Phil. Stone. Also I would like to disable the UU-Matter Fab, since I dont want players to spam the world with solars to get infinite Ores or a Quantum Suite (since that makes them invulnerable and PvP senseless).

According to that, Im thinking of installing following plugins:

1. Some kind of permission handling (dividing users into groups like Admin, Mod, VIP, Member, Guest) -> PermissionsEx

But I notice that if I install it (PEX comes with Modifyworld and ChatManager) ModifyWorld and ChatManager seem to have issues. Edit: Issues fixed: You still need to enable them in their config files, default they are off.

2. Some kind of area protection. Since my users would like to have "Factions" together with WorldGuard.

3. Some kind of Grief-Protection or general improved logging system. Would you recommend Guardian? Or should I stay with Logblock?

4. Do I still need a Shop Plugin or did they fix the Trade-O-Mat bugging that hard?

5. Do I still need Lockette? Or is that feature integrated into "Factions"?

What Plugins do you run? Which do you recommend? Do you have answers to my questions?

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As far as EE goes, I wanted to do a similar thing - disable everything from EE except the alchemy bags, alchemy chests, and the divining rod. However the [tt]EE_props.cfg[/tt] config file doesn't let you disable the transmutation tablet. This means that your players can still generate diamonds out of thin air using cobblestone factories.

As far as permissions plugins go, PermissionsEX is apparently deprecated in favour of the "official" permissions plugin, PermissionsBukkit.

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However the [tt]EE_props.cfg[/tt] config file doesn't let you disable the transmutation tablet. This means that your players can still generate diamonds out of thin air using cobblestone factories.

Try setting the GUI values of each to 0. It works in 2.1 and maybe it still works for 3.0?


PortableTransmutationGUI=0 (Phil stone)

Has anyone tried ChopTree on 3.0 or know of an updated plugin like ChopTree that is compatible with the updated pack?

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Try setting the GUI values of each to 0. It works in 2.1 and maybe it still works for 3.0?


PortableTransmutationGUI=0 (Phil stone)

Has anyone tried ChopTree on 3.0 or know of an updated plugin like ChopTree that is compatible with the updated pack?

Grab ChopTree2

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I think pex is the best permissionsplugin for tekkit, simply because of modifyworld. Modifyworld can be hard to set up and cause problems if you are inexperienced, but if you know how then it's an excellent plugin for banning blocks or limiting their usage. For example - -modifyworld.items.have.132 (item id is tekkit 2) prevents the users from having transmutation tables in their inventory (if they do the item disappears).





        - -modifyworld.blocks.place.153

prevents users from placing down quarries in world called "NewWorld" while still allowing them to craft and carry them and place them down in another world,



  - -modifyworld.interact.207

prevents user group "Builder" to interact with computer craft computers while still allowing other groups to use them etc.

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I use GroupManager from Essentials, but that modifyworld permission is really tempting. I want to disable the IC2 armors and the UU matter stuff.

I also use Hawkeye for logging block changes and all kinds of other actions. Apparently it's really awesome, although I haven't had to 'use' it yet. lol

I've disabled EE altogether. Way too powerful IMO.

I use Towny for special protections. I don't think it handles PvP all that well, although it is an option. It's got some module called war where towns or nations can fight and destroy each others cities, etc. I'm using towny because it lets you set plots for sale and also does a tax system on the town and player plots. Kinda cool.

I use ChestShop for shops. Simple yet effective I think.

For economy I just use Essentials, although I've disabled almost all the commands. Our economy is gold ingot based. You can 'bank' your gold at special bank 'shops'. You can use the gold in your account to buy towny plots, pay tax, and buy from player shops. If you want to trade a physical player, you have to physically trade gold ingots for items. (note: you need to disable pigmen from dropping gold nuggets)

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I dont like the pvp of EE and IC2 because are too OVERPOWERED , no sense

only bronze have sense , with 30% more effective of Iron this is PVP , I suggest you use LWC you can integrate with Factions but i give full reasons that these MODS must not duplicate items... is something outside the normal.

Tekkit have more bug how do we solve them?

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ive noticed that the .80 version of towny doesnt for 3.0.3 . Anyone else get this working or have a better version?

Towny work's great, you just need to disable the version check to get it to work.

bypass_version_check: 'true'

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Towny is nice, but it protects by the chunk.

While I know it isn't the best, Residence has the best potential. I have used it on my server since the Beta map, when the map seed changed drastically enough to require a new map. Since it does cuboid protections, and allows you to set them three-dimensionally, set land to be leased or purchased, rentable, etc. it makes for a lot lower overhead admin-ways. Users can protect their own property by annexing land and paying with any Vault-compatible economy system.

Residences can also have subzones, so you can have a zone that's a whole city area, and zones nested inside for plots of land in the zone.

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Towny is nice, but it protects by the chunk.

While I know it isn't the best, Residence has the best potential. I have used it on my server since the Beta map, when the map seed changed drastically enough to require a new map. Since it does cuboid protections, and allows you to set them three-dimensionally, set land to be leased or purchased, rentable, etc. it makes for a lot lower overhead admin-ways. Users can protect their own property by annexing land and paying with any Vault-compatible economy system.

Residences can also have subzones, so you can have a zone that's a whole city area, and zones nested inside for plots of land in the zone.

I used to use the original Cuboid, than switched to WorldGuard and I agree, cuboidI based protection is much more advanced the only problem is people are lazy and don't want to learn how to type commands or what a cube is opposed to spamming a claim command.

I wish there was an item based land claim or gui to make it simpler.

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I used to use the original Cuboid, than switched to WorldGuard and I agree, cuboidI based protection is much more advanced the only problem is people are lazy and don't want to learn how to type commands or what a cube is opposed to spamming a claim command.

I wish there was an item based land claim or gui to make it simpler.

It is, cuboid selection in Residence works with a wood axe, (or I made it a wood shovel to not conflict with WorldEdit), left-click 1 point, right-click the diagonally opposite, /res create [zone_name]. Simple. Want bedrock to sky? /res select vert

The point is its self-serve area protection.

There are very, very few self-serve protections out there. Only other one I would consider is BananaRegions, which is done with fences and a sign.

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