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IGN: CorSolider

Age: 28

(yup I am old indeed)

Country: U.S.A

Language: English

Suggestion for the server: profanity filter of sorts, if you can ban item I would assume you can get an add-on to `bad words` since there seems to be minors who play as well. I would say doing this might increase the amount of people who play or even worth of mouth that the sever is `minor friendly`

(Saw the f word dropped at least 10 times since i got on less then 24 hours ago as I post this on there, and I see some kids asking to be members on this thread as is so, figured it wouldn't hurt.)

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Server Suggestion:There needs to be more mods to help people on the server because none of them are ever on plz fix this promlem I will be a newbie mod if u want with no commands i will donate if i get the class if u r hiring :P thx




Server Suggestion:There needs to be more mods to help people on the server because none of them are ever on plz fix this promlem I will be a newbie mod if u want with no commands i will donate if i get the class if u r hiring :P thx


  "Miguel S said:

IGN: Snivy_Fisc


Suggestion for the server: Leave everything as it is, it's already amazing to me.

  "realsuperluke said:


Server Suggestion:There needs to be more mods to help people on the server because none of them are ever on plz fix this promlem I will be a newbie mod if u want with no commands i will donate if i get the class if u r hiring :P thx

  "Corneilla said:

IGN: CorSolider

Age: 28

(yup I am old indeed)

Country: U.S.A

Language: English

Suggestion for the server: profanity filter of sorts, if you can ban item I would assume you can get an add-on to `bad words` since there seems to be minors who play as well. I would say doing this might increase the amount of people who play or even worth of mouth that the sever is `minor friendly`

(Saw the f word dropped at least 10 times since i got on less then 24 hours ago as I post this on there, and I see some kids asking to be members on this thread as is so, figured it wouldn't hurt.)

  "ollie299792458 said:



Suggestion for the server:I was on this server a while back and never got round to applying, back then it was awesome and now it is even better, however it would be a good idea to make more portals in the survival spawn to more far flung places


  "Exoforce said:
Hi, my IGN is QuickSliver98 and I'm reporting an error. About a week or 2 ago i stopped playing on the server as much, and today I came back on to play. I had been experiencing some strange behavior from my IC2 machines earlier, so i was moving them. When i attempted to access a chest of mine, I got an error: Java.util.zip.Zipexception File not in GZIP format. I then logged back in and tried accessing the chest a few more times. Still not being able to access the chest, I stupidly attempted to break it without first alerting an admin to help. Once the chest was broken, the items spilled out regularly for about 1.5 seconds, and i thought i was alright, but then i got the same Zipexception error as before, and have not been able to log in since about 12 PM CST. I waited 20 minutes, thinking that when the items went away, everything would go back to normal (The items in the chest were not particularly important... I don't even know what they were...) After waiting an hour and a half, and still not being able to log in, i googled the problem. Many forums also report the problem pertaining to RailCraft, and suggest putting the level in MC Edit, and other programs, but I'm sure that the admins of this server have experienced this problem before and know how to fix it. Even if I lose everything and the chunk my home is built on must be deleted, along with all my items, I would love assistance in getting back into the server, so i can start playing again. I do not know the exact coordinates of my home/plot, but it is very near the desert spawn, and near the water. The house is partially built and was under deconstruction when the error occurred, and is made of marble brick, and has the green repelling torches on it. At the least could some admin force me to spawn at the Spawn instead of my home? I dont know how to fix the error, but any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks staff of Ethereal for making such a great server! I hope this error can be resolved and I can continue playing! I would hate to lose all my precious items and have to restart on some other inferior server :C Thanks for reading and I hope you can help! quicksliver98

Fixed, unfortunately had to delete your player file to fix so you'll be in spawn with nothing in your inventory. :(


In-Game Name: Singleboy94


Experience with Tekkit: newbie,I just bought the game 2 weeks ago and Im trying to improve and being part of this server will really help allot


In-Game Name: Aceiam2112

Age: 18

Experience with Tekkit: Sorting systems, basic nuclear power understanding. For a single answer I would say basic.

Additional Notes: I joined the world of Tekkit less than a week ago, bought mine craft that same day. Over the various servers and people I have run into

during my very limited experience I have noticed that the community on this server is pristine. Most other servers are riddled with greifing, and various trolls

which the admins are either no where to be found or simply ignore your request for help. At one point during my play on this server I mentioned having being

greifed/trolled and without requesting any assistance what-so-ever an admin (Dragon) was there by my side. The damage that said greifer had caused had

already been repaired but the fact is that this server has a GREAT community and I love the layout of the world I'm in whilst playing.

ALL THAT SAID. Hopefully depending on how the bank statement looks I will be donating next pay check :D


__To become a member apply with the following:__

IGN: snowslion


Suggestion for the server:not at the moment exept making a pvp area

Experiences with tekket: got it last night but i have learn fast and tekkets coming like cake

read the rules:yes of course


  "snowslion said:

__To become a member apply with the following:__

IGN: snowslion


Suggestion for the server:not at the moment exept making a pvp area

Experiences with tekket: got it last night but i have learn fast and tekkets coming like cake

read the rules:yes of course

"Coming like cake"


Anyway, promo'd.


Something should really be done about the lag on the server its honestly the most off putting thing about it, because when this bad boy starts lagging (near daily) it lags hard


In-Game Name: RsubZero

Age: 14

Experience with Tekkit: I started playing Tekkit about a week or two ago on this server, I have got comfortable with it not 100% but Im getting there.

Did you read the rules?: Of course i did its the best thing about this server, that everyone obeys the rules, and i wouldn't dream of brakeing the rules


This is the best Tekkit server i have ever been on by far.


  "Dalinoth said:
Something should really be done about the lag on the server its honestly the most off putting thing about it, because when this bad boy starts lagging (near daily) it lags hard

Aye, we need something to restart the server every couple hours or so...


IGN: quicksliver98

Hiya, its quicksliver here again, and I'd like to thank Cylek for helping me out, I can log in fine now, and Enginekid helped me get my items back. Thanks for the for the help! When I first came to the server, i had never played Tekkit before, and I was pretty apprehensive... I always thought that i liked the more vanilla-y Minecraft, as I have spent months perfecting my own Minecraft server. But when I came to this server, the admins helped me from the start, taught me how to begin playing, and referred me to helpful sites, such as the Tekkit wiki, and I really came to like Tekkit. A few days after I started I decided to look into other servers, trying to keep my eyes open... But after going to around 16 other servers i realized that the first one, Ethereal was by far the best. The admins on other servers were abusive and un-helpful, and on one particularly bad server when I logged in the admins were spawning Enderdragons and Nukes, and using Redmatter swords on everyone when they spawned... nobody even had a chance to walk more than 200 feet from the spawn point. So I came back to Ethereal, and have been playing here off and on for about the past month. I've come to be freinds wit hmost of the admins (I hope? :D lol), and I love helping other people get started as I still have the feeling... Just yesterday I was asking how to start up a quarry and I was feeling stupid for hours before i realized I hadn't done /trust [buildcraft] I've had a great time so far, helping people like currystain (applied for member on page 148) get started, and learning the particulars of Tekkit myself. As I mentioned above, I used to run a Minecraft server for a few months(I haven't gone back to it since I started Tekkit xD), and I already have experience with Bukkit, plugins, and admining on servers. I was hoping that the great admins here would at least consider letting me try out Trainee, even if I don't have any extra permissions, even if just so new players can know that I'm more trustworthy and can help them learn how to play. I play on donating at the earliest opportunity, as I'm getting a job soon(less than 2 months hopefully), and then I'll have an amount of income that I can spend on worthy causes like this wonderful server.

Also, I as well know about servers not working as well after a few hours, based on my experience with my 42 plugin Bukkit server, and I could suggest some great Restart plugins if you'd like. I tried a few and finally settled on one that worked great for me, with configurable restarts and messages, as well as automatic restarts when ram is low.

I hope to hear back from ya'll!

Greetings from Texas, quicksliver98, out.


This is an Official warning.

I am installing Worldborder on Monday, with the radius set to 20k.

This is because the world file is getting too big. Players like Mrfatpony are to blame(sitting at x180k by z180k.)

This is your warning, move your house or it will be deleted.

Edit: If I see this happen in resource world aswell, there will be a border for that too.

People are complaining about lag, stop loading so much of the world at once by going out several thousand blocks.


Why was i banned for having blacklisted items they weren't mine they were sucers..He lived with me he had them locked I couldn't use them and even if i could i wouldn't when sucer comes on tell him..They were not mine.


  "Currystain50 said:
In-Game Name: Currystain50

Age: 12

Experience with Tekkit: 2-5 days still learning but managing

Did you read the rules?: yes



In-Game Name: crazydude5

Age: 22

Experience with Tekkit: I've played for about 8 1/2 months, but I am still sort of a tiny bit of a noob.

Did you read the rules?: Yes


In-game Name: ccoop95

Age: 17

Experience with Tekkit: Nor More.. I am a new Tekkit Player!

Did you Read the rules: Yes i have read all rules!

I am playing in your server 4 bays i think! I am trying to lern as mutch as i can about tekkit! And it seems that i learning!! :)


  "pelon2016 said:
Why was i banned for having blacklisted items they weren't mine they were sucers..He lived with me he had them locked I couldn't use them and even if i could i wouldn't when sucer comes on tell him..They were not mine.

I know how u feel i got banned instantly even though Terminator has had over 5 chances and he has never been perm banned even though i got perm banned for giving my friend a diamond pickaxe


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