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The Adventures of le moi, by Yours Truly


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WARNING: If you find 14 year old adventures boring, retarded or stupid, please either gtfo from this thread or don't post flames.

So, hello. I just want to blow off some steam and chat about my retarded class.

Meet the class. It's made up of 3 groups, gamers, retarded, and girls. There are 11 girls and 7 boys in the class, making the total 18. There are 3 gamers, 5 retarded people and 11 girls. I am a gamer.

So, everyday when i come to school, I bring my 3 laptops. The msi one for the tekkit server, my old one (Dell) for academic uses (Word, Powerpoint etc.) and the gaming laptop for games (Usually Portal 2, Minecraft etc). Reason I don't bring just my gaming laptop is because my crush uses one (see Romantic Advice) and I don't want to waste CPU+RAM on the server, when i can just bring a small-ass 10" laptop. I also bring a power splitter with 4 outputs and another one with 2 outputs (For my other gamer friends). The only friends I have are the other 2 gamers, the retarded and 2 of the girls (That'll be my crush, and another girl who's my friend). These are my tales of the class.

Story 1: A Fail

One day (30th May) I was a-playing with my buds when they suddenly had a funny idea (which isn't funny): That they shout out what they need IN CLASS. Let's just say, the teacher didn't really like it. When he started walking towards them, they panicked, but I just crashed their MCs so they'll crash into the background (They don't really know much about evasive techniques). So when he found nothing at their end, and started walking towards me, I just quickly pressed the touchpad with 3 fingers, and a batch file I wrote smartly killed the minecraft server on the msi laptop, and killed minecraft on mine and ran Word with the latest date + subject. I quickly typed everything on the board (which isn't much) and when the teacher came to my desk, he just glanced at my keyboard and wore an expression sort of like this:


Which made me laff. Needless to say, I got kicked out of class for the lesson and I never, ever laughed at his fails ever again.

Story 2: A Misunderstanding

The other day I was playing Technic on my own, building a nice musket round factory, when I happened to switch out of the computer and actually listen to the teacher. They were talking about the class (since it was PSHE, where the class tutor sits down with the class and talks to them about the class's problems and shit) and I happened to come across the phrase "This class is the most boring, banal class I ever saw!", which made me laugh out loud. Everyone turned to me (since they thought it was boring as well) and I just said, "Well, if you don't do anything, of course it'll be boring, you actually have to do something in order to have fun, as they call it." and she (apparently it was my crush) just turned around, stared at me with the devil's stare (somewhat like this: ) and I just started again, "And also, the fact that you're calling the class BORING is like saying the sun is a kilometer big. It just isn't. You always talk, draw, doodle, and even more social things I don't need every damn day, and you call this class boring? You know what's boring? Coding. Coding is boring. If you don't have anything to code for, why code? It's a loss-loss situation." and then I just shut up and returned the stare. It was long, and drained lots of energy, but I made it. She finally backed down and sighed.

I win.

*more soon*

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Story No. 3: The Film

So, yesterday we were filming a project for Literature class. Everyone volunteered for their fav parts, and the gay.

Result: KGcwG.jpg



At least one thing came out good, we found out the literature teacher is a pedophile.


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This series of posts/entries are very depressing if this is where humanity is heading. I didn't get my first girlfriend until I was late in highscool. Its gotten so bad, we have illiterate, extremely poor welfare milkers pumping out babies at 15, taking the taxpayers money. We as a civilisation are devolving at a trumendous pace. And then that gay, I thought it was bad in my day, this is horrifying.

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Why, in the name of god, would you keller me again?

There are no rules here, and I was just posting about my retarded class!

Because you shitpost everywhere. All of the time. every board in this forum is bloated with incredibly inane things that you've said.
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I know someone who is openly gay. I call him Steve.

Because that's his bloody name and his sexual preferences are not his identity.

I don't call him the gay, I just categorize everyone. (Stupid, gamers, girls etc.) You may think that's primitive, but imo it works pretty fine, if I happen to forget one of their names (and 2 years with them still hasn't made me remember) I just look at my lists and I see. Reason I call the stupid the retarded, is because they really are retarded. Not as in, dyslexic, but actually fucking retarded. They don't listen to the teacher and play on their iPods and iPhones all day long and in the end, a day before a fucking exam that'll doom you, they shout at the headmaster that the teacher isn't teaching them well.

Oh. Thank fuck for that. I thought he was stalking me.

Oh, don't worry. I am stalking you. :w00t:

I don't really call him the gay, he's not really gay after all. I just don't have another word in my vocabulary that fits well. (But he did volunteer for that part in the film)

So don't hate.

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I don't call him the gay, I just categorize everyone. (Stupid, gamers, girls etc.) You may think that's primitive, but imo it works pretty fine, if I happen to forget one of their names (and 2 years with them still hasn't made me remember) I just look at my lists and I see. Reason I call the stupid the retarded, is because they really are retarded. Not as in, dyslexic, but actually fucking retarded. They don't listen to the teacher and play on their iPods and iPhones all day long and in the end, a day before a fucking exam that'll doom you, they shout at the headmaster that the teacher isn't teaching them well.

So let me get this straight, they are "actually fucking retarded" but they have the intelligence to play the system? So what you are saying is that they are assholes, not victims of down syndrome, or some other mental defect. Being a 14 year doesn't exclude you from being "the stupid". You are not allowed to be ignorant just because you are young. When i was 16 I got my first black eye for saying "sup nigga" to my black friend. He apologized later, explained why I shouldn't do that shit and we got along swell till we parted ways at the end of high school.

You are a child, you are acting like a child, and you deserve your shiny pink name.

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define:retarded - "The word retarded in slang means to get stupid; just act how you want to; dance like you don't know what you're doing. One normally becomes "retarded" after popping an ecstasy pill or doing some sort of drug."


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I'm gonna suggest to you, theguy, that you may want to start up a blog for this kind of shit. additionally these forums aren't said blog. I'm sure there's someone or even someones who really want to hear about your love life, the names of your girlfriends, their ages, their drinking habits, your schoolyard shenanigans, and what you ate for lunch. I'm going to take a wild guess and say that the vast majority of people who read these forums don't fall into that category.

I really don't know what you're trying to accomplish with this kind of thing. maybe you're trying to "fit in", or maybe you want to be one of the "cool kids" or be accepted somehow by an amorphous internet group. whatever it is, you're not succeeding. unless you're really, really trying to get banned, in which case you're doing great and keep up the good work. the only reason you are still posting is that you actually do make decent posts sometimes that are helpful and relevant. however you fluctuate wildly between good posts and absolute shit posts. less shit like this, more good posts.

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Thank you, for a decent post that was actually flameless. I do try my best, (even if I don't show it), I don't want to get banned because this forum is the only decent one that has to do with mc and technic. I salute kake & co. for making this piece of wonderful technology.

I just wanted to share what a stupid class I have, and that's it.

So, more good posts, less bad posts. :)

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Thank you, for a decent post that was actually flameless. I do try my best, (even if I don't show it), I don't want to get banned because this forum is the only decent one that has to do with mc and technic. I salute kake & co. for making this piece of wonderful technology.

I just wanted to share what a stupid class I have, and that's it.

So, more good posts, less bad posts. :)

My final post here, as you dont seem to want help.

define: retarded [mentally retarded persons collectively (usually preceded by the ): new schools for the retarded.]

When you use the "urban" dictionary for your definitions you are bound to not be very bright. Thats my parting advice for you.

Grow up.

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